[FM] Using TclOO to create "typed lists" ====== oo::class create typedlist { constructor {args} { my variable Liste my variable Type my variable counter -1 if {[lindex $args 1] eq "-namespace"} { set namespace [lindex $args 2] uplevel [list namespace eval $namespace {}] set List [lindex $args 0] } else { set namespace [] set Liste $args } set i [string last : [namespace tail [self]]] set Type [string range [namespace tail [self]] 0 $i-1] oo::objdefine [self] [subst { method unknown {args} { my variable counter typedlist create [list [self]]:\[incr counter\] {*}\$args } }] } method append {index args} { my variable Liste set e [lindex $Liste $index] lset Liste $index [append e {*}$args] } method get {} { my variable Liste return $Liste } method lappend {args} { my variable Liste lappend Liste {*}$args } method replace {debut fin args} { my variable Liste typedlist::nettoyer $Liste $debut $fin return [set Liste [lreplace $Liste $debut $fin {*}$args]] } method search {args} { my variable Liste set pattern [lindex $args end] return [lsearch {*}[lrange $args 0 end-1] $Liste $pattern] } method type {} { my variable Type return $Type } method transmute {type} { my variable Liste if {[info object class $type] eq "::typedlist"} { set new [$type -- {*}$Liste] after idle [list [self] destroy] return $new } } method -- {args} { my variable counter typedlist create [self]:[incr counter] {*}$args } export -- } ====== # Some additionals tools ====== namespace eval typedlist {} ====== # recreate a script from a typedlist ====== proc ::typedlist::scriptifier {Typed} { set L [] set T [] if {[info object isa object $Typed] && [info object class $Typed] eq "::typedlist"} { foreach e [$Typed get] { append L \ [::typedlist::scriptifier $e] } append T [$Typed type] \ -- \ } else { set L \{$Typed\} set T [] return ${T}${L} } return \[$T$L\] } ====== # test if the object is a typedlist ====== proc ::typedlist::is {T} { if {[info object isa object $T] \ && [info object class $T] eq "::typedlist"} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } ====== # equality test between two typedlist ====== proc ::typedlist::eq {L1 L2} { set res 0 if {[::typedlist::is $L1] && [::typedlist::is $L2]} { if {[$L1 type] eq [$L2 type]} { foreach l1 [$L1 get] l2 [$L2 get] { set res [::typedlist::eq $l1 $l2] } } } elseif {![::typedlist::is $L1] && ![::typedlist::is $L2]} { if {$L1 eq $L2} { set res 1 } } return $res } ====== # clean-up tool ====== proc ::typedlist::nettoyer {Typed {debut {0}} {fin {end}}} { set L [list] if {[::typedlist::is $Typed]} { foreach e [lrange [$Typed get] $debut $fin] { ::typedlist::nettoyer $e if {[catch {$e destroy} err]} { puts stderr "erreur lors de la destruction de la liste $e, procédure : ::typedlist::nettoyer $Typed message : $err" } } } return } package provide typedlist 0.2 ====== What does it ? An object containing a type and a list. Quick démo : ====== typedlist create rectangle set A [rectangle -- 100 100 200 200] $A get; # 100 100 200 200 $A type; # rectangle $A lappend 300 100; # 100 100 200 200 300 100 typedlist create triangle $A transmute ::triangle $A type; # triangle $A get; # 100 100 200 200 300 100 ====== Applications : * [megawidget framework with tclOO (1)] * [parsing with coroutine] * [analogy between html markup and typedlist] ---- [PYK] 2014-11-06: Made a small change to make sure a value in generated code was properly encasulated in a list, and another small change to handle relative namespaces better. greg 2024-04-07: With Quick demo the type is not changed: After the transmutation, the new object ($A after the transmutation) must be assigned to the variable A again. This is a crucial step because it updates the reference from the original object to the new object. ====== typedlist create rectangle set A [rectangle -- 100 100 200 200] $A get; # 100 100 200 200 $A type; # rectangle $A lappend 300 100; # 100 100 200 200 300 100 typedlist create triangle set A [$A transmute ::triangle] $A type; # triangle $A get; # 100 100 200 200 300 100 ====== Also the use of after idle in the transmute method. Can this cause side effects? The ''after idle [list [self] destroy]'' happens at some point. Wouldn't a direct ''\[self] destroy'' be better? <> Category Object Orientation | Category Package