Version 31 of windows icons

Updated 2004-07-28 18:34:00

--AF 08-08-03

this package provides functions for reading and writing windows icons to ICO, EXE, DLL, and ICL files.

--AF 26-07-04

This code has become a tklib module. see ico for documentation and other information

CF - This is the missing link for turning a Starpack into a branded application with your Icon.

Here's a short script that accepts a gif image as the command line argument, and creates a tclkit.ico file that can be used to create a Starpack with custom icons, as decribed at . This script runs on a Linux/Unix system with ImageMagick installed. The initial .gif image must be square.

 source icons.tcl
 set orig [lindex $argv end]
 set icoFile tclkit.ico

 pack [label .l -textvariable state]

 image create photo temp48 -file $orig
 ::ico::writeIcon $icoFile ICO 0 8 temp48

 set pos -1
 foreach s {48 32 16} {
   set name [format "temp%s" $s]
   set geom [format %dx%d $s $s]
   set state "$geom @ 256"; update idle;

   exec convert -geometry $geom -colors 256 $orig $name.gif
   image create photo $name -file $name.gif
   ::ico::writeIcon $icoFile ICO [incr pos] 8 $name

   set state "$geom @ 16"; update idle;
   exec convert -geometry $geom -colors 16 $orig r$name.gif
   image create photo r$name -file r$name.gif
   ::ico::writeIcon $icoFile ICO [incr pos] 4 r$name
   file delete $name.gif r$name.gif

 set state "DONE - Icon file is $icoFile"
 pack [button .b -text "EXIT" -command exit]

Anyone have an icon editor written in Tcl/Tk?

AF Not that i know of, but now that i have provided the required functionality i think it would be cool if someone wrote one since there seems to be a lack of free icon editors.

TR There is one, a bitmap editor by Ian Gay, listed on Applications in Tcl and Tcl/Tk. Find it here: It would be nice to have a version including this package here.

KPV There's also one right here in this Wiki at Bitmap Editor. RS: ... and another at imEdit.

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