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'''[ -aided_design%|%CAD]''', short for
'''computer-aided Ddesign''', C'''computer-assisted-design''', A'''computer-aided
drafting''', or '''computer-assisted Ddrafting''', plays a special role in the
history of Tcl, as [JO] created Tcl to meet the need for a reusable scripting
language that could be deployed as a component part of the CAD program he was
developing at the time...
[JO] created Tcl for work he was doing in the area of CAD.

** See Also **

   [CAD software history]:   

** CAD Systems Using Tcl **

   [BRL-CAD]:   The most powerful/mature open-source CAD system that employs Tcl.

** Description **

John Ousterhout originally created Tcl for CAD software used to perform 2D (two-dimensional) layout of IC and PCB designs in the electronics industry (although he was of course in the academic world at the time).  At the time Tcl was created, most PCB and IC CAD software was focused on simplifying the designer's job by ensuring that necessary manufacturing tolerances etc. were maintained in the layout and then producing drawings for producing etching plates or directly driving milling machines which produced the master etching plates.

A useful history of CAD software is available at, although at this time the history is unfortunately confined to the mechanical CAD world.  
Any comments and corrections will be appreciated and the site shortly intends to add a Wiki to allow additions to be freely made to the existing material.
See also: [CAD software history]

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