A little math language revisited

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[Arjen Markus] (7 may 2004) Recent interest in the possibilities of using Tcl for numerical analysis, brought back the page [A little math language]. I decided to explore this a bit further ... It is not complete yet, but you get the drift, I think, from the examples/test code.

[AM] (10 may 2004) One thing I'd like to add is support for such mathematical tools 
   y = lim x->inf  x*(atan(2x)-atan(x))
   y = int x=0 to 1 exp(x**2)
   y = deriv x=0 atan(x+sqrt(x))

(oh, none of these have any practical value as far as I am concerned, I just made
them up whilst typing ...). This did bring me to consider a [Simple method for computing mathematical limits].

[AM] (8 july 2004) A slight update to the original script: I added the possibility to use array elements. This does assume a fixed list of math functions in [[expr]] and it does not yet work with:

   x(i+1) = x(i) * a

and such ... (Makes me wonder: how does Tcl handle:
   set i 1
   set a [expr {$b($i-1)+$b($i)]
assuming b(0) and b(1) are defined ... After all these years still some puzzles to solve
and a little interactive tclsh session led to the answer:
 % set b(0) 1
 % set b(1) 2
 % set i 1        
 % set a [expr {$b($i-1)+$b($i)}]
 can't read "b(1-1)": no such element in array

The reason I added support for array elements is that Shen-Yeh Chen, who is working on a package called '''OpTcl''' - optimisation with Tcl - asked for this. For his customers, Tcl is a way to use the optimisation package (written in Fortran) without having to program in C or Fortran themselves. 

Because statements like 


are much more natural for them than the ordinary Tcl syntax, this little script helps a lot.

(His project provides me with a nice opportunity to further develop my '''Ftcl''' library that makes the combination of Fortran and Tcl possible - see: [Combining Fortran and Tcl in one program]).

# mathlang.tcl --
#    Provide commands that allow a more usual mathematical syntax:
#    mathfunc {x} {
#       sinc = sin(x)/x if x != 0
#       sinc = 0        otherwise
#    }
#    math {
#       a = x*x + y*y
#    }
#    Still to do: mathfunc
# (7 july 2004) Small improvement:
#               recognise array elements

namespace eval ::mathsyntax {
    namespace export math
    variable cached_calcs {}
    variable func_names \
       {abs acos asin atan atan2 ceil cos cosh double
        exp floor fmod hypot int log log10 pow rand round
        sin sinh sqrt srand tan tanh wide}

 # ToExpr --
 #    Transform an expression to the form expr wants
 # Arguments:
 #    expression     A right-hand side of an assignment
 # Result:
 #    Valid Tcl expression
 proc ::mathsyntax::ToExpr { expression } {
    variable func_names

    set rhs [string map {" " ""} $expression]
    set indices [regexp -inline -all -indices {[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*} $rhs]
    set offset 0
    foreach idx $indices {
       foreach {start stop} $idx {break}
       set start [expr {$start+$offset}]
       set stop  [expr {$stop+$offset}]
       set next  [expr {$stop+1}]

       if { [string index $rhs $next] != "(" } {
          set char [string index $rhs $start]
          set rhs  [string replace $rhs $start $start "\$$char" ]
          incr offset
       } else {
          set char [string index $rhs $start]
          set name [string range $rhs $start $stop]
          if { [lsearch $func_names $name] < 0 } {
             set rhs  [string replace $rhs $start $start "\$$char" ]
    return $rhs

 # Transform --
 #    Transform a series of mathematical expressions into Tcl code
 # Arguments:
 #    id         ID to use
 #    calc       One or more mathematical assignments
 # Result:
 #    None
 # Side effects:
 #    A private procedure is created
 # Note:
 #    No conditions yet
 proc ::mathsyntax::Transform { id calc } {
    set calc [split $calc "\n"]
    set body {"uplevel 2 \{"}

    foreach assign $calc {
       set assign [string trim $assign]
       if { $assign != "" } {
          regexp {([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_()]*) *= *(.*)} $assign ==> lhs rhsfull

          # Is there a condition?
          set cond1 [string first " if"        $rhsfull]

          # PM: set cond2 [string first " otherwise" $rhsfull]

          set cond  ""
          if { $cond1 > 0 } {
             set rhs  [string range $rhsfull 0 [expr {$cond1-1}]]
             set cond [string range $rhsfull [expr {$cond1+3}] end]
             lappend body "if { [ToExpr $cond] } \{"
          } else {
             set rhs $rhsfull

          # If the left-hand side refers to an array element,
          # we need to add a dollar-sign
          set lhs [string map {"(" "($"} $lhs]

          # Prepare the assignment
          set rhs [ToExpr $rhs]

          lappend body "set $lhs \[expr {$rhs}\]"

          if { $cond != "" } {
             lappend body "\}"

    lappend body "\}"

    proc Cached$id {} [join $body "\n"]

 # math --
 #    Allow mathematical expressions inside Tcl code
 # Arguments:
 #    calc       One or more mathematical assignments
 # Result:
 #    None
 # Side effects:
 #    As the code is executed in the caller's scope, variables
 #    in the calling procedure are set
 #    The code is transformed into a procedure that is cached
 proc ::mathsyntax::math { calc } {
    variable cached_calcs

    set id [lsearch $cached_calcs $calc]
    if { $id < 0 } {
       lappend cached_calcs $calc
       set id [expr {[llength $cached_calcs]-1}]
       Transform $id $calc


