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Tcl Community News

  • Tcl 9.0 Released! The Tcl Core Team is pleased to announce the release of Tcl 9.0.0 - a new major version of Tcl. When compared with the prior release Tcl 8.6 there are many new features to be enjoyed along with some incompatibilities to be considered. Concurrently released is version 9.0 of the Tk graphical toolkit. A summary of the most noteworthy changes in both Tcl 9.0 and Tk 9.0 can be found at the Tcl Developer Xchange .
  • New TCT Members - the Tcl Core Team (TCT) is pleased to announce that Rolf Ade, Ashok Nadkarni and Harald Oehlmann have been elected to membership in the TCT, following the procedure described in TIP #0
  • Another new TCT Member - The Tcl Core Team (TCT) is pleased to announce that Reinhard Max has been elected to membership in the TCT. As well as being a valuable member of the team, Reinhard will be a voice representing the needs of OS vendors/distributors within the TCT.
  • Tcl/Tk 8.6.15 Released. The Tcl Core Team is pleased to announce the 8.6.15 release of the Tcl dynamic language and the Tk toolkit. We would like to express our gratitude to all those who submit bug reports and patches. This information is invaluable in enabling us to identify and eliminate problems in the core. Tcl/Tk 8.6.15 sources are freely available as open source from the Tcl Developer Xchange .
  • Subscribe to the @TclLang Twitter feed for news about happenings in the Tcl world!
Saturday December 14, 2024
Sam Loyd's math puzzle #279aplsimple RU
Thursday December 12, 2024
Blend2d GalleryABU IT
Tuesday December 10, 2024
Dec 2024 Tcl Meetup notesdkf GB
Monday December  9, 2024
Category Passwordsdbohdan NL
Sunday December  8, 2024
tklibaku DE
Saturday December  7, 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog game in pure Tcl/Tkpaul DE
Wednesday December  4, 2024
Swatch Internet Timedbohdan NL
beat.tcl.png imagedbohdan NL
Sonic the hedgehog game screenshots imagedusthillresident GB
Tuesday December  3, 2024
Monatlicher virtueller Tcl Stammtischpaul DE
tablelistnemethi DE
Sunday December  1, 2024
UTCdbohdan NL
Saturday November 30, 2024
Proposal of syntax, expressiveness and semantic improvements with annotationsFM FR
Friday November 29, 2024
My Little TextFile Parserdox GB
Scrollutilnemethi DE
Mentrynemethi DE
Wcbnemethi DE
Thursday November 28, 2024
lpttclJorge MX
Frank Bannon{Frank Bannon} US
Movie Metadata editor{Frank Bannon} US
Thursday November 21, 2024
Extensions ready for Tcl 9paul DE
Porting extensions to Tcl 9paul DE
Tuesday November 19, 2024
Tcl Core Teamoehhar DE
Harald Oehlmannoehhar DE
DIOray2501 TW
Sunday November 17, 2024
GraphVizgreg DE
Saturday November 16, 2024
WebServicesoehhar DE
BWidgetoehhar DE
Gooehhar DE
Thursday November 14, 2024
tapaya_TkCon_SS imagetapaya DE
ANSI color controltapaya DE
Wednesday November 13, 2024
OpenAPI Generator for TclJimmy IT
Eric HassoldEH US
Tuesday November 12, 2024
WebSocketdox GB
Sunday November 10, 2024
georgtreegeorgtree GB
SpiceGenTclgeorgtree GB
Friday November  8, 2024
A logo for Tcl 9CGM GB
Tcl9powered imageCGM GB
Thursday November  7, 2024
Tclssgdbohdan NL
Sunday November  3, 2024
Helptorsten DE
Towards a central catalogue of Tcl packagestorsten DE
Tcl package catalogue on the Wikitorsten DE
fgazfgaz SE
RA2Stanistheman CA
Friday November  1, 2024
Ask, and it shall be given # 13Stanistheman CA
A whimsical idea for a clockarjen NL
silly clock imagearjen NL
Wednesday October 30, 2024
Colin MacleodCGM GB
Monday October 28, 2024
Typed TclFM FR
Saturday October 19, 2024
Closuresq3cpma FR
Thursday October 17, 2024
truncKSA CH
Tuesday October 15, 2024
Poor Yorickpooryorick EE
Changes in Tcl/Tk 9.0torsten DE
Tcl/Tk Printing Supportkevin_walzer US
Monday October 14, 2024
Test Suite Logoehhar DE
DisTcl - Distributed Programming Infrastructure for TclCGM GB
tDOMtorsten DE
Use Tcl to create a Wiki pagetorsten DE
A Wiki page with only Tcl codetorsten DE
Saturday October 12, 2024
tclMuPdfABU IT
Friday October 11, 2024
Who says Tcl rules...CGM GB
Thursday October 10, 2024
Mesonfgaz SE
blake3fgaz SE
Wednesday October  9, 2024
Graffiti 2stevel AU
Sunday October  6, 2024
pix : 2D graphics libraryNR FR
Saturday October  5, 2024
Ruff!paul DE
Comparing Tcl with PythonCGM GB
Friday October  4, 2024
promiseapn IN
Wednesday October  2, 2024
CFFI Packageapn IN
Monday September 30, 2024
Imgpaul DE
tclcsvapn IN
tcl9migrateapn IN
Package iocpapn IN
Sunday September 29, 2024
trequestsneophytosd CY
tjvneophytosd CY
Saturday September 28, 2024
hexHuntdox GB
Tcl9LogoMonochromeText imagedbohdan NL
Tcl9LogoMonochrome imagedbohdan NL
Friday September 27, 2024
Zstandarddbohdan NL
Shuffle a listRPN HR
Ralf-Peter.NeumannRPN HR
Tcl chronologytorsten DE
Tcl9Icon imageCGM GB
Tcl9LogoFinal imageCGM GB
NaviServerdox GB
Wednesday September 25, 2024
dusthillresidentdusthillresident GB
NHI1aotto1968 DE
Thursday September 19, 2024
RamDebuggerJAL US
taipudex lookupfr DE
Wednesday September 18, 2024
Tcl on MacOStorsten DE
Monday September 16, 2024
Image glyphSample1.5 imageABU IT
glyphs-demoABU IT
glyphsABU IT
Friday September 13, 2024
treqmonneophytosd CY

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