[GPS] - Sun Mar 10, 2002: I decided that one of my interfaces needed an embedded color selection dialog that would invoke a certain command with the color as an argument. I came up with this little solution and thought someone might find it useful. ---- #!/bin/wish8.3 proc widget:colorDialog:getHexColor {win} { upvar #0 _colorDialog$win ar return [format "#%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X" $ar(red) $ar(green) $ar(blue)] } proc widget:colorDialog:updateColor {win args} { upvar #0 _colorDialog$win ar $ar(display) config -bg [widget:colorDialog:getHexColor $win] } proc widget:colorDialog:command {win} { upvar #0 _colorDialog$win ar eval $ar(command) [$ar(display) cget -bg] } proc widget:colorDialog:instanceCmd {self cmd args} { switch -- $cmd { command { upvar #0 _colorDialog$self ar set ar(command) [lindex $args 0] } default { return } } } proc widget:colorDialog {win command} { upvar #0 _colorDialog$win ar set ar(red) 125 set ar(green) 125 set ar(blue) 125 set ar(command) $command frame $win -bd 1 -relief raised -class ColorDialog label $win.display set ar(display) "$win.display" label $win.labelRed -text "Red:" scale $win.red -orient horizontal -from 0 -to 255 -variable _colorDialog${win}(red) \ -command "widget:colorDialog:updateColor $win" label $win.labelGreen -text "Green:" scale $win.green -orient horizontal -from 0 -to 255 -variable _colorDialog${win}(green) \ -command "widget:colorDialog:updateColor $win" label $win.labelBlue -text "Blue:" scale $win.blue -orient horizontal -from 0 -to 255 -variable _colorDialog${win}(blue) \ -command "widget:colorDialog:updateColor $win" frame $win.spacer button $win.ok -text OK -command "widget:colorDialog:command $win" -padx 1 -pady 0 grid $win.display -sticky we -column 1 grid $win.labelRed $win.red grid $win.labelGreen $win.green grid $win.labelBlue $win.blue grid $win.spacer -pady 4 grid $win.ok -columnspan 2 rename $win _junk$win proc $win {cmd args} "eval widget:colorDialog:instanceCmd $win \$cmd \$args" return $win } #nice defaults option add *ColorDialog.background #b0b0b0 option add *ColorDialog.activeBackground #b0a090 option add *ColorDialog*Label.background #b0b0b0 option add *ColorDialog*Scale.background #b0b0b0 pack [label .l -text TestColor] pack [widget:colorDialog .cd ".l config -bg"] pack [button .tf -text "Change Foreground" -command ".cd command {.l config -fg}"] pack [button .tb -text "Change Background" -command ".cd command {.l config -bg}"] ----