[Sarnold] (2006 09 17) A GUI for advanced interactive search and replace with [regular expressions]. [forward-compatible dict] implementation is included in it. If people are interessed, I will put it into the [tcllib] repository (tkapps). ---- package require Tcl 8.4 package require Tk 8.4 # ATTENTION PLEASE! catch {package require dict} # Poor man's dict -- a pure tcl [dict] emulation # Very slow, but complete. # # Not all error checks are implemented! # e.g. [dict create odd arguments here] will work # # Implementation is based on lists, [array set/get] # and recursion if {![llength [info commands dict]]} { proc dict {cmd args} { uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 _dict_$cmd] } proc _dict_get {dv args} { if {![llength $args]} {return $dv} else { array set dvx $dv set key [lindex $args 0] set dv $dvx($key) set args [lrange $args 1 end] return [eval [linsert $args 0 _dict_get $dv]] } } proc _dict_exists {dv key args} { array set dvx $dv set r [info exists dvx($key)] if {!$r} {return 0} if {[llength $args]} { return [eval [linsert $args 0 _dict_exists $dvx($key) ]] } else {return 1} } proc _dict_set {dvar key value args } { upvar 1 $dvar dv if {![info exists dv]} {set dv [list]} array set dvx $dv if {![llength $args]} { set dvx($key) $value } else { eval [linsert $args 0 _dict_set dvx($key) $value] } set dv [array get dvx] } proc _dict_unset {dvar key args} { upvar 1 $dvar mydvar if {![info exists mydvar]} {return} array set dv $mydvar if {![llength $args]} { if {[info exists dv($key)]} { unset dv($key) } } else { eval [linsert $args 0 _dict_unset dv($key) ] } set mydvar [array get dv] return {} } proc _dict_keys {dv {pat *}} { array set dvx $dv return [array names dvx $pat] } proc _dict_append {dvar key {args}} { upvar 1 $dvar dv if {![info exists dv]} {set dv [list]} array set dvx $dv eval [linsert $args 0 append dvx($key) ] set dv [array get dvx] } proc _dict_create {args} { return $args } proc _dict_filter {dv ftype args} { set r [list] foreach {globpattern} $args {break} foreach {varlist script} $args {break} switch $ftype { key { foreach {key value} $dv { if {[string match $globpattern $key]} { lappend r $key $value } } } value { foreach {key value} $dv { if {[string match $globpattern $value]} { lappend r $key $value } } } script { foreach {Pkey Pval} $varlist {break} upvar 1 $Pkey key $Pval value foreach {key value} $dv { if {[uplevel 1 $script]} { lappend r $key $value } } } default { error "Wrong filter type" } } return $r } proc _dict_for {kv dict body} { uplevel 1 [list foreach $kv $dict $body] } proc _dict_incr {dvar key {incr 1}} { upvar 1 $dvar dv if {![info exists dv]} {set dv [list]} array set dvx $dv if {![info exists dvx($key)]} {set dvx($key) 0} incr dvx($key) $incr set dv [array get dvx] } proc _dict_info {dv} { return "Dictionary is represented as plain list" } proc _dict_lappend {dvar key args} { upvar 1 $dvar dv if {![info exists dv]} {set dv [list]} array set dvx $dv eval [linsert $args 0 lappend dvx($key)] set dv [array get dvx] } proc _dict_merge {args} { foreach dv $args { array set dvx $dv } array get dvx } proc _dict_replace {dv args} { foreach {k v} $args { _dict_set dv $k $v } return $dv } proc _dict_remove {dv args} { foreach k $args { _dict_unset dv $k } return $dv } proc _dict_size {dv} { return [expr {[llength $dv]/2}] } proc _dict_values {dv {gp *}} { set r [list] foreach {k v} $dv { if {[string match $gp $v]} { lappend r $v } } return $r } } proc Error {str} { tk_messageBox -message $str return -code return $str } proc SelectDir {varname} { upvar $varname d set d [tk_chooseDirectory -initialdir $d -title "Choose a directory"\ -parent .opt] } proc main {} { toplevel .opt wm title .opt "Parameters" set row 1 set fr .opt foreach key {dir filter search replace backup} desc { "Start directory" "File filter" "Search for" "Replace with" "Create backup files" } { if {![info exists ::t($key)]} { set ::t($key) "" } switch -- $key { dir { label $fr.lb$row -text $desc grid $fr.lb$row -row $row -column 0 set fri [frame $fr.f$row] grid $fri -row $row -column 1 button $fri.ds -text Choose -command [list SelectDir ::t($key)] entry $fri.en -textvariable ::t($key) pack $fri.en $fri.ds -padx 5 -pady 5 -side left } backup { checkbutton $fr.ck$row -text $desc -variable ::t($key) set ::t($key) 1 grid $fr.ck$row -row $row -column 0 } default { label $fr.lb$row -text $desc entry $fr.en$row -textvariable ::t($key) grid $fr.lb$row -row $row -column 0 grid $fr.en$row -row $row -column 1 } } eval grid configure [winfo children $fr] -padx 5 -pady 5 incr row } set fr [frame .opt.cmd] button $fr.val -text Proceed -command execute button $fr.exit -text Abort -command abort pack $fr.val $fr.exit -side left -padx 10 -pady 10 grid $fr -row $row -column 0 -columnspan 2 focus .opt lower . raise .opt } proc abort {} { if {[tk_messageBox -type yesno -message "Do you really want to exit?"]