[http://chiselapp.com/user/pooryorick/repository/ycl/artifact?filename=packages/chan/lib/word.tcl&ci=trunk%|%word.tcl] is an implementation of [word channel%|%word channels] found in [ycl]. ***Download*** You can download `word.tcl` for use outside of ycl (under the [namespace] `::wordchan` rather than `[yclprefix]::chan::word`) with the following POSIX shell command: `(echo -e "namespace eval ::wordchan {\nnamespace export *\nnamespace ensemble create\n"; curl -s 'https://chiselapp.com/user/pooryorick/repository/ycl/raw/packages/chan/lib/word.tcl?name=024541bdf04b7a9e637add29ac2cd75df2543e74'; echo -e "\n}") > wordchan.tcl` ***Use example*** ====== #!/usr/bin/env tclsh source wordchan.tcl proc main {} { set ch [chan create {read write} ::wordchan] chan configure $ch -buffering none chan event $ch readable [list puts --$ch] puts -nonewline $ch HELLO puts -nonewline $ch WORLD puts [read $ch] ;# Prints "HELLO". puts [read $ch] ;# Prints "WORLD". } main ====== <>Channel | ycl component