Toolbar is a pretty common term. So the reader should not be surprised if they find various ways of creating such a thing. [CL] adds that it's not just a common term; it's also the kind of construction [Tk] (among other toolkits) makes easy, so it's been implemented over and over (and over. and over). As [Victor Wagner] once posted, "just ... [pack] (or [grid]) some [button]s into [frame], [bind] and items to change images. I doubt that making this a package would be simpler, than hacking it on the spot with core Tk commands." ---- For instance, [Iwidgets] has a toolbar command: [] Docs can be found at and ---- provides dockable toolbars. See also [ClassyTk] (and [mkImagesPane] for code that could be used to create a toolbar). ---- [Bwidget] has a MainFrame widget, which includes a toolbar created as a ButtonBox (a series of Bwidget buttons). ---- [MG] is playing around with a [Customizable Toolbar Widget] on Dec 21 2005. ---- [xf] implements a toolbar. ---- Cameron is experimenting with a reference to [|%this image%|%]. ---- [Category Command], a part of [incr Widgets] - [Category GUI] ---- By [jesperj] (12 may 2010): There is a button style for making toolbars in ttk, simply named "Toolbutton", which provides a button which has flat appearance when in normal state, and raised when mouse is over the button, similar to for example gtk toolbars. '''Example 1''' toolbartest.tcl: ====== package require Tk # Try to change the theme to see how it affects the look of the "Toolbutton" style. # For example try "alt" and "clam" ttk::style theme use clam ttk::frame .box ttk::button .box.tbutton1 -text "New" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" ttk::button .box.tbutton2 -text "Open" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" ttk::button .box.tbutton3 -text "Save" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" ttk::separator .box.separator1 -orient vertical ttk::button .box.tbutton4 -text "Print" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" ttk::separator .box.separator2 -orient vertical ttk::button .box.tbutton5 -text "Undo" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" ttk::button .box.tbutton6 -text "Redo" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" ttk::separator .box.separator3 -orient vertical ttk::button .box.tbutton7 -text "Cut" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" ttk::button .box.tbutton8 -text "Copy" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" ttk::button .box.tbutton9 -text "Paste" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" ttk::separator .box.separator4 -orient vertical ttk::button .box.tbutton10 -text "Search" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" ttk::button .box.tbutton11 -text "Replace" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" ttk::label .box.tfill text .box.textarea grid .box.tbutton1 -row 0 -column 0 -pady 3 -padx 0 grid .box.tbutton2 -row 0 -column 1 -pady 3 -padx 2 grid .box.tbutton3 -row 0 -column 2 -pady 3 -padx 2 grid .box.separator1 -row 0 -column 3 -pady 7 -padx 2 -sticky news grid .box.tbutton4 -row 0 -column 4 -pady 3 -padx 0 grid .box.separator2 -row 0 -column 5 -pady 7 -padx 2 -sticky news grid .box.tbutton5 -row 0 -column 6 -pady 3 -padx 2 grid .box.tbutton6 -row 0 -column 7 -pady 3 -padx 2 grid .box.separator3 -row 0 -column 8 -pady 7 -padx 2 -sticky news grid .box.tbutton7 -row 0 -column 9 -pady 3 -padx 2 grid .box.tbutton8 -row 0 -column 10 -pady 3 -padx 2 grid .box.tbutton9 -row 0 -column 11 -pady 3 -padx 2 grid .box.separator4 -row 0 -column 12 -pady 7 -padx 2 -sticky news grid .box.tbutton10 -row 0 -column 13 -pady 3 -padx 2 grid .box.tbutton11 -row 0 -column 14 -pady 3 -padx 2 grid .box.tfill -row 0 -column 15 -pady 3 -padx 0 -sticky ew grid .box.textarea -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ewns -columnspan 20 grid .box -sticky news grid columnconfigure .box 15 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure .box 1 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1 ====== Screenshot: [jesperj_toolbar_example1.png] '''Example 2''' This toolbar