Based on the code in [wiki-reaper], I put together a wish interface so that I could run it on my Windows system. I was able to use it to ''reap'' the [TkMapper] code automagically (quite an impressive program by the way). [KPV] - Added setting initial focus and taking the page number and output filename as optional command line parameters. [escargo] - Why add optional command line parameters? Would it not make more sense to use the original [wiki-reaper] instead? [KPV] 3 reasons: 1) it was a one-line addition, 2) I was already modifying the code to set the focus, and 3) I didn't know about [wiki-reaper]. [GPS] - The reaping of the Wiki seems dangerous to me. Perhaps you should add checks for strings like "file delete" (possibly a glob del* pattern if file uses strncmp), and "rm " ''[escargo] 5 Jun 2003'' - If you want to be safe, then you could do any textual analysis on the code before you run it. ''Reaping'' only collects the code; you don't have to execute it if you do not want to. You can always read the code on the Wiki before you reap it, since "As you see, so shall ye reap." ---- ''Many of the applications in [Category Whizzlet] are reapable and entertaining.'' Pages that it can reap successfully include: * [3 Triangles] (8409) * [3D HIlbert Curve] (8723) * [A grep-like utility] (8405) * [A little A/D clock] (2563) * [A Little CIDR Calculator] (8909) * [A little image viewer] (4025) * [A minimal editor explained] (9623) * [A small font chooser] (9173) * [A Toy Piano] (3948, requires [snack]) * [Alphabet Wheel] (9277) * [Analog widgets] (9107) * [Animated Vertical Tabs] (6253) * [Another MDI] (9999) * [Arrow buttons] (8554) * [Bitmap Editor] (6298) * [Bouncing Balls] (8572) * [Buffon's Needle] (8407) * [Bulging Line Illusion] (8340) * [Canvas Rotation] (8595) * [Car racing in Tcl] (4364) * [Chart generation support] (9503) * [Colliding balls] (8573) * [Colliding Coins] (8709) * [Cubic Splines] (8536) * [Dot to Dots] (4365) * [Drag-N-Drop Example] (416, the oldest page I know of that's ''reapable'') * [Drawing rounded polygons] (8590) * [Eliminator] (9018) * [Enigma] (8847) * [Falling Marbles] (8825) * [Gem Game] (9052) * [Hack-O-Matic] (9755) * [Hilbert Curve] (8348) * [Horseracing in Tcl] (3467) * [iConnect4] (8905) * [iMap: an indexed map viewer] (8771, but don't forget to download the map) * [Lissajous Figures] (8875) * [Mandelbrot] (4714) * [Mandelbrot and Julia sets] (9675) * [MasterMind] (4363) * [Minesweeper on Tktable] (8918) * [Morley's Miracle] (8336) * [Named Colors] (8606) * [Particle System] (3252) * [Playing 3D] (3190) * [Playing Card Images] (8803) * [Playing UML] (2257) * [Polyhedron Nets] (8528) * [pop3] (781, another old page that remarkably works) * [Puzzle Blocks] (8887) * [Rain Storm] (8835) * [Regular Polygons 2] (8612) * [Scat] (8810) * [spinbox menubutton] (9648) * [Text Widget Example] (928) * [tkAtaxx] (7666) * [TkBomb] (6201, which needs edits to run in Tk8.4) * [tkGoldberg] (8607) * [TkMapper] (6277) * [TkMines] (7779) * [TkRose] (8295) * [trains3.tcl] (1359) * [Triangle Madness] (9318) * [Video Poker] (8987) * [Widget Configure] (10021) * [wish-reaper] (8179, you need to give it a different name, since it does not overwrite files) Pages that it cannot reap successfully include: * [A little file searcher] (3751, two program versions in one page that don't play nice together) * [Click me] (8408, two program versions in one page that don't play nice together) * [cursors] (1425, more than one version on the page that don't play nice together) ''cannot reap successfully'' means that the file resulting from reaping the specified page will not run when started from a Windows file explorer without being edited. The contents of the page will still be collected. ---- [RS]: Hm - the second time you "misreaped" a page of mine.. In the case of [Click me], it's so ridiculously small, that it doesn't deserve splitting up; [a little file searcher] will split off [A little file searcher (iPaq)] ;-) [escargo] 16 Mar 2003 - The code for [a little file searcher] can be reaped, but I can't run it under Windows at least because it assumes a command line interface. - [RS] has a command line interface on Windows, the infamous DOS prompt ;-) ---- This program is certainly able to be improved, but it works for now. #!