

Wiki page content may be in any of the following formats as indicated by a <DOCTYPE> declaration at the top of the page.

<!DOCTYPE WIKIT>Traditional Wikit format (default)
<!DOCTYPE MARKDOWN>Markdown format
<!DOCTYPE TCL>Page generated by a Tcl script
<!DOCTYPE TCLPART>Page content generated by a Tcl script

If the declaration is absent, Wikit format, described by the rest of this page, is assumed. Note: Wikit features such as <<toc>>, <<backrefs>>, <<tags>>, <<categories>> etc. are only supported with this format.

The formats TCL and HTML do not give you the black navigation bar at the top of the page but are meant to build complete HTML pages. If you want to page to have the Wiki look including the navigation bar, you must use TCLPART and HTMLPART.

The TCL and TCLPART formats are expecting the Tcl script to emit HTML via the puts command. This is what gets rendered (and not what is returned by e.g. return). You can stop processing a part of your Tcl script by using return.


There are 3 heading levels available. Put a heading surrounded by two, three or four asterisks on a separate line. Example:

**Heading 1**
***Heading 2***
****Heading 3****

Note: the page title is put above your text and uses a 'Heading 1', so any 'Heading 1' is rendered with the same font size and style as the page title.

Paragraphs and blocks

Separate Paragraphs

Separate two paragraphs with an empty line. Example:

This is a first paragraph.

This is a second paragraph.
This is not a third paragraph as there is no empty line between this line and the previous one.

Horizontal Ruler

To insert a horizontal ruler, use a line like this:


Rendering result:

Code Blocks and Syntax Highlighting

A code block is surrounded by lines containing six equal signs. The opening equal signs can be followed by a language name. This language name will be used to highlight the syntax. Known languages are:

noneno highlighting

If no language is specified, tcl is assumed. The following example is Tcl/Tk code:

 set a [expr {$b + $c}]

Rendering result:

set a [expr {$b + $c}]

Code blocks are rendered in a fixed width font. No further rendering is done inside code blocks.

Lines starting with a space are also rendered in a fixed width font, but no syntax highlighting is done:

 I'm a line starting with a space.

Rendering result:

 I'm a line starting with a space.

Fixed Width blocks

A fixed width block is surrounded by lines containing three equal signs. As in code blocks, the opening line can be followed by a language name (see Code Blocks for known languages). Example:

for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    printf("%d\n", i); // Taken from [Help]

Rendering result:

for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    printf("%d\n", i); // Taken from Help

Fixed width blocks are rendered in a fixed width font. Opposite to code blocks, markup in fixed width blocks is still processed.

Centered Content

To center one or more block of content, enclose it in lines containing nothing but six exclamation marks. Example:

This content will be centered.

Rendering result:

This conent will be centered.

Option Block

An option block starts and ends with a line containing three plus signs. Within those lines, each lines contains an option and a description separated by a tab or two spaces. This defines some option definitions:

Tcl  The Tool Command Language
Tk  Graphical toolkit on top of Tcl
Tcl OO  Object oriented toolkit on top of Tcl

Rendering result:

TclThe Tool Command Language
TkGraphical toolkit on top of Tcl
Tcl OOObject oriented toolkit on top of Tcl


Descriptions can be specified using a line starting with three spaces, the term followed by a colon, three spaces and the description. An example:

   Tcl:   The Tool Command Language
   Tk:   Graphical toolkit on top of Tcl
   Tcl OO:   Object oriented toolkit on top of Tcl

Rendering result:

The Tool Command Language
Graphical toolkit on top of Tcl
Tcl OO
Object oriented toolkit on top of Tcl

Inline HTML

HTML can be inserted into a page surrounded by lines containing <<inlinehtml>>. Example:

This is <b>bold</b>.

Rendering result:

This is bold.

Inline Markup

Supported inline markup:

Italics:  ''enclose text in two single quote characters.''
Bold:  '''enclose text in three single quote characters.'''
Fixed width font:  `enclose text in back quote character.`
Line break:  a line break between a en b can be forced like this a<<br>>b
Space:  a space between a and b can be forced like this a<<nbsp>>b
Pipe character:  <<pipe>>
Opening square bracket:  [[
Closing square bracket:  ]]

Rendering result:

Italics: enclose text in two single quote characters. Bold: enclose text in three single quote characters. Fixed width font: enclose text in back quote character. Line break: a line break between a and b can be forced like this a
b Space: a space between a and b can be forced like this a b Pipe character: | Opening square bracket: [ Closing square bracket: ]

Sometimes the renderer gets confused about singles quotes when using them in different locations on the same line. In such cases, put a second use on a new line.


Ordered and unordered list can be used:

  • Ordered list: start each list item with three space, a digit, a dot and a space.
  • Unordered list: start each list item with three spaces an asterisk and a space.

All text belonging to a list item must be typed on the same line.

Nesting of lists is possible by using multiple digits or multiple asterisks. An example:

   * a
   11. a.a
   11. a.b
   111. a.b.a
   111. a.b.b
   111. a.b.c
   **** a.b.c.a
   **** a.b.c.b
   **** a.b.c.c
   111. a.b.d
   *** a.b.e
   11. a.c
   * b
   * c

Rendering result:

  • a
    1. a.a
    2. a.b
      1. a.b.a
      2. a.b.b
      3. a.b.c
        • a.b.c.a
        • a.b.c.b
        • a.b.c.c
      4. a.b.d
      • a.b.e
    3. a.c
  • b
  • c


Internal Links

Links to other pages are created by putting the page name enclosed in square brackets. To rename an internal link, specify the name to show enclosed in %|%.

