'''Binary Distributions''' of [Tcl] and [Tk] can be obtained from the sources
listed below.
** See Also **
[Getting Tcl/Tk]: for source distributions
[deployment] : packaging executable code for distribution
[BAWT]: is a Tcl based configurable framework for automatically building C/C++ based software libraries from source code. Current version 3.0.01 released on 2024/12/2831.
** Description **
It is important to consider the ramifications when using any binary
distribution, including factors such as the [license] of the distribution
If you are for some reason unable to easily compile and install the source code
distribution, you may want to try out one of the publicly available binary
distributions. These are compiled and made available by third parties. Your
mileage may vary. When using one of these publically available binary
distributions, there may very well be licensing issues over and beyond those of
the underlying language, extensions and tools - all such licensing issues need
to be carefully evaluated.
** Multi-Platform **
[ActiveTcl]: latest release: as of 2015-04-03. A binary distribution of Tcl/Tk + commonly used extensions. [ActiveState] provides [ActiveTcl], a binary distribution of Tcl, Tk, and a very large number of extensions, for free download. See http://www.activestate.com/Products/activetcl/ for details. Users can find binaries for '''Windows''', '''Linux''' (x86 or x86_64), '''Mac OS X''' (Universal PPC/Intel), '''HP-UX''' (PA-RISC), and '''Solaris''' (SPARC or x86).
[Tclkit]: A single file executable containing Tcl, Tk, IncrTcl, MetaKit, and a few other extensions. It is in fact the basis of this web site! Check [Wikit] for more details. Available in over two dozen varieties, as summarized here [http://www.equi4.com/tclkit/]. [Steve Landers], [Cameron Laird], [MHo] and several others have a personal preference for this convenient single-file distribution.
[KiwiTcl]: out-of-date, 8.6.0 as of 2013-03-20. free (as in freedom) binary Tcl/Tk distribution for Microsoft Windows and SCO UnixWare platforms.
[dqkit]: out-of-date (last release, 8.4.13 and 8.5.4). Tclkit-like distribution with many more extensions, but a little out of date
[eTcl]: out-of-date. Hard to tell exactly what version of Tcl the releases represent. Another single-file Tcl/Tk distribution containing Tcl, Tk, and selected extensions. As well as '''Windows''' and '''Mac OS X''', eTcl is available for a number of constrained platforms, including '''Windows Mobile''', and embedded (µclibc) '''Linux''' on x86, MIPSel, ARM, and PowerPC processors. [HE] 2017-09-16: I think, this distribution is not only out-of-date. It's no longer available. The link leads to HTTP 404 and the main page www.evolane.com looks no longer like a web side of a french company.
[kbs]: latest release 8.6.5. Build system and binary distribution (Linux, Windows, Darwin). Older binary versions for SunOS, IRIX.
[undroidwish]: latest release 8.6.10 based on the same source tree as [AndroWish]. Single-file executable (Windows, Linux) containing Tcl, Tk, itcl, itk, Img, tls, TDBC, sqlite3, Canvas3d, tkpath, treectrl, tcllib etc. Rendering/display management is based on SDL2 (see http://libsdl.org), freetype (see http://freetype.org), and AGG (see http://www.antigrain.com) and thus looks almost identical on all supported platforms. Additional platforms: FreeBSD, OpenBSD, OpenIndiana, MacOSX, and Haiku plus Linux with SDL's Wayland and KMSDRM video drivers, plus RaspberryPi (Linux) with SDL's Raspberry video driver. KMSDRM and Raspberry drivers allow to use Tk without a display server.
[tclexecomp]: latest release V2.0.0, Tcl/TK V8.6.14. Single-file executable (Windows, Linux, MacOS) containing Tcl, Tk with many included modules, customiziable.
** Windows **
[ActiveTcl]: a binary version of Tcl and Tk available for several major platforms. Tcl/Tk 8.6.9 as of 2021/01/05.
[IronTcl]: Binary distribution of Tcl/Tk, based on the latest official source release, with a focus on security and stability. Tcl/Tk 8.6.7 as of 2021/01/05.
[https://degitlab-ext.terma.com/tper/tcltk%|%teclab's tcltk]: Automated and nightly/weekly builds.
[https://www.tcl3d.org/bawt/download.html#tclbi%|%BAWT-Tcl]: Batteries Included Setup Program. Tcl/Tk versions 8.6.16 and 9.0.1. Last update: 2024/12/2831.
[https://www.magicsplat.com/tcl-installer/index.html%|%Magicsplat Tcl/Tk for Windows]: Windows installer packages (32- and 64-bit). Includes Tcl/Tk and many extensions. Distributions for Tcl/Tk 8.6.146 and 9.0 Beta 3.1. Last update: 20245/08/01.
[http://daidze.com/TclTk8.6_64bit_Setup.exe%|%Windows 64bit installer]: (Version: 8.6.3, uploaded 22/12/2014) Compiled under W7 using MinGW 64bit. Windows Installer, 64bit only. Tcllib0.15 and Tklib0.6 included, list of all packages [http://daidze.com/list_packages.adp%|%here] (broken link)
[http://daidze.com/tcl865_install.exe%|%Windows installer]: (Version: 8.6.5, uploaded 15/05/2016) Windows Installer. A lot of packages included, Tcllib1.18 and Tklib0.6 included, etc. list of all packages [http://daidze.com/list_packages865.adp%|%here] (broken link)
** Windows Mobile **
Earlier versions of this platform were called [PocketPC], Windows CE, etc.
