Zinc is a Tk [widget] developed with [Perl]/Tk, [Tcl]/Tk and [Python]/Tk bindings. Zinc widgets are very similar to Tk [canvas]es in that they support structured graphics. Graphical items can be manipulated, and bindings can be associated with them to implement interaction behaviors. But unlike the canvas, zinc can structure the items in a hierarchy, and has support for affine 2D transforms. Clipping can be set for sub-trees of the item hierarchy and the item set is quite more powerful, including field-specific items for Air Traffic systems. Zinc is fast enough to allow the implementation of 2k2k radar displays with smooth animations. It is structured enough to allow the implementation of direct manipulation desktop GUIs. Since the 3.2.2 version, Zinc also offers as a runtime option, the '''support for openGL rendering''', giving access to features such as antialiasing, transparency, color gradients and even a new, openGL oriented, item type : triangles . In order to use the openGL features, you need the support of the GLX extension on your X11 server. See http://www.openatc.org/zinc/ . ---- [IDG] Has anyone successfully compiled zinc on Windows? ---- As the developper of zinc I am interested in a port to Windows without knowing where to start. I am not acquainted with Windows tools and somewhat afraid of spending too much time on this aspect of zinc development. Not to mention cross platform testing after adding new features, etc... I don't know what interest there would be for this kind of component under Windows, may be it is worth the effort. Any comments? mailto:lecoanet@ath.cena.fr. Funnily I was not aware of this page until now (22 Jan 2003) ---- [Category Package], dependant on [Tk] - [Category Graphics]