Version 10 of wdb

Updated 2006-03-27 14:58:51

Hi, I'm Wolf-Dieter Busch, living in Germany, and an amateur programmer.

In 1998, I started as a SW project an external editor [L1 ] for the CMS Schematext V.2.4; therefor I learned Tcl/Tk. (Nowadays, the editor is obsolete, but still nice nonetheless.)

My latest published Tcl script is dinbrief which provides a GUI to the TeX package dinbrief (by University of Karlsruhe, Germany). The script is available at the Geman Tex Users' group Dante [L2 ]

Other Tcl-based SW is

  • the client-side content management system One Hand Content [L3 ],
  • the Tk interface to Scheme Chicken/Tk [L4 ],
  • the HTML->Tex converter Bottle Neck [L5 ],
  • and the game Pachisi [L6 ] (German: Mensch ärger dich nicht).

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