 # Simple test
 namespace import ::mathsyntax::math

 set a 1
 set b 1
 set c ""
 set d ""
 set sinc ""
 math {
    c = a + b
    d = a + cos(b+c)
 puts "$c $d"

 for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
    math {
       x = 0.1*i
       sinc = 1 if x == 0
       sinc = sin(x)/x if x != 0
       y(i) = sinc*sinc
    puts "$i $x $sinc $y($i)"
 # Just to check
 parray y
[FM] maybe we should return a list, because it should be sometime interesting to get all the values.
To illustrate, here is what how I did that :
I added :
variable Res [list]
in `namespace eval ::mathsyntax { ... }`

In `proc ::mathsyntax::Transform { id calc } { ... }`
set calc [split $calc "\n\;"] 
instead of : `set calc [[split $calc "\n"]]`
lappend body "lappend ::mathsyntax::Res \[set $lhs \[expr {$rhs}\]\]"
instead of `lappend body "\[[set $lhs \[[expr {$rhs}\]]\]]"`

Adding at the end of  `proc ::mathsyntax::math { calc } { ... } `
lindex $::mathsyntax::Res

 ## to test :
pack [canvas .c]
.c create line {*}[set L [list]; for {set i -200} {$i < 200} {incr i} {
    math {
       x = 0.1*i
       sinc = 1 if x == 0
       sinc = sin(x)/x if x != 0
    lappend L {*}[math {X=200+10*x;Y=200-100*sinc}]
 }; set L]
[gold]9/20/2020, added appendix and pix, but above text and code unchanged.
***Figure 1. A little math language revisited screenshot one***
[A little math language revisited screenshot]
***Figure 2. A little math language revisited screenshot two***
[A little math language revisited screenshot two]<<categories>> Mathematics
*** References ***
   * [A little math language revisited]
   * [Playing with Recursion] by [RS]
   * [Functional Programming]
   * [recursion]
   * [func]
   * John McCarthy: A basis for a mathematical theory of computation, in: 
   * Computer Programming and Formal Systems.
   * P.Braffort, D.Hirschberg (ed.), Amsterdam:North Holland 1963,
   * several versions, archived pdf [http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/basis1.pdf]
   * McCarthys LISP and Basis for Theory of Computation, archived pdf[https://hapoc2015.sciencesconf.org/conference/hapoc2015/pages/Dai.pdf]
   * en.wikipedia.org search on <John McCarthy computer> [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McCarthy_(computer_scientist)]
   * John McCarthy at Stanford web site, archived [https://web.archive.org/web/20131011125002/http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/]
   * Towards a Mathematical Science of Computation, J. McCarthy,
   * Computer Science Department,Stanford University, archived pdf [https://web.archive.org/web/20130319040125/http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/towards.pdf]
   * Elephant 2000: A Programming Language Based on Speech Acts
   * John McCarthy, Stanford University, archived [https://web.archive.org/web/20130319040119/http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/elephant.pdf]
   * Elephant input and output statements are characterized
   * as speech acts and programs, which 
   * can refer directly to the past.
   * Elephant proposal contains summary
   * on  McCarthy mathematical theory of computation  
   * King that learns? [A Program That Learns]
   * [upvar sugar]
   * [Salt and Sugar]
   * [Math sugar]
   * [A little math language]
   * [args]
   * [RS]
   * [LV]     
   * [Radical Language Modification]
   * [Functional Programming]
   * [Custom curry] 
   * [Playing with recursion]
   * [Modeling COND with expr]
   * [Sample Math Programs]
   * Professor Frisby's Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming [https://github.com/MostlyAdequate/mostly-adequate-guide]
   * [expr shorthand for Tcl9]
   * [Steps towards functional programming]
   * [Tacit programming]
   * The fortran call statement appeared in Fortran2 (1958).  example of call exit, fortran 4     
   * Thocp code, http://www.thocp.net/software/languages/fortran.htm
   * [Natural User Interface]
   * [Natural Languages] category
   * [Game kingdom of strategy]
   * wikipedia.org wiki The_Sumerian_Game
   * [Find all words]
   * [Things German]
   * [How to synthesize a query]
   * [Writing Tk programs so that the user can extend or interact with them without modifying the application]
   * [Ruslish]
   * [Accumulator Generators]
   * [Accumulator Generator]
   * [Whadjasay]
   * disassemble byte code [https://www.magicsplat.com/blog/disassemble/]
   *  One Liners Programs Compendium [https://wiki.tcllang.org/page/One+Liners+Programs+Compendium++and+TCL+demo+examples+calculations%2C+numerical+analysis]
   * [One Liners]
   * [Oneliner's Pie in the Sky]
   * Ref. WIKI BOOKS, Tcl_Programming_Introduction, [https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Tcl_Programming/Introduction]
   * Book Section  contrasts one liners programs
   * versus  traditional procedural  approach, 
   * Multiple  Wiki Books on TCL programming  [https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Category:Book:Tcl_Programming]
   * [if]
   * [New Control Structures]
   * Kernighan and Pike: The practice of programming  

**Hidden Comments Section**

Please include your wiki MONIKER and date in your comment   Thanks, [gold] 12Aug2020 

<<categories>> Numerical Analysis | Toys | Calculator | Mathematics| Example| Toys and Games | Games | Application | GUI
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