Version 32 of toplevel

Updated 2005-02-16 15:43:15 by lwv

Documentation for Tk's toplevel command can be found at

The toplevel . is created when Tk is initialized.

DKF notes that, "toplevels on UNIX/X are really a collection of several windows; the window you draw on (which is what [winfo id] will tell you), another window for a menubar (if you've installed one) and a third one to contain the other two. If you do 'xwininfo -tree' you should be able to find out what's *really* going on."

Martin Lemburg: How can I detect if a widget is a toplevel? If I ask a widget for its class, this will fail e.g. at the root widget, because it doesn't return "Toplevel", but "Wish83". And toplevels could be given a class differing from "Toplevel" during their creation. So ... how can I detect a toplevel?


   [winfo toplevel .]

returns . whereas

   [winfo toplevel .someothertoplevel]

returns .someothertoplevel

MGS - In other words:

   proc istoplevel {W} {
     return [string equal [winfo toplevel $W] $W]

MGS [2003/05/08] - Actually, does a menu count as a toplevel? Probably not (in many cases). So how about this? Toplevels can have a -menu option ...

   proc isToplevel {W} {
     return [expr {[string equal [winfo toplevel $W] $W] &&
                  ![catch {$W cget -menu}]}]

Q. How can I get widget path of all my toplevel windows ?

MGS [2003/08/02] - There is no automatic way, so have to do the work yourself. Try this proc for starters:

 proc toplist {{W .}} {

   set list {}

   if { [string equal [winfo toplevel $W] $W] } {
     lappend list $W

   foreach w [winfo children $W] {
     set list [concat $list [toplist $w]]

   return $list


Then you can use:

  set toplist [toplist]

for a list of all toplevel windows (NOTE: this includes menus as well as strict toplevel windows)

  set toplist [toplist .toplevel]

for a list of toplevel windows which are descendants of window .toplevel

MG Aug 31 2004 - That isn't quite true; your toplist there doesn't include the window '.' . This should give a complete list of toplevels...

  proc toplist2 {} {

    set list {}
    foreach x ". [winfo children .]" {
             if { $x eq [winfo toplevel $x] && [catch {$x cget -tearoff}] } {
                  lappend list $x
    return $list;
  };# toplist2

RS notes that:

   if { [string equal [winfo toplevel $W] $W] } {

can, using expr string comparison, be simplified to

   if {[winfo toplevel $W] eq $W} {

Note: This require Tk 8.4+

MGS [2003/08/24] - Of course there's always wm stackorder, but it only returns mapped windows.

How does one delete a toplevel?

MG Aug 30th 2004 - Just destroy it, with

 destroy $toplevelWindow

LV Feb 16, 2005

How does one set the default font for a toplevel? This may sound ridiculous. However, it appears that the XIM software uses the font of the highest level window with which it is associated. So to change the font of the input method window, somehow a font has to be associated with the Tk toplevel. Any ideas on how we could do that?

See also:

Category Widget | Category Command | Tk syntax help | Arts and Crafts of Tcl-Tk Programming