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'''[http://www.open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG14/www/standards%|%C]''', by [Dennis
Ritchie], is a [programming language], most notable as the implementation
language of [Tcl] ;)

** Background Information **

   [http://www.pvv.org/~oma/HistoryAndSpirit_NDC_Jun2015.pdf%|%History and Spirit of C and C++ (pdf)], by Olve Maudal:   

** Critique **

    [1% the code]:   

** Documentation **
   [http://busyboxwww.nopet/~lan-stdley.org/JTC1/SC22/WG14/www/doc99-s/n2310.pdraft.html%|%ISO/IEC 9899:2017::2x Draft(E) (N8692310)], 2018-11-06:   at busybox.net
   [https://web.archive.org/web/20181230041359if_/http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/abq/c17_updated_proposed_fdis.pdf%|%ISO/IEC 9899:2017 (N2176)]:   

   [http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1570.pdf%|%Draft C1X (N1570)]:   

   [http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/WG14/www/docs/n1256.pdf%|%Draft C99 (N1256)]:   

   [http://web.archive.org/web/20050207010641/dev.unicals.com/papers/c99-draft.html%|%C99 draft specification]:   big HTML file
   [http://busybox.net/~landley/c99-draft.html%|%C99 Draft (N869)]:   At busybox.net.

   Draft ANSI C: [http://flash-gordon.me.uk/ansi.c.txt%|%Standard (ANSI X3J11/88-090)], [https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BxVCLS4f8Sg5NWZmM2NjZWEtYmExMS00Y2EzLWE3ZTMtNzFmYjYwYzBiOTIw&hl=en_US%|%C Rationale (ANSI X3J11/88-151)]:      [http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/WG14/www/docs/n1256.pdf%|%Draft C99 (N1256)]:   
   [http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1570.pdf%|%Draft C1X (N1570)]:   
   [The C Programming Language Kernighan and Ritchie%|%The C Programming Language] [https://www.bell-labs.com/usr/dmr/www/cbook/], by [Brian Kernighan%|%Brian W. Kernighan] and [Dennis Ritchie]:   

   [https://www.bell-labs.com/usr/dmr/www/chist.html%|%The Development of the C Language*], Dennis M. Ritchie:   

   [http://c-faq.com/%|%C FAQ]:   
   [http://www.lysator.liu.se/c/%|%Programming in C]:   aA list of various C papers and resources.

** Guidelines **
   [https://www.misra.org.uk/%|%MISRA C]:   Developed as a restricted subset of C, identified in the 1994 Development guidelines for vehicle based software and against the background of the emerging use of C for developing embedded software in automotive applications.  Now a de facto standard for developing software in C where safety, security and code quality are important.

** Description **

The ANSI committee as well as the ISO committee have approved a standard
reference for C.

Support for C is traditionally provided by a compiler.  Some efforst at a C
interpreter also exist.

Most Unix systems provide vendor-supported compilers.  They are often unbundled
products these days.

** Dialects **
   [http://cyclone.thelanguage.org/%|%Cyclone]:   aA safe dialect of [C].

** Free Compilers **
   [gcc],  by the [FSF]:   aA quite popular C compiler found on many platforms and operating systems.  Apple [XCode] provides a gcc distribution for [Mac OS X]. 
   [clang]:   C language family frontend for [LLVM] [http://clang.llvm.org/].
   [Cygwin]:   C compiler (free; a version of [gcc]; for some strange reason it cannot be used to compile the [Tcl] source code out-of-the-box - but Cygwin comes with its own version of Tcl at least),.
   [Mingw]:   C compiler [http://www.mingw.org/] (free; another version of [gcc] for Windows with goals slightly different from [Cygwin]),.

   [http://www.openwatcom.org/%|%OpenWatcom C/C++ compiler]:   Free. [Microsoft Windows], [OS/2], [MS-DOS%|%DOS], and [Linux].

   [tcc]:   the "Tiny C Compiler". Free. 

   [http://www.t3x.org/subc/index.html%|%The SubC Compiler], by Nils M Holm:   Free.  A fast and simple public domain compiler for a clean subset of the C programming language. It can compile itself and passes gcc -Wall -pedantic.  Companion to [http://www.t3x.org/reload/index.html%|%Practical Compiler Construction: A Non-nonsense Tour Through a C Compiler].

