wm - Communicate with window manager. http://purl.org/tcl/home/man/tcl8.4/TkCmd/wm.htm holds the standard documentation. Please add notes on how you make use of the commands below in useful, and perhaps unique, ways. ---- * [wm aspect] - enforce aspect ratios when resizing a window * wm client * wm colormapwindows * wm command * wm deiconify * wm focusmodel * wm frame * wm geometry * wm grid * wm group * wm iconbitmap * wm iconify * wm iconmask * wm iconname * wm iconposition * wm iconwindow * wm maxsize * wm minsize * wm overrideredirect * wm positionfrom * wm protocol * wm resizable * wm sizefrom * wm state * [wm title] - set or query the title of a toplevel window * wm transient * [wm withdraw] ---- Here's a note on '''wm withdraw''' from George Petasis in the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup: I wouldn't advise you to use "wm withdraw ." on the "." window. Under some window managers (especially under unix...) this will prevent dialogs that have as parent the "." (like error messages) to not show up and block your app. Better to use something like: wm geometry . 1x1+0+0 wm overrideredirect . 1 wm transient . You can even send it out of the visible part of the screen, like wm geometry . 1x1+3000+3000 But in any way do not withdraw it :-) ---- '''wm protocol''': Use wm protocol WM_DELETE_WINDOW {#} to prevent your window from closing when the [[X]] button is clicked. More on this subject appears under the title "[Catching window managed events]". ---- Could someone address monochrome vs multicolor icons and how to use the appropriate wm command to achieve the difference? ---- [Eric Brunel] writes, on news:comp.lang.tcl , Since I just spent half an hour to figure out how this works, I thought someone might be interested. The exact syntax is: wm iconbitmap and not: wm iconbitmap @ (the "regular" bitmap files required the "@" in front of them and the manual is a tad unclear on this point...). ---- '''wm iconwindow''' may not work immediately. [Joe English] wrote in [the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup]: ''You probably just need to unmap and remap the top-level window, so the window manager will notice the changes:'' % wm withdraw . % wm state . normal ---- [Tk syntax help] - [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] [Category Command]