[Richard Suchenwirth] 2005-12-15 - A colleague wanted some sugar for [upvar] variables to [pass by reference], but as the use of ''xproc'' prevented the names of such procedures to end up in [tclIndex], we cooked up (it was lunch) this minimally invasive version: proc use_refs {{char &}} { foreach v [uplevel 1 {info locals}] { if [string match $char* $v] { uplevel 1 "upvar 1 \${$v} [string range $v 1 end]" } } } That's all. This command is preferrably called first inside a proc, and [upvar]s all arguments that begin with a specific character, the default being "&" - it runs code like upvar 1 ${&foo} foo in the caller's scope. Testing: proc test_refs {a &b} { use_refs puts a=$a,b=$b set b new_value } % set bar 42 42 % test_refs foo bar a=foo,b=42 So the values of ''a'' (by value) and ''b'' (by reference) are readable; and the side effect of changing ''b'' in the caller did also happen: % set bar new_value ---- [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming]