Waitman Gobble, San Jose California Hello, I am experimenting with the "Database as a Program" methodology described by [http://wiki.tcl.tk/78%|%D. Richard Hipp%|%] in the article [http://www.tcl.tk/community/tcl2004/Papers/D.RichardHipp/drh.html%|%SQLite and Tcl%|%] At the moment my application consists of a short and simple main.tcl which decides which code segment to load from an sqlite3 database, executes the code and outputs the result. I'm using the [http://tcl.apache.org/websh/%|%websh wrapper%|%] CGI interface. Note: I would prefer to load mod_websh into Apache but it doesn't appear to work with 2.2.x, will investigate eventually ;-) Here is some sample code: The app will process a request URI like http://example.com/main.tcl/hello Strategy: Create a directory on the machine to create all the snippet tcl files, then package into SQLite database package.tcl (package all tcl scripts in current directory into SQLite database) === load /usr/local/lib/sqlite3/libtclsqlite3.so Sqlite3 sqlite3 db task.db db eval {CREATE TABLE hd(path TEXT,src TEXT)} set files [glob *.tcl] foreach x $files { set fp [open $x r] set src [read $fp] close $fp set path /$x db eval {INSERT INTO hd VALUES ($path,$src)} } db close === hello.tcl (hello world example) === set content "Hello, World" === main.tcl (process request in URI and load corresponding tcl code) === #!/bin/sh # \ exec /usr/local/bin/websh3.6.0b5 "$0" "$@" set fp [open "layout.html" r] set layout [read $fp] close $fp set path [web::request PATH_INFO].tcl load /usr/local/lib/sqlite3/libtclsqlite3.so Sqlite3 sqlite3 db task.db set process [db onecolumn {SELECT src FROM hd WHERE path=$path}] eval $process db close set html [regsub "" $layout $content] web::put $html === layout.html (a template) === boo === Sample output (note, in development ;-) display CGI env info http://creamy.mobi/test-series/testdt/main.tcl/testcmd testcmd.tcl === set request [web::request -names] set combine [join $request ", "] set path [web::request PATH_INFO] set content "

Request Info



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