[TSP], 22th of October 2007: tlinker is a small utility script I use to attach packages to Starkits. It takes up two arguments, first being the package name, and second being the .vfs directory. ====== catch {package require fubar} if { $argc != 2 } { puts "Usage: tlinker " exit 1 } set package [lindex $argv 0] set vfs [lindex $argv 1] set versions [package versions $package] if { "$versions" == {}} { puts stderr "tlinker: $package: no such package" exit 1 } set res [package ifneeded $package [lindex $versions 0]] set r [file tail [lindex $res 1]] file mkdir $vfs/lib file copy $r $vfs/lib ====== ---- [RS] Some notes: * For real platform independence, Tcl has [file copy]. * And you can make sure the directory exists by calling [file mkdir] - it is a no-op if it exists, and creates it otherwise. * The [regexp] seems to do the work of [file tail]? ---- [TSP] Hmm. I guess I should read the [file] manpage more carefully next time :D Applied changes ([file copy], [file mkdir], [file tail]). <> Tclkit