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using wish \ exec wish "$0" "$@" # wish-reaper -- # This script replaces the command line interface of wiki-repeater.tcl # with a wish GUI. # Create a user interface to collect the necessary parameters # and control actions. # We need an entry for a number field (the page to reap). # Page 6277 provides TkMapper. # Page 4718 prvides the original wiki-reaper. # We need an entry for a filename field (to write the page to). # We need a button to tell when to do the job. # We need a button to tell when to quit. wm title . "Wish Reaper" set font {Helvetica 14} frame .reaper pack .reaper -expand 1 -fill both -side left label .reaper.banner -font $font -text "Wish Reaper" pack .reaper.banner -expand 1 -fill x -side top frame pack -expand 1 -fill both -pady 5 -side top label -anchor w -justify left -text "Page Number" grid -column 1 -row 1 -sticky w entry -textvariable pageno grid -column 2 -row 1 label -anchor w -justify left -text "Output file name" grid -column 1 -row 2 -sticky w entry -textvariable filename grid -column 2 -row 2 button .reaper.reap -command reap_now -padx 4 -pady 4 -text Reap pack .reaper.reap -side left button .reaper.quit -command exit -padx 4 -pady 4 -text Quit pack .reaper.quit -side right foreach {pageno filename} $argv break focus icursor end if {[catch {package require Tcl 8.3}]} { tk_messageBox -icon error \ -message "Tcl version 8.3 or later is required." \ -type ok -parent .reaper exit } if {![catch { package require nstcl-html }] && ![catch { package require nstcl-http }]} { namespace import nstcl::* } else { # Catch a failure here and pop up a dialog box before exiting. # A more precise statement about which version of http is needed # would be helpful. http::cleanup needs to be provided. if {[catch {package require http}]} { tk_messageBox -icon error \ -message "Package http not found." \ -type ok -parent .reaper exit } proc ns_geturl {url} { set conn [http::geturl $url] set html [http::data $conn] http::cleanup $conn return $html } proc ns_striphtml {-tags_only html} { regsub -all -- {<[^>]+>} $html "" html return $html ;# corrected a typo here } proc ns_urlencode {string} { set allowed_chars {[a-zA-Z0-9]} set encoded_string "" foreach char [split $string ""] { if {[string match $allowed_chars $char]} { append encoded_string $char } else { scan $char %c ascii append encoded_string %[format %02x $ascii] } } return $encoded_string } } proc output {data} { global out # we don't want to throw an error if output channel has been closed catch { puts $out $data } } # Factoring out the postamble for clarity and ease of change. proc postamble { } { output \n output "# EOF" output \n } # Factoring out the preamble for clarity and ease of change. proc preamble {title url now updated} { output "#####" output "#" output "# \"$title\"" output "# [string map [list] $url]" output "#" output "# Tcl code harvested on: $now GMT" output "# Wiki page last updated: $updated" output "#" output "#####" output \n } proc reap {page} { set url[ns_urlencode $page] set now [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%e %b %Y, %H:%M" -gmt 1] set html [ns_geturl $url] # can't imagine why these characters would be in here, but just to be safe set html [string map [list \x00 "" \x0d ""] $html] set html [string map [list
\x0d] $html] if {![regexp -nocase {([^<]*)} $html => title]} { set title "(no title!?)" } if {![regexp -nocase {Updated on ([^G]+ GMT)} $html => updated]} { set updated "???" } preamble $title $url $now $updated set html [ns_striphtml -tags_only $html] foreach chunk [regexp -inline -all {\x00[^\x0d]+\x0d} $html] { set chunk [string range $chunk 1 end-1] set chunk [string map [list """ \x22 \ "&" & \ "<" < \ ">" >] $chunk] foreach line [split $chunk \n] { if {[string index $line 0] == " "} { set line [string range $line 1 end] } output $line } } postamble } proc reap_now { } { global filename global out global pageno if {![string is integer -strict $pageno]} { # put up a dialog box here. tk_messageBox -icon error \ -message "An integer page number is required." \ -type ok -parent .reaper } elseif {$filename == ""} { # put up a dialog box here tk_messageBox -icon error -message "A nonempty filename is required." \ -type ok -parent .reaper } elseif {[file exists $filename]} { # put up a dialog box here tk_messageBox -icon error \ -message "File $filename is not allowed to be overwritten." \ -type ok -parent .reaper } elseif {[catch {open $filename w} out]} { # put up a dialog box here tk_messageBox -icon error \ -message "File $filename could not be opened." \ -type ok -parent .reaper } else { # everything is good. reap $pageno close $out # completion dialog. tk_messageBox -icon info -message "Reaping complete." -type ok\ -parent .reaper } } ---- ''Created by [escargo] 16 Jan 2003'' And my thanks to the people who keep adding ''reapable'' applications to the wiki and then pointing to them from here. -- ''[escargo] 24 Sep 2003'' ---- ''[escargo] 12 Mar 2003'' - Maybe I should create a ''reapable'' category to make it easy to find all the code that can be extracted; it would be a subset of '''Category Application'''. [Luciano ES] 19 July 2003 - How about this: edit all of the reapable applications' pages, adding the hidden tag to all of them. Quite some work, but quite feasible too. ---- [Category Application]