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Tcl Community News

  • Tcl 9.0 Released! The Tcl Core Team is pleased to announce the release of Tcl 9.0.0 - a new major version of Tcl. When compared with the prior release Tcl 8.6 there are many new features to be enjoyed along with some incompatibilities to be considered. Concurrently released is version 9.0 of the Tk graphical toolkit. A summary of the most noteworthy changes in both Tcl 9.0 and Tk 9.0 can be found at the Tcl Developer Xchange .
  • New TCT Members - the Tcl Core Team (TCT) is pleased to announce that Rolf Ade, Ashok Nadkarni and Harald Oehlmann have been elected to membership in the TCT, following the procedure described in TIP #0
  • Another new TCT Member - The Tcl Core Team (TCT) is pleased to announce that Reinhard Max has been elected to membership in the TCT. As well as being a valuable member of the team, Reinhard will be a voice representing the needs of OS vendors/distributors within the TCT.
  • Tcl/Tk 9.0.1 and 8.6.16 Released. The Tcl Core Team is pleased to announce the 9.0.1 and 8.6.16 releases of the Tcl dynamic language and the Tk toolkit. We would like to express our gratitude to all those who submit bug reports and patches. This information is invaluable in enabling us to identify and eliminate problems in the core. Sources are freely available as open source from the Tcl Developer Xchange .
Tuesday March 11, 2025
The Barbers Cafe imagethebarberscafe PK
trapMJ NL
Saturday March  8, 2025
Dragon Counting Game dice types imagegold US
Friday March  7, 2025
Tcl/Tk application binaries through GoDDG DE
Thursday March  6, 2025
Time Fractals retrenchment imagegold US
Dragon Counting Game bottom imagegold US
Dragon Counting Game extra extra imagegold US
Dragon Counting Game extra dice imagegold US
Dragon Counting Game enhanced imagegold US
Dragon Counting Game variance imagegold US
Dragon Counting Game reverse imagegold US
Wednesday March  5, 2025
expagog, EGaplsimple RU
Tuesday March  4, 2025
OptionDialog Tk and ttk imageTWu DE
An option dialogTWu DE
The list of Tk widgetsTWu DE
Category Godbohdan NL
Monday March  3, 2025
Picture of the Daykpv US
Sunday March  2, 2025
envsave.tclTWu DE
Joe Mistachkinmistachkin US SK
pix : 2D graphics libraryNR FR
Saturday March  1, 2025
Babylonian Expansion Algorithm ratio 41 imagegold US
Babylonian Expansion Algorithm square root imagegold US
Extending math functions to support listsKSA DE
Babylonian Expansion Algorithm testcase 7a imagegold US
Babylonian Expansion Algorithm testcase 7 imagegold US
Wednesday February 26, 2025
WISH Color PickerTWu DE
HSV colorPickernico FR
Color pickersTWu DE SK
static SK
Tuesday February 25, 2025
Tcl on MacOSManfredR AT
Monday February 24, 2025
Highlighter 2.xABU IT
Blend2dABU IT
entiertma DE
Category Standalone Executablesdbohdan NL imagedbohdan NL SK
Sunday February 23, 2025
Result LOESS imagearjen NL
Smoothing a plot of noisy data via LOESSarjen NL
Friday February 21, 2025
HighlighterABU IT
pdfviewerABU IT
MuPdfWidgetABU IT
tclMuPdfABU IT
Thursday February 20, 2025
oowidgetsDDG DE
Adam ProjectChris64 US
Tuesday February 18, 2025
Reading PNG image dimensionsoehhar DE
ManfredRManfredR AT
Sunday February 16, 2025
Apps confirmed to work with Tcl 9ufko SK
Friday February 14, 2025
YAMLpiotrkaras PL
JSONpiotrkaras PL
jsonschemapiotrkaras PL
Monday February 10, 2025
VecTcltorsten DE
Sunday February  9, 2025
Porting extensions to Tcl 9bohagan US
Tkconbohagan US
Tktablebohagan US
tlsbohagan US
TclOO Widget Class with Garbage Collection (wob)AMB US
vutilAMB US
ndlistAMB US
Friday February  7, 2025
Reading GIS shape fileskpv US
Thursday February  6, 2025
Evolanesaito US
Wednesday February  5, 2025
Tcl Chatroomapn IN
TkChatapn IN
Tuesday February  4, 2025
icoTWu DE
Arduinosergiol PT
Saturday February  1, 2025
GSoC Idea: Parse TrueType/OpenType font dataABU IT
Caligraft2025ABU IT
Caligraft-Intro imageABU IT
gzipphop GB
Thursday January 30, 2025
myooaotto1968 DE
rot13CGM GB
superlinuxSuperlinux LB
Wednesday January 29, 2025
xtermsbron NL
eTclsergiol PT
Tuesday January 28, 2025
Monday January 27, 2025
dict getufko SK
Tcl'erssergiol PT
Tcl Extension ArchiveTWu DE
base-tclTWu DE
trsyncTWu DE
base-tclsvc-threadTWu DE
Sunday January 26, 2025
Jigsaw Puzzlerpaul DE
namespace pathhoodiecrow SE
Saturday January 25, 2025
Sonic the Hedgehog game in pure Tcl/Tkpaul DE
Chess4TclDDG DE
Friday January 24, 2025
hsvPict2 imageaplsimple RU
Andreas Ottoaotto1968 DE
Wednesday January 22, 2025
taipudex lookupfr DE

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