[AK]: From the header this seems to be a direct copy of the ''Impress'' drawing tool, right ? Just renamed ? Does this mean that weeDraw is now a fork of it ? It is and no, I didn't intend a fork. Actually, I clean forgot to check that Impress was still active and probably should have just put a pointer to it rather than posting the code. Especially since it required no mods to run under weewm. [AK]: What is Impress's license ? The official Impress homepage seems to be http://www.ntlug.org/~ccox/impress/ . Please also note the Wiki page here for same, i.e. [ImPress]. [JSB] In the Readme file inside the tar ball it states GPL. Other things inside have other types. It's a mixed bag, so [Tkpaint] may be a better choice since it's just GPL with no addons. See [Impress]. Or [Tkpaint]. Your choice. =) ---- [Category Application] | [Category GUI] | [Category Graphics]