Version 3 of tlistbox

Updated 2019-10-24 19:37:00 by DDG


DDG 2019-10-24: A snidget that is a listbox widget based on tablelist. In comparison to the standard listbox widget it has multiline text support and it can display on top a search entry for dynamic text search. It is in fact a tablelist widget with only one visible and one hidden column, the latter should be used for the -data option.

tlistbox demo

The **tlistbox** widget filled with some search items, which can be hard wrapped using newlines or soft wrapped if the widget is resized.


Here the search entry is used for searching **tlistbox** entries:


Example code

Here is the code to generate the example:

package require dgw::tlistbox
namespace import ::dgw::tlistbox
set data { {"B. Gates:\nThe Windows Operating System" "Hidden Data"} 
       {"L. Thorwalds: The Linux Operating System"} 
       {"C. Nemethi's: Tablelist Programmers Guide"}
       {"J. Ousterhout: The Tcl/Tk Programming Language"}
proc click {tbl idx} {
     puts [$tbl itemcget $idx -text]
tlistbox .tl -listvariable data -browsecmd click -searchentry true
lappend data {"A. Anonymous: Some thing else matters"}
.tl insert end {"L. Wall: The Perl Programming Language" "1987"}
pack .tl -side top -fill both -expand yes
.tl itemconfigure end -foreground red
.tl itemconfigure end -data Hello
puts "Hello? [.tl itemcget end -data] - yes!"

See also