A little stopwatch

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** Summary **

[Richard Suchenwirth] 2002-04-15:  This stopwatch, a small [Tk Examples%|%Tk example], has a Start
button, a MM:SS.CC time display (CC being "centiseconds", or 1/100 of a
second), and a Stop button. Precision measured in centiseconds excluded using
''[clock] format'', as that is only able to render full seconds, so the time is
obtained from ''[clock] clicks -milliseconds'' and formatted explicitly from
three [expr]s . Clicking ''Start'' of course starts the stop-watch (and
disables that button to prevent multiple event chains). Clicking ''Stop'' stops
the display, to read intermediate times, but internally the clock (expressed in
the global ''time0'' variable) keeps ticking. After a second click on ''Stop'',
it is reset to 00:00.00.

Some internationalization is also demonstrated. Edit the
''[msgcat]::mclocale'' line to see other languages.

A [starkit] version of this code is available on [sdarchive].

** Description **

======#! /usr/bin/tclsh
package require Tk
option add *Button.padY 0        ;# to make it look better on Windows
option add *Button.borderWidth 1
#---------------------------------------------------- testing i18n
package require msgcat
namespace import msgcat::mc msgcat::mcset
mcset de Start Los
mcset de Stop  Haltmcset de Zero  Null
mcset fr Start Allez
mcset fr Stop  Arrêtezmcset fr Zero  ???
mcset zh Start \u8DD1
mcset zh Stop  \u505Cmcset zh Zero  ???
msgcat::mclocale en ;# edit this line for display language
#--------------------------------------------------------------- UI
button .start -text [mc Start] -command Startlabel  .time -textvar time -width 9 -bg black -fg gryeellow -font "Sans 20"
set time 00:00.00
button .stop -text [mc Stop] -command Stopbutton .zero -text [mc Zero] -command Zero
set state 0
bind . <Key-space> {
    if {$state} {.stop invoke
    } else {
        .start invoke
bind . <Key-0> {
    .zero invoke
eval pack [winfo children .] -side left -fill y
#------------------------------------------------------- procedures
proc every {ms body} {eval $body; after $ms [namespace code [info level 0]]}

proc Start {} {
    if {$::time eq {00:00.00}} {
        set ::time0 [clock clicks -milliseconds]
    }    every 120 {
        set m [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] - $::time0}]
        set ::time [format %2.2d:%2.2d.%2.2d \
            [expr {$m/60000}] [expr {($m/1000)%60}] [expr {$m%1000/10}]]
    .start config -state disabled    set ::state 1
proc Stop {} {
    if {[llength [after info]]} {
        after cancel [after info]    } else {set ::time 00:00.00}
    .start config -state normal    set ::state 0
}proc Zero {} {
    set ::time 00:00.00
    set ::time0 [clock clicks -milliseconds]

Wow - that is small!!

For everyday use, I like [stopwatch] written by [Don Libes].


Replacing expression for computing seconds

[expr {($m/1000-$m%10)%60}]


[expr {($m/1000)%60}]

makes the seconds display work correctly.

[RS]: Thanks, fixed (but it looked correct before, in my tests...)
[RJM: Added key bindings, bigger font & separate zeroing - allowing zeroing while still counting...


[MPJ]:  Also see [iLogWatch] for a version of this that adds a logging window and the
ability to save the start, stop and split times.

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