This is the [tree]view widget of the [Tile] widget set. The treeview widget is intended to provide something that's a little more powerful (and faster) than the [BWidget::Tree] widget, and a little bit simpler to use (though less powerful) than the [TkTreeCtrl] widget. ---- The screenshot below shows the treeview as part of a larger program (using the ''clam'' theme). There is a header and 6 entries (where two are one level down). [] ---- The basics of this widget are: package require tile tile::setTheme clam # create it: ttk::treeview .tree pack .tree -expand 1 -fill both # insert an entry at the root level: set entry1 [.tree insert {} end -text "first item"] # and a second one: set entry2 [.tree insert {} end -text "second item"] # insert a new level with entry1 as parent: .tree insert $entry1 end -text "a sublevel" # insert another item under this one: .tree insert $entry1 end -text "another item" # suppose, one item is selected. # we can then delete it thus: .tree delete [.tree selection] ---- [BAS] # Also, to add the heading: .tree heading #0 -text Features # I also like the heading a little closer to the frame .tree configure -padding {0 0 0 0} ---- [SLB] For an example of how to implement sorting in treeview see [Tile Table] ---- [Sarnold] uses a BWidget [Tree] in which some data is associated with each entry. '''ttk::treeview''' does not seem - to my great surprise - to handle other data than the text. Is it true ? Is adding such a feature planned ? ---- [JH] I found the old-school border style of treeview on xpnative to be unsatisfactory. Pat pointed out this helpful alternative layout: ttk::style layout Treeview { Entry.field -sticky news -border 2 -children { Treeview.padding -sticky news -children { Treeview.treearea -sticky news } } } You can remove the Entry.field outer part to have purely no border as well. This is good when wrapping it in something like widget::scrolledwindow. ----- [MAKR] 2009-05-22: [Inplace edit in ttk::treeview] is another example, how to use this widget. [RLH] Is the "arrow" the only option for the toggle? ----- !!!!!! %| [Category Example] | [Category Widget] |% !!!!!!