** Proprietary Compilers **
   [C++Builder]:   Commercial. An older command-line version is still available as a free download.

   freescale [http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/homepage.jsp?code=CW_HOME%|%CodeWarrior]:   Commercial. Previously by Metrowerks.  Versions for [Microsoft Windows%|%Windows] and [MacOS Classic] and [MacOS X] previously existed. 

   [http://www.digitalmars.com/%|%Digital Mars C and C++]:   Commercial. No charge. Was once Zortech C and later became Symantec C

   [http://www-03.ibm.com/software/products/en/ccompfami%|%IBM XL C and C++]:   Commercial. For [AIX], IBM i, Blue Gene, Linux, z/VM, Z/OS 

   [http://www.intel.com/software/products/compilers/%|%Intel C++ compiler]:   Commercial:   

   [http://www.cs.virginia.edu/%7Elcc-win32/%|%LCC-Win32]:   Commercial. No charge for non-commercial use.

   [Microsoft] Visual C++:   Commercial. Now only avaialable as a component of Visual Studio. 

   [Microsoft] [http://www.visualstudio.com/%|%Visual Studio]:   Commercial.  Visual Studio Express at no charge.  For [Microsoft Windows].

** Historical **

   [http://macintoshgarden.org/apps/macintosh-programmer%E2%80%99s-workshop%|%Macintosh Programmer's Workshop]:   for [MacOS Classic]:   Abandonware

** Interpreters **
   [http://root.cern.ch/root/Cint.html%|%CInt]:   [RFox]: aA (free) interpreter, originally from Masaharu Goto,  and apparently currently maintained by the CERN Root team which uses CInt as its scripting language.  I do not know if [Tcl] can be interpreted under this interpreter
   [http://www.softintegration.com/%|%Ch]:   aA C/[C++] interpreter that runs cross-platform on a large number of operating systems and hardware.  It provides not only standard language features, but also support for 2 and 3 dimensional plotting, shell programming, and numerical programming.  It supports 1990 ISO C standard as well as C99 features.  In Jan, 2003, the product page for Ch Standard says that the product is free for use on Unix, Linux, and Mac OS X.
   [http://eic.sourceforge.net%|%EiC]:   aAnother C interpreter.

** Linkable Compilers **

Support for C can also take the form of a run-time compiler.

[tcc] provides a libtcc library, which allows a running program to compile and
link C code without touching disk.  In milliseconds for a small chunk of code.
(x86 only as of Jun 2003)


** C Annoyances **

[AMG]:  One annoying thing about C is that, like [Fortran], it uses '''`=`''' as
its assignment operator.  This is very easy to confuse with the comparison
operator '''`==`''', resulting in either of the following two coding errors:

x == 5;           /* Nothing happens, except maybe a warning if -Wall is on. */
if (x = 6) {...}  /* Unintended assignment and incorrect logic. */

[Algol] uses '''`:=`''' as its assignment operator, and [C] is ancestrally
derived from [Algol], so I was always mystified about why [C] reverted to
[Fortran]'s assignment syntax.  But I just now figured it out, I think.  A
'''`:=`''' assignment operator looks almost identical to C's '''`!=`'''
inequality operator, so using '''`:=`''' instead of '''`=`''' for assignment
simply trades one potential coding error for another.  To fix ''that'' problem,
'''`!=`''' would have to be replaced with, say, '''`/=`''' (borrowed from
[Ada]), but that (1) collides with the compound division and assignment
operator '''`/=`''' and (2) breaks symmetry with the logical negation operator
'''`!`'''.  Or instead use '''`\=`''', but that will behave unexpectedly when
placed inside double quotes.  Or use '''`<>`''' and be like [BASIC] and [SQL].

