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'''Dodekalogue''' is the common name for the twelve rules that define the
[Tcl syntax%|%syntax] and semantics of [Tcl].

** See also **

   [|%official documentation]:   

   [Every word is a constructor]:   An argument for typed values.

   [{*}]:   argument expansion.

   [Tcl syntax]:   

   [Unix Shells]:   notes comparing and contrasting Unix shell and Tcl syntax.

   [BNF for Tcl]:   or ''Why There's no BNF for Tcl''

   [Tcl Rules Redux]:   An alternate description of the rules of Tcl.

** Description **

Prior to the introduction of the twelfth rule, [Argument expansion], the rules
were known as the [Endekalogue].

'''[KBK]''', in a silly mood, points out that the
''real'' Dodekalogue is over at -
and observes that Tcl/Tk already has one of the best implementations
of RFC 1925 available.
'''[ScriptCommand Ssubstitution]''' is a msore apt named for '''becommand
substitution''' since brack rets can conultain entires scriptubs, not jitusted an
individualto a
command.  AsI.e. with ais nyamed saccordipng t,o what is bemicolonsg transformed, newlinesot cwhant is
being evalusated to separate modultiplce commands.  The result. of Calling ithe "script is the reubstitultion" would
focus ton wheat finals commntained.  A nbetween sthe brackets, fbut therame is not created, so using `[return]` o
pr `[break]` ofer the like will cause the caller to return, etcm.
A bracketed substitution can contain an
enire script, not just a command.  As with any script, semicolons and newlines can be used to separate multiple commands.  The result of the script is the result of the final command.  A new stack frame is not created, so using `[return]` or `[break]` or the like will cause the caller to return, etc.

** Octalogue **

The official rules of Tcl are described in the '''Rules''' section further down
this page.  This section presents an alternate, shorter, and more
conversational description of Tcl.  It describes the same
language as the dodekalogue and is
slightly more complete.  In this description, ''brackets'' means '''[[''' and ''']]'''
pairs, and ''braces'' means '''{''' and '''}''' pairs.  quotes means '''"'''.

   '''[Script]''':    A script is composed of [command%|%commands] delimited by newlines and semicolons, and a command is composed of [word%|%words] delimited by whitespace.
   '''Evaluation''':   After escapes and substitutions in each word are processed, words preceded by '''`{*}`''' are transformed into multiple words in the command, the first word of each command is used to locate a routine, and that routine is called with the remaining words as its arguments. 

   '''[Comment]''':   If '''`#`''' is the first character in the name of a command and is not otherwise escaped or quoted, the characters up to the next newline are a comment.  No command execution is attempted, and no characters in the line are interpreted, except that a newline preceded by an odd number of '''`\`''' characters is ignored.

   '''`$`'''''`varname`'':   Replaced by the value of the variable named ''`varname`'', which is composed only of one or more sequences letters, digits, or underscore characters delimited by namespace separators.  If ''`varname`'' is enclosed in braces, it is composed of all the characters between the braces and no substitution or escaping is performed on the name.  Where ''`varname`'' contains an opening parenthesis and ends with a closing parenthesis, the characters between the first open parenthis and the last are the name of a member variable in the array.  The member variable name is subject to backslash interpretation and substitutions.

   '''`\`'''''`char`'':   Replaced with the character following ''`char`'', except when char is '''`a`''', '''`b`''', '''`f`''', '''`n`''', '''`t`''', '''`r`''', '''`v`''', which respectively signify the unicode characters audible alert (7), backspace (8), form feed (c), newline (a), carriage return (d), tab (9), and vertical tab (b).   Additionally, when '''`char`''' is '''`o`''',  '''`x`''', '''`u`''', or 'U''', it specififies a unicode character by 1 to 3 octal digits, 2 hexadecimal digits, 1 to 4 hexadecimal digits, or 1 to 8 hexadecimal digits, respectively.

   '''Brackets''':   A script may be embedded at any position of any word by enclosing it in brackets.  The embedded script is passed verbatim, without any processing, to the interpreter for execution and the result is inserted in its place in the embedding script.  The result of a script is the result of the last routine in the script.

   '''Quotes''':   In a word enclosed in quotes, whitespace and semicolons have no special meaning.

   '''Braces''':   In a word enclosed in braces, whitespace, semicolons, '''`$`''', brackets, and '''`\`''' have no special meaning.  However '''`\`'''''newline'' substitution is performed when the newline character is preceded by an odd number of '''`\`''' characters.  Any nested opening brace character must be paired with a matching closing brace character later.  An opening or closing brace character preceded by an odd number of '''`\`''' characters is not considered as one of any pair.