} { global FILE file delete -force $FILE exit 0 } } proc execute {} { destroy .opt raise . focus -force . # re-active all buttons butstate normal set opts [eval dict create [array get ::t]] if {![file isdirectory [dict get $opts dir]]} { Error "[dict get $opts dir] is not a valid directory" } dict for {k v} $opts {if {$k ne "replace" && $v eq ""} {Error "Empty $k parameter"}} if {![dict get $opts backup] && ![tk_messageBox -type yesno -message \ "Files will not be saved as backup files.\nCheck you already did the backup.\nDo you want to continue?"]} { main return } # Create the substitution proc (regexps are compiled, thus faster) set search [dict get $opts search] set replace [dict get $opts replace] proc Replace {line} [string map [list SRCH $search REPL $replace] { if {![regexp -indices -line -- {SRCH} $line location]} {return [list $line]} foreach {b e} $location {break} # three parts of the string : before, at, and after the match set result [list [string range $line 0 [expr {$b-1}]]\ [string range $line $b $e] [string range $line [expr {$e+1}] end]] # append the subst'd string lappend result [regsub -line -- {SRCH} [lindex $result 1] {REPL}] }] if {[catch {Replace ""} msg]} { Error "Invalid search/replace pattern pair:\n$msg" } directory $opts butstate disabled if {[tk_messageBox -type yesno \ -message "Operation completed\nDo you want to exit ?"]} { exit } main } proc fcontext {opts} { set dir [dict get $opts dir] set context [dict create dirs "" files ""] if {[catch {set flist [lsort [glob $dir/*]]}]} { # no more files return $context } set filter [dict get $opts filter] foreach f $flist { if {[file isdirectory $f]} { dict lappend context dirs $f } } foreach f [glob -nocomplain $dir/$filter] { if {![file isdirectory $f]} { dict lappend context files $f } } return $context } proc ScrollOpen {path} { global ROWNUM set res [dict create path $path fd [set fd [open $path]]\ cache "" now -1 clen 0] while {![eof $fd] || [dict get $res clen] == $ROWNUM} { dict lappend res cache [gets $fd] dict incr res clen } return $res } proc ScrollEof {in} { set fd [dict get $in fd] if {[dict get $in now] >= [dict get $in clen] - 1} {return yes} return no } proc ScrollClose {in} { close [dict get $in fd] } proc ScrollGets {in} { global ROWNUM set fd [dict get $in fd] if {[dict get $in now] <= $ROWNUM/2} { # head of the file or window larger than the file dict incr in now } elseif {![eof $fd]} { # middle of the file set cache [lrange [dict get $in cache] 1 end] lappend cache [gets $fd] dict set $in cache $cache } else { # end of the file dict incr in now } return [list [lindex [dict get $in cache] [dict get $in now]] $in] } proc File {path opts} { ShowFile $path $opts global STATUS FILE set STATUS proceed if {[dict get $opts backup]} { if {[catch {file copy -force $path $path.bak}]} { Error "cannot write $path.bak" } } # open the chosen file # ScrollOpen/Close/Gets keeps into a dict # a view of 25 lines of code, with a cache # that anticipates reading file set in [ScrollOpen $path] # open a temporary file to write modified content to it set out [open [dict get $FILE TMP] w] set STATUS "" set previous [list] # store whether the file has been modified or not set changed no while {![ScrollEof $in]} { foreach {line in} [ScrollGets $in] {break} set search [dict get $opts search] if {[regexp -line -- $search $line]} { set newline [ShowReplace $in $line] if {![string equal $newline $line]} { # the file has been modified set changed yes } switch -- $STATUS { eof - parentdir - eod { ScrollClose $in close $out return } default { puts $out $line } } } else { puts $out $line } } close $out ScrollClose $in if {$changed} { if {[catch {file copy -force [dict get $FILE TMP] $path} err]} { Error "Cannot write result into $path:\n$err" } } } proc ShowReplace {in line} { global STATUS set chunks [Replace $line] set outline [lindex $chunks 0] while {[llength $chunks] == 4} { ShowMatchingPiece $chunks $in if {$STATUS ne "auto"} { tkwait variable STATUS } switch -- $STATUS { eof - parentdir - eod { return "" } auto - proceed { append outline [lindex $chunks 3] } cancel { append outline [lindex $chunks 1] } } set chunks [Replace [lindex $chunks 2]] append outline [lindex $chunks 0] lset chunks 0 $outline } return $outline } proc ShowMatchingPiece {chunks in} { .snap