[Tclkit Mobile]: a port of Tclkit 8.4.9 to Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition PDAs
[Windows/CE]: covers tcltkce, and Rainer Keuchel's port
See also:
[Known bugs in CE ports]
** Apple Macintosh **
[MacPorts]: not-exactly binary, but automated and up-to-date
[Fink]: also not binary, but also automated and up-to-date
[ActiveTcl]: a binary version of Tcl and Tk available for several major platforms.
[Tclkit]: (not anymore) up to date [http://web.archive.org/web/https://www.zolli.fr/tclkit-darwin.php%|%TclKits], by [David Zolli]. A single file executable containing Tcl, Tk, IncrTcl, MetaKit, and a few other extensions. [Steve Landers], [Cameron Laird], [MHo] and several others have a personal preference for this convenient single-file distribution.
[TclTkAquaBi]: out-of-date, a binary distribution of Tcl/Tk + commonly used extensions for MacOS X
** Linux **
Most Linux distributions include Tcl/Tk and a number of extensions.
[ActiveTcl]: a binary version of Tcl and Tk available for several major platforms.
[https://degitlab-ext.terma.com/tper/tcltk%|%teclab's tcltk]: Automated and nightly/weekly builds.
[http://jfontain.free.fr/%|%Jean-Luc Fontaine]: has RPM kits (for RedHat Linux) for Tcl/Tk, BLT, and TkTable at his home page (last updated in 2006). It is worth noting that Jean-Luc has separate installations for Tcl and Tk, so the file sizes are under a megabyte. These packages are also supposed to coexist happily with the default Tcl/Tk installation from RedHat.
[Reinhard Max]: creates the official Tcl-RPMs for '''SuSE Linux'''. Packages for newer versions of Tcl and several extensions on different versions of SuSE Linux (i386) can be found here: ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/projects/tcl/ (last updated in 2006). If you have problems or suggestions about SuSE's Tcl packages or if you need current Tcl RPMs for other hardware platforms, feel free to ask ''max at suse.de''.
[Docker]: container, by [Emmanuel Frecon], based on Ubuntu and a number of `apt-get install`. And also [https://hub.docker.com/r/efrecon/mini-tcl/%|%mini-tcl] container based on [http://alpinelinux.org/%|%Alpine Linux] (same author and maintainer). https://hub.docker.com/r/efrecon/bawt%|%Latest attempt%|% is to build from source using [BAWT]: larger image, more recent packages, different portfolio.
[Siqsuruq] Docker Images
* https://github.com/Siqsuruq/naviserver/tree/main/AlpineTclBaseImage%|%Alpine-based Tcl Base Image, Size 44.5MB%|%
* https://github.com/Siqsuruq/naviserver/tree/main/AlpineTclBatteriesIncluded%|%Alpine-based Tcl batteries-included Image, Size 54.4MB%|%
* https://hub.docker.com/r/siqsuruq/tcl%|%Docker Hub Repository%|%
** BSD-like Platforms **
The BSDs have a make-based package system similar (although superior) to Linux'
rpms. All of the tree offer downloading/installing binary packages. Usually at
the time of a OS release, the then current packages tree are compiled and
uploaded to the respective project's ftp server. Consult your BSD's package
documentation on how to install such a binary package.
** Solaris **
[ActiveTcl]: a binary version of Tcl and Tk available for several major platforms.
** Tru64 Unix for Alpha **
There is a rather out-of-date "Open Source Software Collection"
[http://h30097.www3.hp.com/demos/ossc/html/0Welcome.htm] for Tru64 Unix. Its
contents [http://h30097.www3.hp.com/demos/ossc/html/shwindex.htm] include
Tcl/Tk 8.3.1.
** HP-UX **
[ActiveTcl]: a binary version of Tcl and Tk available for several major platforms.
The ''HP-UX Porting and Archive Center'': up-to-date Tcl, Tk, and many (mostly older) extensions, mirrored around the world. Try one of http://hpux.cs.utah.edu in Utah, USA or http://hpux.connect.org.uk/ in the UK.
HP developer and olution partner portal: provides a variety of open-source software packages for HP-UX 11. The technical resources for HP-UX points to [http://h21007.www2.hp.com/dspp/tech/tech_TechTypeListingPage_IDX/1,1704,10312,00.html] If that link moves, you can probably get there through http://www.hp.com/country/us/eng/support.htm
** BeOS version R4.5 for Intel / Haiku **
[http://habilis.net/betcl/%|%BeTcl] (out of date): provides a port of Tcl 8.3.0 (without Tk)
[undroidwish]: can be built for Haiku x86 and x86_64
** AIX **
[ActiveTcl]: a binary version of Tcl and Tk available for several major platforms.
** Android **
[AndroWish]: Tcl/Tk 8.6 binary and source
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