Below are two examples of internal links. The first one will be shown with the page name, the second one is renamed:

[Tcl and Tk] and [Tcl and Tk%|%Tcl/Tk%|%]

Rendering result:

Tcl and Tk and Tcl/Tk

Internal links to image pages will show the image.

A link to the list of pages referencing a certain page can be specified like this:


Rendering result:


External Links

Links can be added to any of the following protocols:

  • http
  • https
  • ftp
  • mailto
  • file
  • irc

The following extension are recognized as links to images:

  • .gif
  • .jpg
  • .jpeg
  • .png

An external link is rendered as specified, unless followed by a new name enclosed in %|%. Some examples:

External link:
Renamed external link:|%Tcler's Wiki%|%
External link to image:
Renamed external link to image:|%Plume%|%

Rendering result:

External link:
Renamed external link: Tcler's Wiki
External link to image:
Renamed external link to image: Plume

When an external link to an image is enclosed in square brackets the image itself is shown i.s.o. a link to the image. When an external link to a non image is enclosed in square brackets, the link is rendered as a numerical link enclosed in square brackets. Some examples:

External link: []
Renamed external link: [|%Tcler's Wiki%|%]
External link to image: []
Renamed external link to image: [|%Plume%|%]

Rendering result:

External link: [L1 ]
Renamed external link: Tcler's Wiki
External link to image:
Renamed external link to image: Plume

Back References

To insert a list of all pages referencing the current page use this line:


Rendering result:

Fetching backrefs...

To insert a list of all pages referencing a specific pages use this line:

<<backrefs:page name>>

Rendering result:

Fetching backrefs...

Table of Contents

Insert the table of contents of the page using this line:


Rendering result:

Message of the Day

Insert the message of the day (taken from page ADMIN:MOTD) using this line:


Rendering result:

Tcl Community News

  • Tcl 9.0 Released! The Tcl Core Team is pleased to announce the release of Tcl 9.0.0 - a new major version of Tcl. When compared with the prior release Tcl 8.6 there are many new features to be enjoyed along with some incompatibilities to be considered. Concurrently released is version 9.0 of the Tk graphical toolkit. A summary of the most noteworthy changes in both Tcl 9.0 and Tk 9.0 can be found at the Tcl Developer Xchange .
  • New TCT Members - the Tcl Core Team (TCT) is pleased to announce that Rolf Ade, Ashok Nadkarni and Harald Oehlmann have been elected to membership in the TCT, following the procedure described in TIP #0
  • Another new TCT Member - The Tcl Core Team (TCT) is pleased to announce that Reinhard Max has been elected to membership in the TCT. As well as being a valuable member of the team, Reinhard will be a voice representing the needs of OS vendors/distributors within the TCT.
  • The European OpenACS and TCL/Tk conference will be in Bologna/Italy/Europe on July 11 & 12 2024. The conference page is
  • Tcl/Tk 9.0.1 and 8.6.16 Released. The Tcl Core Team is pleased to announce the 9.0.1 and 8.6.16 releases of the Tcl dynamic language and the Tk toolkit. We would like to express our gratitude to all those who submit bug reports and patches. This information is invaluable in enabling us to identify and eliminate problems in the core. Sources are freely available as open source from the Tcl Developer Xchange .

Recent Changes

Insert an overview of recent changes using this line:


Rendering result:

March 15, 2025
March 14, 2025
Tcl Conferences
March 13, 2025
sqlite3 simple ram server
Noah Moroze
Log File
base24.tcl - the forbidden script
Pave, sort of geometry manager


To redirect a page to another pages, put this redirect statement on the first line of a page:

<<redirect>> target page name

The redirect can be annotated with a reason why the redirect was done. This reason will be show on top of the target page. Possible annotations are:

<<redirect redundant>> target page name
<<redirect duplicate>> target page name
<<redirect merged>> target page name
<<redirect inaccurate>> target page name


A table row is specified as a line starting and ending with a pipe (|) sign. Each row element is separated with a pipe sign too. A header row start with %| and end with |%. To color even and odd rows differently, start rows with &| and end them with |&. An example:

%| Row 1 | Row 2 | Row 3 |%
&| a | b | c |&
&| d | e | f |&
&| a | b | c |&
&| d | e | f |&

Rendering result:

Row 1 Row 2 Row 3
a b c
d e f
a b c
d e f

To use a pipe sign in a row element, specify it as:


The above syntax requires full table rows to be specified on a single line. This following alternative syntax allows rows element to be specified line per line. A line only containing a + sign marks the beginning of a row. Following lines starting with a | sign specify row element. A line containing only +% specifies a header row. To color even and odd rows differently, specify a row using a line containing only +&. An example:


Rendering result:



A discussion is hidden by default and can be made visible by clicking the associated button. A discussion is started with a line containing:


optionally followed by a name. The discussion will contain all content up to the end discussion markup:


or the next discussion line or if no other discussion is started, up to the end of the page.

Categories or tags

This Wiki has a category or tag system. A page can be categorized or tagged like this:


Different tags can be separated by a pipe sign. A tag is page name. If the other page name starts with Category the word Category can be omitted in the tagging. If the specified tag does not start with Category, the wiki will still first look for a page with that name but starting with Category. If such a page can not be found, the plain tag name will be used to link to.