CFFI Package

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The `cffi` package is an extension that implements a Foreign Function Interface for Tcl.
It is based on the `dyncall` library available from

The repository for the package is at
Current release is 1.0a5.

Documentation pages are at

Source distributions and binary packages for some platforms are at

Distinguishing features of the package are

   * Automatic conversion of numerics, strings, structures and arrays to and from the corresponding Tcl script values

   * Safety mechanisms to protect against pointer errors like double frees, mismatched types

   * Support for automatic encoding of string values passed and returned from C functions
   * Exception generation based on error annotations
   * Proc-like argument processing with defaults, error messages etc.
   * Utilities for managing memory and conversion to native formats
   * Extensible type aliases for common system definitions
   * Introspection

Limitations (as of 1.0 Alpha 5) include

   * No support for arrays of non-scalars
   * No support of functions taking variable number of arguments
   * No support for callbacks from C code
   * No support for passing structs by value

***See also***|%Driving Libzip with CFFI%|%

<<categories>> Foreign Interfaces