** Rules **

The following rules define the syntax and semantics of the Tcl language:

*** [[1]] Commands ***

A Tcl script is a string containing one or more commands.  Semicolons and
newlines are command separators unless quoted as described below. Close
brackets are command terminators during command substitution (see below) unless

*** [[2]] Evaluation ***

A command is evaluated in two steps. First, the Tcl interpreter breaks the
command into words and performs substitutions as described below. These
substitutions are performed in the same way for all commands. The first word is
used to locate a [routine] to carry out the command, then all of the
words of the command are passed to the routine. The routine 
is free to interpret each of its words in any way it likes, such as an integer,
variable name, list, or Tcl script.  Different commands interpret their words

*** [[3]] Words ***

Words of a command are separated by white space (except for newlines, which are
command separators).

*** [[4]] Double quotes ***

If the first character of a word is double quote (“'''`"`'''”) then the word is
terminated by the next double quote character.  If semicolons, close brackets,
or white space characters (including newlines) appear between the quotes then
they are treated as ordinary characters and included in the word.  Command
substitution, variable substitution, and backslash substitution are performed
on the characters between the quotes as described below. The double quotes are
not retained as part of the word.

*** [[5]] Argument expansion ***

If a word starts with the string “'''`{*}`'''” followed by a non-whitespace
character, then the leading “'''`{*}`'''” is removed and the rest of the word is
parsed and substituted as any other word.  After substitution, the word is
parsed as a list (without command or variable substitutions; backslash
substitutions are performed as is normal for a list and individual internal
words may be surrounded by either braces or double-quote characters), and its
words are added to the command being substituted. For instance,

cmd a {*}{b [c]} d {*}{$e f {g h}}

is equivalent to 

cmd a b {[c]} d {$e} f {g h}

*** [[6]] Braces ***

If the first character of a word is an open brace (“'''`{`'''”) and rule [[5]]
does not apply, then the word is terminated by the matching close brace
(“'''`}`'''”). Braces nest within the word: for each additional open brace
there must be an additional close brace (however, if an open brace or close
brace within the word is quoted with a backslash then it is not counted in
locating the matching close brace). No substitutions are performed on the
characters between the braces except for backslash-newline substitutions
described below, nor do semi-colons, newlines, close brackets, or white space
receive any special interpretation. The word will consist of exactly the
characters between the outer braces, not including the braces themselves. 

*** [[7]] Command substitution ***

If a word contains an open bracket (“'''`[[`'''”) then Tcl performs command
substitution. To do this it invokes the Tcl interpreter recursively to process
the characters following the open bracket as a Tcl script. The script may
contain any number of commands and must be terminated by a close bracket
(“'''`]`'''”). The result of the script (i.e. the result of its last command)
is substituted into the word in place of the brackets and all of the
characters between them. There may be any number of command substitutions in a
single word. Command substitution is not performed on words enclosed in

*** [[8]] Variable substitution ***

If a word contains a dollar-sign (“'''`$`'''”) followed by one of the forms described
below, then Tcl performs variable substitution: the dollar-sign and the
following characters are replaced in the word by the value of a variable.
Variable substitution may take any of the following forms:

   $''name'':   ''Name'' is the name of a scalar variable; the name is a sequence of one or more characters that are a letter, digit, underscore, or namespace separators (two or more colons). Letters and digits are only the standard ASCII ones ('''0-9''', '''A-Z''' and '''a-z''')

   $''name''(''index''):   ''Name'' gives the name of an array variable and ''index'' gives the name of an element within that array. ''Name'' must contain only letters, digits, underscores, and namespace separators, and may be an empty string. Letters and digits are only the standard ASCII ones ('''0-9''', '''A-Z''' and '''a-z''').  Command substitutions, variable substitutions, and backslash substitutions are performed on the characters of ''index''.

   ${''name''}:   ''Name'' is the name of a scalar variable or array element.  It may contain any characters whatsoever except for close braces.  It indicates an array element if name is in the form “''arrayName''(''index'')” where ''arrayName'' does not contain any open parenthesis characters, “'''`(`'''”, or close brace characters, “'''`}`'''”, and index can be any sequence of characters except for close brace characters. No further substitutions are performed during the parsing of name.

There may be any number of variable substitutions in a single word.  Variable
substitution is not performed on words enclosed in braces.

Note that variables may contain character sequences other than those listed
above, but in that case other mechanisms must be used to access them (e.g., via
the single-argument form of `[set]`). 

*** [[9]] Backslash substitution ***

If a backslash (“'''`\`'''”) appears within a word then backslash substitution
occurs. In all cases but those described below the backslash is dropped and the
following character is treated as an ordinary character and included in the
word. This allows characters such as double quotes, close brackets, and dollar
signs to be included in words without triggering special processing. The
following table lists the backslash sequences that are handled specially, along
with the value that replaces each sequence.

   '''`\a`''':   Audible alert (bell) (0x7).

   '''`\b`''':   Backspace (0x8).

   '''`\f`''':   Form feed (0xc).

   '''`\n`''':   Newline (0xa).

   '''`\r`''':   Carriage-return (0xd).

   '''`\t`''':   Tab (0x9).

   '''`\v`''':   Vertical tab (0xb).

