<> ---- **Name** ''tsvg'' - Thingy SVG writer - package to create svg image files with a syntax close to Tcl and to SVG. **Description** [DDG] 2021-08-30: The package provides one command *tsvg* which can hold currently just a single svg code collection. All commands will be evaluated within the tsvg namespace, all unknown methods which are all will be forwarded to the standard tsvg::tag method and produce svg code out of them. So *tsvg dummy x="20" hello* will produce: `hello` **Links** * Homepage: https://github.com/mittelmark/DGTcl * Download: (Gitdown) https://downgit.github.io/#/home?url=https://github.com/mittelmark/DGTcl/tree/master/pandoc-tcl-filter/lib/tsvg * Manual: https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/mittelmark/DGTcl/blob/master/pandoc-tcl-filter/lib/tsvg/tsvg.html * Version: 0.1 - 2021-08-28 * License: MIT **Example** Below a simple example to create a Hell World figure: ====== package require tsvg tsvg circle cx 50 cy 50 r 45 stroke black stroke-width 2 fill salmon tsvg text x 29 y 45 Hello tsvg text x 27 y 65 World! tsvg write hello-world.svg ====== [tsvg-image] For more examples see the https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/mittelmark/DGTcl/blob/master/pandoc-tcl-filter/lib/tsvg/tsvg.html%|%manual page%|%. ---- **See also** * [Thingy: a one-liner OO system] - the toy OO behind *tsvg* * [tclcairo] - an other graphics library ---- **Discussion** Please discuss here ... <> Package | Graphics | SVG