[[name redacted]]: the change from `:=` to `=` was made during the transition from BCPL to B 
(and simply kept when going from B to C), and IIRC the reason was that Ken Thompson 
felt that an operator that was going to be used as often as assignment was should 
be as short as possible. The reasons you mention may of course also have affected 
his decision, but there was never any secondary ambiguity with "divide-assign", 
which was written as `=/` in B.
[Larry Smith]: Frankly, in this day and age, assignment should be "←". We need to start
using unicode for programs and frankly, it's past time to worry about the kind nonsense we have had
to put with in ascii's limitations. Ascii is ''so'' 20th century. Swap should be ↔,less than, <, greater, >, equal, =, multiply and divide, × and ÷ and lessthan or equal and greater or equal should be ≤ and ≥. APL, essentially the only programming languages to get this, was right. J is, in fact, something of a step backward at the very moment in time when APL's disadvantages are now fewer in number and less in nature.  In fact, we could do a lot of this for "nearly" free by just bolting in an APL interpreter in place of the expression evaluator (or, more likely, as an alternative for some time). We could use http://www.nars2000.org/ to handle the grunt work. Likely all it would need would be a way to meld their separate notions of variables (perhaps simply by adding the new types into the Tcl type, since NARS2000 can handle some rather unique types) but, as with Tcl, everything is essentially a string because it must, conceptually, pass through the interpreter's line-oriented interface, as unicode.
[EMJ]: u Unicode for programs? One of these decades, it's too much of a revolutionary change
to be viable now. APL is a different country, too many people will not get it.
[Larry Smith]: I try to look beyond my own limitations. I am far from an APL expert, in fact, my APL has largely bit-rotted in my brain - but it remains one of the most popular programming languages for extremely heavy-duty mathematics, and many, ''many'' people ''do'' "get" that. Rather than sidling up to it unintentionally, it would be good for Tcl, as well as APL, to join the two. Each is especially good at one particular domain that can be hard for the other. Having it available as a back end for heavy math while tcl handles GUI and control functions make for a very powerful combination, especially since previous attempts at adding GUI concepts to APL have not, in my opinion, anyway, been very successful. Since it marries two essentially disjoint programming communities to their mutual advantage, it would change the market dynamics of both significantly.

As for unicode, Tcl is uniquely ''good'' with unicode, and should be pushing this boundary as a natural advantage over other programming systems. For all that they are supposedly "based" on unicode, neither java nor javascript are graceful about how they handle unicode, and Tcl's basic rules would adapt to unicode input without so much as a satisfied burp. Actually, as I pointed out in http://wiki.tcl.tk/48736 Tcl is very nearly there already. It cheerfully accepts unicode characters in-line.

[bch]:  One thing that I do in C (indeed, Perl too) is use typical
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_(computer_science)%|%rvalues] on the left side
when doing comparisons, which will fail compilation if the assignment operator is
mistakenly used instead of the comparison operator. Eg: use `if(9==a){...}` instead
of `if(a==9){...}`; in the case of mistakenly using assignment operator, this
will fail `if(9=a){...}`, which is good; the programmer will be notified that
his intent was mis-typed. If the rvalue is indeed on the right, though, one
would have typed `if(a=9){...}`, which will compile, but is unlikely to
represent the programmer's intent, and lead to hard-to-find bugs. Reading
expressions written this way (w/ rvalues on left) may seem "backward" to some
people, and the practice is affectionately dubbed 
[https://web.archive.org/web/20111119141013/http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2349378/new-programming-jargon-you-coined/2430307#2430307%|%Yoda Conditions], [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoda]

[AMG]: Cute.  I've seen that style too.  Unfortunately, it doesn't help when
both sides of the comparison (or unintended assignment) are valid lvalues.
Thankfully, gcc -Wall provides useful warnings:

&| `x == y;`          | warning: statement with no effect |&
&| `if (x = y) {...}` | warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value |&

To silence the latter warning on a case-by-case basis, type: `if ((x = y))
{...}`.  In my opinion, the extra parentheses highlight the fact that this
expression isn't Business As Usual, so the reader will look at it more
carefully and is more likely to notice that it uses assignment instead of
comparison.  Of course, only silence this warning when the code really is doing
what you intend, and please put a comment nearby to testify to this fact and
explain why.  Also, watch your warnings like a hawk, and don't release code
that emits any warnings in your chosen build environment(s).  (You can't
control if some alien compiler puts out weird warnings because it used MS-Word
to grammar-check your comments.)

Sometimes I really do want my conditional expression to have the side effect of
assigning into a variable.  I need this when I want to save some intermediate
value of a complex conditional for later processing.  A simple example is
calling a syscall (read()) that either returns a useful result (number of bytes
read) or an error flag (-1, check errno for details).

if ((ret = read(fd, buf, max)) == -1) {
} else {
    printf("read %d bytes\n", ret);

This style is also available in Tcl:

proc getline {} {...}
while {[set line [getline]] ne ""} {
    puts "got header line: $line"
puts "got blank line, the header is now done"

As you can see, Tcl makes it impossible to mix up assignment and comparison.


