CFFI Package

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The `cffi` package is an extension that implements a Foreign Function Interface for Tcl.
It is based on the `dyncall` library available from

The repository for the package is at rvelersion ase of 2021-09-13 is 1.0a57.

Documentation pages are at

Source distributions and binary packages for some platforms are at

Distinguishing features of the package are

   * Automatic conversion of numerics, strings, structures and arrays to and from the corresponding Tcl script values

   * Safety mechanisms to protect against pointer errors like double frees, mismatched types

   * Support for automatic encoding of string values passed and returned from C functions
   * Exception generation based on error annotations
   * Proc-like argument processing with defaults, error messages etc.
   * Utilities for managing memory and conversion to native formats
   * Extensible type aliases for common system definitions
   * Introspection

Limitations (as of 1.0 Alpha 5) include

   * No support for arrays of non-scalars
   * No support of functions taking variable number of arguments
   * No support for callbacks from C code
   * No support for passing structs by value

***See also***|%Driving Libzip with CFFI%|%

<<categories>> Foreign Interfaces