Version 17 of wm

Updated 2003-02-27 18:54:21

wm - Communicate with window manager. holds the standard documentation. Also, "wm" commonly abbreviates "window manager", a distinct concept.

Please add notes on how you make use of the commands below in useful, and perhaps unique, ways.

  • wm aspect - Enforce aspect ratios when resizing a window.
  • wm client
  • wm colormapwindows
  • wm command
  • wm deiconify - Makes a window that was iconified or withdrawn show itself upon the screen (at the next idle moment).
  • wm focusmodel
  • wm frame
  • wm geometry
  • wm grid
  • wm group
  • wm iconbitmap
  • wm iconify - Makes a window stop showing itself and instead switch to its iconic form.
  • wm iconmask
  • wm iconname
  • wm iconposition
  • wm iconwindow
  • wm maxsize
  • wm minsize
  • wm overrideredirect
  • wm positionfrom
  • wm protocol
  • wm resizable
  • wm sizefrom
  • wm state
  • wm title - Set or query the title of a toplevel window.
  • wm transient - Inform window manager that window is transient for another window.
  • wm withdraw - Make the window completely invisible, not even an icon. Also makes the window manager forget about the window.

wm protocol: Use

        wm protocol <window> WM_DELETE_WINDOW {#}

to prevent your window from closing when the [X] button is clicked. More on this subject appears under the title "Catching window managed events".

Could someone address monochrome vs multicolor icons and how to use the appropriate wm command to achieve the difference?

wm iconwindow may not work immediately. Joe English wrote in the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup: You probably just need to unmap and remap the top-level window, so the window manager will notice the changes:

 % wm withdraw .
 % wm state . normal

Category Command - Tk syntax help - Arts and Crafts of Tcl-Tk Programming