wm - Communicate with window manager. http://purl.org/tcl/home/man/tcl8.4/TkCmd/wm.htm holds the standard documentation. Also, "wm" commonly abbreviates "[window manager]", a distinct concept. Please add notes on how you make use of the commands below in useful, and perhaps unique, ways. ---- * [wm aspect] - enforce aspect ratios when resizing a window * [wm client] * wm colormapwindows * [wm command] * wm deiconify - Makes a window that was iconified or withdrawn show itself upon the screen (at the next idle moment.) * wm focusmodel * wm frame * wm geometry * wm grid * wm group * [wm iconbitmap] * wm iconify - Makes a window stop showing itself and instead switch to its iconic form. * wm iconmask * wm iconname * wm iconposition * wm iconwindow * wm maxsize * wm minsize * wm [overrideredirect] * wm positionfrom * [wm protocol] * wm resizable * wm sizefrom * wm state * [wm title] - set or query the title of a toplevel window * [wm transient] - inform [window manager] that window is transient for another window * [wm withdraw] - make the window completely invisible, not even an icon. Also makes the window manager forget about the window. ---- '''wm protocol''': Use wm protocol WM_DELETE_WINDOW {#} to prevent your window from closing when the [[X]] button is clicked. More on this subject appears under the title "[Catching window managed events]". ---- Could someone address monochrome vs multicolor icons and how to use the appropriate wm command to achieve the difference? ---- '''wm iconwindow''' may not work immediately. [Joe English] wrote in [the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup]: ''You probably just need to unmap and remap the top-level window, so the window manager will notice the changes:'' % wm withdraw . % wm state . normal ---- [Category Command] - [Tk syntax help] - [Arts and Crafts of Tcl-Tk Programming]