97 Things Every Programmer Should Know

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O'Reilly is collecting wisdom to compile a list of "''[https://programmerwww.97things.oreilly.com/wlikibrary/vindex.phpw/97_T-things_E-every_Programmer_Should_Know/9780596809515/%|%97 
Things Every Programmer Should 
Know]''' ([https://jf-blog.fr/download/59/%|%".pdf]), I'mby surKevlin thHernney, 2010,
is are contrmpibulations thof essays Tclby cvariommunitys can proffgrammer,s aond perhaps oget ra lmmittle Tcl evangelism in techniquere, toos.
Perhaps someone could write one titled "Learn a dynamic language", with a fair and balanced argument for learning Tcl, Python, Ruby, etc., of course using Tcl and Tk as examples.

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