Version 4 of xbody

Updated 2010-03-17 10:54:18 by sarnold

Sarnold: The following snippet defines a xbody command, which takes a code body as argument, and transforms it, putting directly math expressions inside expr calls.

For example:

 xbody {puts $x+1}


 {puts [expr {$x+1}]}

How does it work? It just parse commands (with cmdSplit) and each word of each command is matched against some syntax rules:

  • if the word starts with a number or a $variable
  • if it is not a single number or variable
  • if it is not a concatenation of string variables

Then, the word is put inside a expr call.

The if, while and for bodies are recognized as nested bodies, and substitutions of expr calls occur inside them. (see TESTS at the bottom of this page)

namespace eval xbody {
        namespace export xbody
        proc cmdSplit {body} {
            set commands {}
            set chunk ""
            foreach line [split $body "\n"] {
                append chunk $line
                if {[info complete "$chunk\n"]} {
                    # $chunk ends in a complete Tcl command, and none of the
                    # newlines within it end a complete Tcl command.  If there
                    # are multiple Tcl commands in $chunk, they must be
                    # separated by semi-colons.
                    set cmd ""
                    foreach part [split $chunk ";"] {
                        append cmd $part
                        if {[info complete "$cmd\n"]} {
                            set cmd [string trimleft $cmd]
                            # Drop empty commands and comments
                            if {![string match {} $cmd] \
                                    && ![string match \#* $cmd]} {
                                lappend commands $cmd
                            if {[string match \#* $cmd]} {
                                set cmd "\#;"
                            } else {
                                set cmd ""
                        } else {
                            # No complete command yet.
                            # Replace semicolon and continue
                            append cmd ";"
                    set chunk ""
                } else {
                    # No end of command yet.  Put the newline back and continue
                    append chunk "\n"
             if {![string match {} [string trimright $chunk]]} {
                return -code error "Can't parse body into a\
                        sequence of commands.\n\tIncomplete\
            return $commands
        proc wordSplit {command} {
                if {![info complete $command]} {error "non complete command"}
                set res ""; # the list of words
                set chunk ""
                foreach word [split $command " \t"] {
                        # testing each word until the word being tested makes the
                        # command up to it complete
                        # example:
                        # set "a b"
                        # set -> complete, 1 word
                        # set "a -> not complete
                        # set "a b" -> complete, 2 words
                        append chunk $word
                        if {[info complete "$res $chunk"]} {
                                lappend res $chunk
                                set chunk ""
                        } else {
                                append chunk " "
                set res
        proc getNumber {word} {
                if {[regexp {^[+\-]?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*([eE][+\-]?[0-9]*)?} $word -> var]} {return $var}
                return ""
        proc isVarExpr {word} {isPattern $word {^\$(\\{[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\}|[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)}}
        proc isPattern {word pat} {
                if {![regexp $pat $word -> var]} {return false}
                regsub $pat $word "" word
                expr {$word ne "" && ![regexp $pat $word]}
        proc isExpr {word} {
                set num [getNumber $word]
                set var [isVarExpr $word]
                expr {($num ne "" && $num ne $word) || $var}
        proc xcontrol_if {cond body args} {
                lappend result if $cond [_body $body]
                while {[llength $args]>=3} {
                        set args [lassign $args word cond body]
                        lappend result $word $cond [_body $body]
                if {[llength $args] != 2} {return $result}
                lassign $args word body
                lappend result $word [_body $body]
        proc xcontrol_while {cond body} {list while $cond [_body $body]}
        proc xcontrol_for {initial cond step body} {list for [_body $initial] $cond [_body $step] [_body $body]}
        proc _body body {
            if {[string index $body 0] eq "\{"} {set body [string range $body 1 end-1]}
            return "{[xbody $body]}"
        proc xbody {body} {
                set outBody ""
                foreach cmd [cmdSplit $body] {
                        set outCmd ""
                        set cmd [wordSplit $cmd]
                        if {[lindex $cmd 0] in {if while for}} {set cmd [xcontrol_[lindex $cmd 0] {*}[lrange $cmd 1 end]]}
                        foreach word $cmd {
                                if {[isExpr $word]} {
                                        lappend outCmd "\[expr \{$word\}\]"
                                } else {
                                        lappend outCmd $word
                        append outBody [join $outCmd]\n
                string trimright $outBody \n

proc t {body} {puts "$body\n-->[xbody::xbody $body]"}
t {if {$x>0} {puts $x+1} else {puts $y-1}}
t {if {$x>0} {puts $x+1} elseif {$h<3} {puts $y-1}}