delete 0.0 end .snap delete end global ROWNUM COLNUM set now [dict get $in now] set cache [dict get $in cache] set before [Align [lrange $cache 0 [expr {$now-1}]] $COLNUM] set after [Align [lrange $cache [expr {$now+1}] end] $COLNUM] set now [expr {[string length [concat $chunks]]/$COLNUM}] if {$now > $ROWNUM} { .snap insert 0 "Line too long" return } foreach {head match end replace} $chunks {break} set linesbefore [expr {($ROWNUM - $now)/2}] set linesafter [expr {$ROWNUM - $now - $linesbefore}] set before [lrange $before end-[expr {2*$linesbefore-1}] end] set after [lrange $after 0 [expr {2*$linesafter-1}]] foreach {type line} $before { puts $type,$line,before .snap insert end $line\n $type } .snap insert end $head line .snap insert end $match match .snap insert end $replace replace .snap insert end $end\n line foreach {type line} $after { puts $type,$line,after .snap insert end $line\n $type } interp alias {} snaptag {} .snap tag configure snaptag match -overstrike yes -background #f88 snaptag replace -background #8f8 snaptag line -background #ee8 snaptag newline -background #ccf snaptag next -background #eef update } proc Align {lines colnum} { set r "" foreach l $lines { lappend r newline if {$l eq ""} {lappend r ""} while {$l ne ""} { lappend r [string range $l 0 [incr colnum -1]] set l [string range $l [incr colnum] end] if {$l ne ""} {lappend r next} } } return $r } proc directory {opts} { global STATUS set d [dict get $opts dir] if {![dict exists $opts level]} { dict set opts level 0 } else { dict incr opts level } ShowDir $opts set fcontext [fcontext $opts] foreach d [dict get $fcontext dirs] { dict set opts dir $d directory $opts } dict incr opts level foreach f [dict get $fcontext files] { File $f $opts if {$STATUS eq "eod"} {return} if {$STATUS eq "parentdir"} {return -code return} } return } proc ftext {level dir} { set t "" if {$level>0} { set t + incr level -1 } set t [string repeat | $level]$t$dir global COLNUM set l [string length $t] if {$l > $COLNUM} { set t [string range $t 0 [expr {$COLNUM - 4}]]... } return $t } proc ShowDir {data} { global COLNUM set dirname [lindex [file split [dict get $data dir]] end] set t [ftext [dict get $data level] "$dirname/ (directory)"] .p.progress insert end \n$t .p.progress see end update } proc ShowFile {path data} { global COLNUM set t [ftext [dict get $data level] [file tail $path]] .p.progress insert end \n$t .p.progress see end update } foreach {p status} { ExecuteOneChange proceed CancelOneChange cancel ExecuteAllChanges auto SkipFile eof SkipDir eod SkipParentDir parentdir } { interp alias {} $p {} set ::STATUS $status } proc buildGUI {} { global COLNUM ROWNUM set font [font create -family Courier -size 8] text .snap -width $COLNUM -height $ROWNUM -font $font;# -state disabled frame .p text .p.progress -width $COLNUM -height 8 -yscrollcommand {.p.scroll set}\ -font $font # -state disabled scrollbar .p.scroll -command {.p.progress yview} pack .snap .p grid .p.progress .p.scroll -sticky nsew frame .f -pady 10 button .f.ex -text "Change" -command ExecuteOneChange button .f.can -text "Don't Change Here" -command CancelOneChange button .f.exa -text "Change all" -command ExecuteAllChanges button .f.sk -text "Skip File" -command SkipFile button .f.skd -text "Skip Current Directory" -command SkipDir button .f.skpd -text "Skip Parent Directory" -command SkipParentDir button .f.quit -text Abort -command abort button .f.new -text "New session" -command main pack .f pack .f.ex .f.can .f.exa .f.sk .f.skd .f.skpd .f.quit -side left -padx 10 } set COLNUM 90 set ROWNUM 25 package require fileutil set FILE [dict create TMP [::fileutil::tempfile tsreplace]] set STATUS begin wm title . "Tcl Star Replace v0.1.2" buildGUI proc butstate {newstate} { foreach b {.f.ex .f.can .f.exa .f.sk .f.skd .f.skpd} {$b configure -state $newstate} } butstate disabled main ---- ''20061224'' [Sarnold] updated to v0.1.1. [RT] looks quite useful, I tried a "no-op" where the pattern wasn't found and it still modified all the files. That behavior was an unwelcome surprise. [Sarnold] Do you mean: the files were modified, but held the same content? I am a bit curious to know what pattern you did use...[RT] I mean the files all had their modification date changed to the current minute, which I suppose means they were all re-written. The contents didn't change. I used a nonsense pattern like s/monkeybait/monkeymeat and the pattern had no hits. [Sarnold] Fixed... and moved to v0.1.2. ---- [[ [Category Dev. Tools] | [Category File] | [Category GUI] | [Category String Processing] | [Category Whizzlet] ]]