Detlef Groth

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Shorthand: [DDG].

mailto: dgroth (at) gmx (dot) de

Web Pages:
   * Home page:
   * Java Applet with tcl/tk documentation:

Wiki Pages:   * [recover] like the R recover[] function allows you to debug the code by placing the recover function into your code or rename recover to error
   * [shtmlview] htmlview widget to render simple html pages with pure Tcl/Tk. Basic toolbar provides as well.
   * [snitbrowser] a [snit]::widget wrapper for the tkhtml library.
   * [snitfinddialog] a [snit]::widget toplevel providing a standard find-dialog
   * [snitbutton] a port of [gbuttons] which is [itcl]-based to the snit-framework by providing a gButton wrapper type
   * [snitDom] a [snit] wrapper type to use TclDOM with a [tdom] syntax
   * [dgw::combobox] a [snit] widget which is like a [ttk::combobox] but automatically popups the internal listbox and filters the items by user input
   * [memoize] a package for caching of function calls, the cache can also loaded from and saved to a file
   * [biotcl] some biological relevant [snit] types
   * [TemplateRecall] A template engine where the programming logic remains in the tcl code
   * [FisherTest] statistic test for categorial variables
   * [tclcairo] Tcl binding to the cairo library using [swig]
   * [snitdnd] A snit package for easy drag and drop implementation based on [simplednd] with some extensions
   * [speertext] A splitable text [[snit]]widget based on the new 8.5 peer method 
   * [tsql4mk] Tiny SQL for [Metakit] databases
   * [Chess4Tcl] oo-wrapper for the chess.js library using [tcl-duktape]
   * [ChessValidator] snit wrapper to the ChessBoard implementation on [Chess in Tcl] but with castling, enpassant and mate, stalemate notifications
   * [SnitMPlayer] snit widget to embed the mplayer video/audio application
   * [SnitXSurf] snit widget to embed the surf web browser into Tk applications see
   * [SnitXUrxvt] snit widget to embed one or multiple Urxvt Terminals into  Tk applications
   * [SnitTtkNotebook] just an extension to ttk::notebook with bindings to move, add, delete and rename tabs
   * [SnitXMupdf] a snit widget which allows to embed the mupdf application and which provides an additional toolbar for easier usage of mupdf
   * [SnitXWindow] a snit widget to embed any app into a Tk application, could be seen as a tk window manager on top of window manager

   * [dgHelpBrowser] a sophisticated helptools with the tcl-documentation and many additional packages ([tcllib],[bwidget],[tix] ...)
   * [dgDBBrowser] cross-platform and cross-database viewer and editor, replaces the old [dgSQLite] and [dgMKViewer] database applications
   * [dgSQLite] a graphical database tool to access and modify [sqlite] databases (currently sqlite2)
   * [dgMKViewer] a graphical database tool to access and modify [metakit] databases 
See also: [TixTclkit]

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