From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In computer science, a ''trie'' [], or ''prefix tree'', is an ordered tree data structure that is used to store an associative array where the keys are usually strings. Unlike a binary search tree, no node in the tree stores the key associated with that node; instead, its position in the tree shows what key it is associated with. All the descendants of any one node have a common prefix of the string associated with that node, and the root is associated with the empty string. Values are normally not associated with every node, only with leaves and some inner nodes that happen to correspond to keys of interest. ---- [NaviServer] uses a ''trie'' for url dispatching: * See also: * [A Hashing Trie in Tcl] ---- [NEM] 2008-06-09: Here's a very simplistic ''trie'' implementation based on straight-forward use of nested [dict]s (typically a trie in [C] or [Java] would instead using a fixed-size array and indexing directly based on character (e.g. restricting words to contain only characters a-z)): ====== # trie.tcl -- # # Simple implementation of tries in Tcl. # package require Tcl 8.5 package provide trie 0.3 namespace eval ::trie { namespace export {[a-z]*} namespace ensemble create # create an empty trie proc create {} { dict create } # add a word to a trie contained in trieVar proc add {trieVar word} { upvar 1 $trieVar trie dict set trie {*}[split $word ""] END {} } # check if a given word is contained in a trie proc contains {trie word} { dict exists $trie {*}[split $word ""] END } # get the sub-trie of all words corresponding to a given prefix proc get {trie {prefix ""}} { if {$prefix eq ""} { return $trie } if {![dict exists $trie {*}[split $prefix ""]]} { return {} } dict get $trie {*}[split $prefix ""] } # iterate through all words in a trie calling a callback for each one. The # callback will be called with the string of each word. proc words {trie cmd {prefix ""}} { set tries [list [get $trie $prefix] $prefix] set i 0 while {[llength $tries] > $i} { set trie [lindex $tries $i] set prefix [lindex $tries [incr i]] # set tries [lassign $tries trie prefix] ;# VERY slow! if {[dict exists $trie END]} { uplevel 1 [linsert $cmd end $prefix] } dict for {k v} $trie { lappend tries $v $prefix$k } incr i } } # remove a word from a trie proc remove {trieVar word} { upvar 1 $trieVar trie if {![contains $trie $word]} { return } dict unset trie {*}[split $word ""] END # Could/should compact the trie at this point if no other words with # this word as a prefix. } # count the number of words in the trie proc size {trie {prefix ""}} { set count 0 words $trie count $prefix return $count } # private helpers proc count {args} { upvar 1 count var incr var } } ====== And a quick test/demo: ====== proc test {} { set t [trie create] foreach word {howdy hello who where what when why how} { trie add t $word } puts "t = $t" puts "words:" trie words $t puts puts "all wh- words:" trie words $t puts "wh" trie remove t how puts "now:" trie words $t {lappend words} puts [join $words ", "] } # A bigger test -- read all words in a text into the trie proc read-trie file { set t [trie create] set in [open $file r] while {[gets $in line] >= 0} { foreach word [regexp -all -inline {[a-zA-Z]+} $line] { trie add t $word } } return $t } set t [read-trie ~/Desktop/ulyss12.txt] ;# James Joyce's Ulysses puts "size = [trie size $t]" dict for {k v} $trie { puts "$k = [trie size $v]" } puts "Words beginning with 'the':" trie words $t puts "the" ====== Interestingly while testing this I noticed that it was taking a huge amount of time to calculate the number of distinct words in the trie (over a minute for just ~37000 words). Profiling revealed that the following idiom was to blame: set xs [lassign $xs x y] which is used to pop elements off the front of a queue. [Lassign] seems to be quite pathologically slow in this case... Using just an index offset instead reduced the runtime to around <1 second. ''([DKF]: The issue is that the pop currently requires allocating a new array and copying all the elements over. Optimizing that away is really quite tricky indeed since it involves crossing abstraction levels in the compiler, but scripted [K]-like tricks with [lreplace] might get you some of the way.)'' ====== # Trie data structure package provide Trie 1.0 if {[catch {package require Debug}]} { proc Debug.trie {args} { #puts stderr [uplevel subst $args] } } oo::class create ::Trie { variable trie id # search for longest prefix, return matching prefix, element and suffix method matches {t what} { set matches {} set wlen [string length $what] foreach k [lsort -decreasing -dictionary [dict keys $t]] { set klen [string length $k] set match "" for {set i 0} {$i < $klen && $i < $wlen && [string index $k $i] eq [string index $what $i] } {incr i} { append match [string index $k $i] } if {$match ne ""} { lappend matches $match $k } } Debug.trie {matches: $what -> $matches} if {[dict size $matches]} { # find the longest matching prefix set match [lindex [lsort -dictionary [dict keys $matches]] end] set mel [dict get $matches $match] set suffix [string range $what [string length $match] end] return [list $match $mel $suffix] } else { return {} ;# no matches } } # return next unique id if there's no proffered value method id {value} { if {$value} { return $value } else { return [incr id] } } # insert an element with a given optional value into trie # along path given by $args (no need to specify) method insert {what {value 0} args} { if {[llength $args]} { set t [dict get $trie {*}$args] } else { set t $trie } if {[dict exists $t $what]} { Debug.trie {$what is an exact match on path ($args $what)} if {[catch {dict size [dict get $trie {*}$args $what]} size]} { # the match is a leaf - we're done } else { # the match is a dict - we have to add a null dict set trie {*}$args $what "" [my id $value] } return ;# exact match - no change } # search for longest prefix set match [my matches $t $what] if {![llength $match]} { ;# no matching prefix - new element Debug.trie {no matching prefix of '$what' in $t - add it on path ($args $what)} dict set trie {*}$args $what [my id $value] return } lassign $match match mel suffix ;# prefix, element of match, suffix if {$match ne $mel} { # the matching element shares a prefix, but has a variant suffix # it must be split Debug.trie {splitting '$mel' along '$match'} set melC [dict get $t $mel] dict unset trie {*}$args $mel dict set trie {*}$args $match [string range $mel [string length $match] end] $melC } if {[catch {dict size [dict get $trie {*}$args $match]} size]} { # the match is a leaf - must be split if {$match eq $mel} { # the matching element shares a prefix, but has a variant suffix # it must be split Debug.trie {splitting '$mel' along '$match'} set melC [dict get $t $mel] dict unset trie {*}$args $mel dict set trie {*}$args $match "" $melC } Debug.trie {'$mel' is the longest prefix '$match' but was a leaf - insert '$suffix'} set melid [dict get $t $mel] dict set trie {*}$args $match $suffix [my id $value] } else { # it's a dict - keep searching Debug.trie {'$mel' is the longest prefix '$match' and is a dict - search for '$suffix' on path ($args $match)} my insert $suffix $value {*}$args $match } } # find a path matching an element $what # if the element's not found, return the nearest path method find_path {what args} { if {[llength $args]} { set t [dict get $trie {*}$args] } else { set t $trie } if {[dict exists $t $what]} { Debug.trie {$what is an exact match on path ($args $what)} return [list {*}$args $what] ;# exact match - no change } # search for longest prefix set match [my matches $t $what] if {![llength $match]} { return $args } lassign $match match mel suffix ;# prefix, element of match, suffix if {$match ne $mel} { # the matching element shares a prefix, but has a variant suffix # no match return $args } if {[catch {dict size [dict get $trie {*}$args $match]} size] || $size == 0} { # got to a non-matching leaf - no match return $args } else { # it's a dict - keep searching Debug.trie {'$mel' is the longest prefix '$match' and is a dict - search for '$suffix' on path ($args $match)} return [my find_path $suffix {*}$args $match] } } # given a trie, which may have been modified by deletion, # optimize it by removing empty nodes and coalescing singleton nodes method optimize {args} { if {[llength $args]} { set t [dict get $trie {*}$args] } else { set t $trie } if {[catch {dict size $t} size]} { Debug.trie {optimize leaf '$t' along '$args'} # leaf - leave it } else { switch -- $size { 0 { Debug.trie {optimize empty dict ($t) along '$args'} if {[llength $args]} { dict unset trie {*}$args } } 1 { Debug.trie {optimize singleton dict ($t) along '$args'} lassign $t k v if {[llength $args]} { dict unset trie {*}$args } append args $k if {[llength $v]} { dict set trie {*}$args $v } my optimize {*}$args } default { Debug.trie {optimize dict ($t) along '$args'} dict for {k v} $t { my optimize {*}$args $k } } } } } # delete element $what from trie method delete {what} { set path [my find_path $what] if {[join $path ""] eq $what} { Debug.trie {del '$what' along ($path) was [dict get $trie {*}$path]} if {[catch {dict size [dict get $trie {*}$path]} size]} { # got to a matching leaf - delete it dict unset trie {*}$path set path [lrange $path 0 end-1] } else { dict unset trie {*}$path "" } my optimize ;# remove empty and singleton elements } else { # nothing to delete, guess we're done } } # find the value of element $what in trie, # error if not found method find {what} { set path [my find_path $what] if {[join $path ""] eq $what} { if {[catch {dict size [dict get $trie {*}$path]} size]} { # got to a matching leaf - done return [dict get $trie {*}$path] } else { return [dict get $trie {*}$path ""] } } else { error "'$what' not found" } } # dump the trie as a string method dump {} { return $trie } # return a string rep of the trie sorted in dict order method order {{t {}}} { if {![llength $t]} { set t $trie } elseif {[llength $t] == 1} { return $t } set acc {} foreach key [lsort -dictionary [dict keys $t]] { lappend acc $key [my order [dict get $t $key]] } return $acc } # return the trie as a dict of names with values method flatten {{t {}} {prefix ""}} { if {![llength $t]} { set t $trie } elseif {[llength $t] == 1} { return [list $prefix $t] } set acc {} foreach key [dict keys $t] { lappend acc {*}[my flatten [dict get $t $key] $prefix$key] } return $acc } # overwrite the trie method set {t} { set trie $t } constructor {args} { set trie {} set id 0 foreach a $args { my insert $a } } } if {[info script] eq $argv0} { set data { rubber romane eunt domus romanus romulus rubens ruber rube rubicon rubicundus roman an antidote anecdotal ant all alloy allotrope allot aloe are ate be cataract catatonic catenary } ::Trie create example {*}$data puts "TRIE: [example dump]" puts "OTRIE: [example order]" example set [example order] puts "FLAT: [example flatten]" foreach d $data { puts "$d -> '[example find_path $d]' -> [example find $d]" } foreach d $data { example delete $d puts "DEL '$d': [example dump]" } puts "TRIE: [example dump]" } ====== ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Data Structure] | [Category Glossary] |% !!!!!!