A [Ttk] [widget] that provides both [tree]-browsing capabilities and multicolumn [listbox] capabilities. http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/TkCmd/ttk_treeview.htm More information on the wiki page [treeview]. ---- [MHo] 2008-04-09: Does someone know why a horizontal [scrollbar] does not work properly in conjunction with this widget? It seems that the hsb never gets updated. <
> [D. McC] 2008-04-12: Have you specified minimum column widths with the '''-minwidth''' option? I used to have this problem too, and it went away when I specified minimum widths. <
> [MHo]: No, haven't tried yet. Switched the whole GUI of my app to [BWidget]s because I had other problems with [tile], too. [MHo] 09-nov-2008: With '''-stretch 1''', the scrollbar is missing, with '''-stretch 0''', it's there! <
> [Luis Calvo] 2008-11-28: Hi! I have detected the same "bug" even with '''-minwidth''' option at columns. You can find the bug in the 8.5.5 tcl demo: If you take the tcl multi-column list of countries sample and you increase a width column, the x-scroll is working but you can not select or resize the new area. Thanks anyway! ---- [ofv] 2009-05-30: I've looked at ttk::treeview source and it seems that one key requirement was completely overlooked: when a node is expanded, the column holding the tree may need to expand for accomodating the new visible items, reflecting the width change on the associated horizontal scrollbar (if any). Right now the code handles the tree as a fixed-width column, much on the way a listbox does. This problem appears on different instances, even if you get the horizontal scrollbar to work with the '''-minwidth''' trick. It is not possible to select a node by clicking on it when it is too nested so that it is drawn to the right of the initial visible area. When you have several columns, the tree items are partially drawn over the adyacent columns if there is no space on the tree's column, etc. See the bugs on the SF project page for details. I don't recommend using ttk::treeview unless you know in advance that the tree items will not require more horizontal space than the assigned column width. ---- '''[snehanish] - 2010-05-27 04:25:40''' in tree mode ( -show tree) is it not possible to put index number in integer foam. i mean first column in tree mode always give row numbers. whenever we delete an item the row number should be updated. for example lets have height of treeview is 10, so we have 10 rows , column 0 indicate 1 to 10 in integer. if i delete item 5 then it should update all index numbers. if you could add this feature then it would be great. Thanks '''[hae] 2010-05-27''' If you want this feature, then put it into the http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=12997&atid=362997%|%Tcl feature request tracker%|% ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Widget] |% !!!!!!