example uses the tango icons available from toolbartest2.tcl: ====== package require Tk # Needed for .png image support. package require Img # Try to change the theme to see how it affects the look of the "Toolbutton" style. # For example try "alt" and "clam" ttk::style theme use clam image create photo icon_new -file tango-icon-theme-0.8.90/22x22/actions/document-new.png image create photo icon_open -file tango-icon-theme-0.8.90/22x22/actions/document-open.png image create photo icon_save -file tango-icon-theme-0.8.90/22x22/actions/document-save.png image create photo icon_print -file tango-icon-theme-0.8.90/22x22/actions/document-print.png image create photo icon_undo -file tango-icon-theme-0.8.90/22x22/actions/edit-undo.png image create photo icon_redo -file tango-icon-theme-0.8.90/22x22/actions/edit-redo.png image create photo icon_cut -file tango-icon-theme-0.8.90/22x22/actions/edit-cut.png image create photo icon_copy -file tango-icon-theme-0.8.90/22x22/actions/edit-copy.png image create photo icon_paste -file tango-icon-theme-0.8.90/22x22/actions/edit-paste.png image create photo icon_search -file tango-icon-theme-0.8.90/22x22/actions/edit-find.png image create photo icon_replace -file tango-icon-theme-0.8.90/22x22/actions/edit-find-replace.png ttk::frame .box ttk::button .box.tbutton1 -text "New" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" -compound top -image icon_new ttk::button .box.tbutton2 -text "Open" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" -compound top -image icon_open ttk::button .box.tbutton3 -text "Save" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" -compound top -image icon_save ttk::separator .box.separator1 -orient vertical ttk::button .box.tbutton4 -text "Print" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" -compound top -image icon_print ttk::separator .box.separator2 -orient vertical ttk::button .box.tbutton5 -text "Undo" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" -compound top -image icon_undo ttk::button .box.tbutton6 -text "Redo" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" -compound top -image icon_redo ttk::separator .box.separator3 -orient vertical ttk::button .box.tbutton7 -text "Cut" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" -compound top -image icon_cut ttk::button .box.tbutton8 -text "Copy" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" -compound top -image icon_copy ttk::button .box.tbutton9 -text "Paste" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" -compound top -image icon_paste ttk::separator .box.separator4 -orient vertical ttk::button .box.tbutton10 -text "Search" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" -compound top -image icon_search ttk::button .box.tbutton11 -text "Replace" -command {} -style "Toolbutton" -compound top -image icon_replace ttk::label .box.tfill text .box.textarea grid .box.tbutton1 -row 0 -column 0 -pady 3 -padx 0 grid .box.tbutton2 -row 0 -column 1 -pady 3 -padx 2 grid .box.tbutton3 -row 0 -column 2 -pady 3 -padx 2 grid .box.separator1 -row 0 -column 3 -pady 7 -padx 2 -sticky news grid .box.tbutton4 -row 0 -column 4 -pady 3 -padx 0 grid .box.separator2 -row 0 -column 5 -pady 7 -padx 2 -sticky news grid .box.tbutton5 -row 0 -column 6 -pady 3 -padx 2 grid .box.tbutton6 -row 0 -column 7 -pady 3 -padx 2 grid .box.separator3 -row 0 -column 8 -pady 7 -padx 2 -sticky news grid .box.tbutton7 -row 0 -column 9 -pady 3 -padx 2 grid .box.tbutton8 -row 0 -column 10 -pady 3 -padx 2 grid .box.tbutton9 -row 0 -column 11 -pady 3 -padx 2 grid .box.separator4 -row 0 -column 12 -pady 7 -padx 2 -sticky news grid .box.tbutton10 -row 0 -column 13 -pady 3 -padx 2 grid .box.tbutton11 -row 0 -column 14 -pady 3 -padx 2 grid .box.tfill -row 0 -column 15 -pady 3 -padx 0 -sticky ew grid .box.textarea -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ewns -columnspan 20 grid .box -sticky news grid columnconfigure .box 15 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure .box 1 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1 ====== Screenshot: [jesperj_toolbar_example2.png] ----