Here is a preliminary version of a uuencode module for tcllib inclusion. There are two entry points. uuencode::encode and uuencode::decode just encode or decode the input data while uuencode::uuencode and uuencode::uudecode will generate a properly formatted message (lines limited to 67 chars, length encoded into the first character). Once I've finished (soon) I just need to decide where in tcllib we place this. I figure it can accompany base64. [PT] ---- # uuencode - Copyright (C) 2002 Pat Thoyts # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @(#)$Id: 2865,v 1.1 2002-06-21 04:28:35 jcw Exp $ namespace eval uuencode { namespace export encode decode } proc uuencode::Enc {c} { return [format %c [expr {($c != 0) ? (($c & 0x3f) + 0x20) : 0x60}]] } proc uuencode::encode {s} { set r {} binary scan $s c* d foreach {c1 c2 c3} $d { if {$c1 == {}} {set c1 0} if {$c2 == {}} {set c2 0} if {$c3 == {}} {set c3 0} append r [Enc [expr {$c1 >> 2}]] append r [Enc [expr {(($c1 << 4) & 060) | (($c2 >> 4) & 017)}]] append r [Enc [expr {(($c2 << 2) & 074) | (($c3 >> 6) & 003)}]] append r [Enc [expr {($c3 & 077)}]] } return $r } proc uuencode::decode {s} { set r {} binary scan $s c* d foreach {c0 c1 c2 c3} $d { append r [format %c [expr {((($c0-0x20)&0x3F) << 2) & 0xFF | ((($c1-0x20)&0x3F) >> 4) & 0xFF}]] append r [format %c [expr {((($c1-0x20)&0x3F) << 4) & 0xFF | ((($c2-0x20)&0x3F) >> 2) & 0xFF}]] append r [format %c [expr {((($c2-0x20)&0x3F) << 6) & 0xFF | (($c3-0x20)&0x3F) & 0xFF}]] } return $r } proc uuencode::uuencode {str} { set mode 0644 set filename Filename set r {} append r [format "begin %o %s" $mode $filename] "\n" for {set n 0} {$n < [string length $str]} {incr n 45} { set s [string range $str $n [expr {$n + 44}]] append r [Enc [string length $s]] append r [encode $s] "\n" } append r "`\nend" return $r } package provide uuencode 1.0 # Local variables: # mode: tcl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: ---- Category Tcllib