Version 9 of ttk::spinbox

Updated 2013-08-20 19:57:04 by pooryorick


New command in Ttk (since tk8.5.9).

See Also

pure Tcl version


Introduced in Tk version 8.5.9.

Unlike spinbox, the -from option does not cause the value to be set, so that must be done explicitly. See Tk ticket ,2013-08-12 .


HaO 2011-05-13 The spinbox font may be set using the -font option. In Windows Vista theme, there might appear a gap between the spinbuttons.

pack [ttk::spinbox .s -font {size 20}]


In the clam or alt theme, the style option -arrowsize may be used to change the button sizes:

ttk::style theme use clam
ttk::style configure custom.TSpinbox -arrowsize 20
pack [ttk::spinbox .s -font {size 20} -style custom.TSpinbox]