[PYK] 2015-07-30: Undefined behaviour, in combination with optimizing
compilers, leads to unpleasant surprises.  Here is one from the [Linux] kernel,
as described by [http://blog.regehr.org/archives/213%|%A Guide to Undefined
Behaviour in C and C++, Part1], John Regehr, 2015-07-21:

static void __devexit agnx_pci_remove (struct pci_dev *pdev)
  struct ieee80211_hw *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
  struct agnx_priv *priv = dev->priv; 

  if (!dev) return;
  ... do stuff using dev ...

The error is that since the behaviour of `dev->priv` is undefined if `dev` is
NULL, a compiler might decide to omit the following check for NULL, leading the
program to ''do stuff using dev'' when `dev` is NULL, and even though there is
an explicit check in the code for the case that `dev` is NULL.  Apparently this
is exactly what some versions of [gcc] do.


[PYK] 2020-07-18: An annoyance that has bled over from [C] into Tcl and other
languages is that [expr%|%bitwise operators] have lower precedence than the
[expr%|%equality operator].  In
[https://www.bell-labs.com/usr/dmr/www/chist.html%|%The Development of the C
Language*], [Dennis Ritchie] explains that in the '''B''' programming language
`&` is a bitwise operator in ordinary contexts but a logical operator in
conditional contexts.  The late introduction into [C] of the `&&` and `||`
operators to remove this context sensitivity meant that in conditional
expressions translated from B `&&` should sometimes replace `&`.  In B, it was
common to write

if (a==b & c) ...

, to check that that `a` is equal to `b`, and `c` is not `0`.  In
order to accomodate this idiom, `&&` and `||` were given lower precedence than
`==`.  Unfortunately, this means that in order to compare the result of a
bitwise operation.  An additional set of parenthesis is required to get the
intended meaning:

if ((a&mask) == b) ...

** Questions about C vs Tcl **

How does performance in Tcl compare to comperable programs in C?

For instance, certainly there are types of programs which can likely be
developed more quickly in Tcl than in C.

Are there types of things that '''run''' faster in Tcl than C? If not, how much
slower than C is Tcl? 10 times slower? 50 times slower? 100 times slower?

** Miscellaneous Thoughts **

[AMG]:  I just thought of a cute alternate name for C: "lightspeed".  You know,
'cuz physicists use the constant "c" to represent the speed of light. :^)  I
leave it up to you to figure out if this name has any deeper meaning.  At least
it would give C an excuse to have a
[http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01160/%|%snazzy, energetic theme song].

** Tools **

   [http://www.hwaci.com/sw/mkhdr/%|%Makeheaders], [DRH]:   a simple utility that will automatically generate all the `.h` files based on the `.c` or `.cpp` source files for a large programming project.  [Hypnotoad] also maintains [http://fossil.etoyoc.com/fossil/odielib/finfo?name=tclconfig/mkhdr.c%|%a fork].

   [Parsing C]:   a project to create a [C] parser in Tcl

   [Parsing C Types]:   an offshot of [Parsing C], finds and describes global variables and types

** See Also  **

   [http://phaseit.net/claird/comp.lang.tcl/HowToC.html%|%Cameron Laird's personal notes on how to use C with Tcl]:   

   [What 'embedding' means]:   

   [How to embed Tcl in C applications%|%How to embed Tcl in C applications]:   

   [Adding Tcl/Tk to a C application]:   

   [Extending Tcl]:   

   [Writing Tcl-Based Applications in C]:   
   [Building a custom tclsh]:   

   [Tcl C API] :   tThe C interface to [Tcl].
   [Tk C API] :   tThe C interface to [Tk].

   [Init Scripts in the DLL]:   

   [Tcl interpreter in C# Application]:   

   [Adding Tk to an Existing Xt Program]:   

   [Mixing Tcl/Tk and Xt Event Loops]:   

   [Using Xlib With Tcl/Tk]:   

   [3D Text for Tk in Unix]:   

   [C compiled image processing on an interactive Bwise canvas]:   

   [automatically generating socket based Tcl / C connection code, 1]:   

   [automatically generating socket based Tcl / C connection code, 2, using bwise]:   

   [Connecting Tcl/Tk with GNUstep Objective-C programs]:   

   [Building Tcl with the free VC++ toolkit]:   

   [How to invoke a C function from Tcl]:   

   [Tcl and other languages]:   

   [C-header Parser]:   aA simple parser for C header files.

   [C code generators]:   

   [C Language]:   

<<categories>> Language