try_eval code catch ?finally? The try_eval command evaluates code in the current context. If an error occurs during the evaluation and catch is not empty, then catch is evaluated to handler the error. The result of the command, containing the error message, will be stored in a global variable errorResult. The global variables errorResult, errorInfo and errorCode will be imported into the current scope, there is no need to exe- cute a global command. The result of the catch command becomes the result of the try_eval command. If the error that caused the catch to be evaluate is to be continued, the following command should be used: error $errorResult $errorCode $errorInfo If the finally argument is supplied and not empty, it is evaluated after the evaluation of the code and the catch commands. If an error occurs during the evaluation of the finally command, it becomes the result of the try_eval command. Otherwise, the result of either code or catch is preserved, as described above.