   '''`\<newline>`'''''whiteSpace'':   A single space character replaces the backslash, newline, and all spaces and tabs after the newline. This backslash sequence is unique in that it is replaced in a separate pre-pass before the command is actually parsed. This means that it will be replaced even when it occurs between braces, and the resulting space will be treated as a word separator if it isn't in braces or quotes.

   '''`\\`''':   Backslash (“'''\'''”).

   \''ooo'':   The digits ''ooo'' (one, two, or three of them) give an eight-bit octal value for the Unicode character that will be inserted. The upper bits of the Unicode character will be 0.

   '''`\x`'''''hh'':   The hexadecimal digits ''hh'' give an eight-bit hexadecimal value for the Unicode character that will be inserted.  Any number of hexadecimal digits may be present; however, all but the last two are ignored (the result is always a one-byte quantity). The upper bits of the Unicode character will be 0.

   '''`\u`'''''hhhh'':   The hexadecimal digits ''hhhh'' (one, two, three, or four of them) give a sixteen-bit hexadecimal value for the Unicode character that will be inserted.  The upper bits of the Unicode character will be 0. 

   '''`\U`'''hhhhhhhh:   The hexadecimal digits hhhhhhhh (one up to eight of them) give a twenty-one-bit hexadecimal value for the Unicode character that will be inserted, in the range `U+0000..U+10FFFF`. The parser will stop just before this range overflows, or when the maximum of eight digits is reached. The upper bits of the Unicode character will be 0.

    :   The range U+010000..U+10FFFD is reserved for the future. 

Backslash substitution is not performed on words enclosed in braces, except for
backslash-newline as described above.

*** [[10]] Comments. ***

If a hash character (“'''`#`'''”) appears at a point where Tcl is expecting the
first character of the first word of a command, then the hash character and the
characters that follow it, up through the next newline, are treated as a
comment and ignored. The comment character only has significance when it
appears at the beginning of a command.

*** [[11]] Order of substitution ***

Each character is processed exactly once by the Tcl interpreter as part of
creating the words of a command. For example, if variable substitution occurs
then no further substitutions are performed on the value of the variable; the
value is inserted into the word verbatim. If command substitution occurs then
the nested command is processed entirely by the recursive call to the Tcl
interpreter; no substitutions are performed before making the recursive call
and no additional substitutions are performed on the result of the nested

Substitutions take place from left to right, and each substitution is evaluated
completely before attempting to evaluate the next. Thus, a sequence like

set y [set x 0][incr x][incr x]

will always set the variable y to the value, ''012''.

*** [[12]] Substitution and word boundaries ***

Substitutions do not affect the word boundaries of a command, except for
argument expansion as specified in rule [[5]].  For example, during variable
substitution the entire value of the variable becomes part of a single word,
even if the variable's value contains spaces.

** Details **

*** [[1]] Commands ***

Technically, even a script that is the empty string contains one command: [The empty command].

** Double Expansion **


set q [list [list a b c] x y z]

Should `{*}{*}$q` produce  `a b c x y z`?

(anonymous):  Good question; the wording here allows {*}{*}$q, but I am not
sure if this is supposed to be allowed.

[DGP]: No, that should continue to be a syntax error. [TIP]
[|%157] accepted argument expansion
(post-substitution determination of word boundaries upon explicit request), but
never proposed anything about double [[expansion]].

** What is Whitespace? **

[|%TIP#407] is explicit about which characters are treated as whitespace by the list parser (and consequently, the command parser).  This happens to be the intersection of the [|%POSIX Portable Character Set] (ASCII) and characters with the [|%UNICODE White_Space property].  In Tcl, the intersection of `{[[string is space]] && [[string is ascii]]}` (see [[[string is]]]).

'''\u00A0''' is a Unicode whitespace character but outside the POSIX range, so it is not a space for Tcl word-split purposes:
% set a a\u00a0b
a b
% llength [ split $a ]
% eval "set a a\u00a0b"
a b

Inline unicode escapes do not count as word separators (rule 9 is applied after rule 3):
% set a a\u0020b
a b
% llength [ split $a ]
% eval "set a a\u0020b"
wrong # args: should be "set varName ?newValue?"

** Backslash-newline inside brace-quoted words **

[AMG]: Why is backslash-newline substitution performed inside brace-quoted
words?  This has caused trouble for me before.  The only justification I could
think of was to establish an equivalence between `"foo"` and `[subst]
{foo}`, for all possible `foo`.  However, this justification doesn't hold,
since `[subst]` internally performs backslash-newline substitution.

Let me give an example of where this hurts.  In my [Wibble] web server, the
`[template]` command performs template substitution like in [Templates and
subst].  One thing it's capable of doing is joining lines separated by
backslash-newline, which is certainly a useful feature.  However, in the case
of joining long lines which are Tcl script (i.e. have a leading `%`), this
feature works differently depending on where the input comes from.  If the
input is `[read]` from a file, there must be a leading % on all lines to be
joined, which is consistent with the notion that the lines are all Tcl script.
If the input is supplied inside a Tcl script, there must ''not'' be a leading %
on any line but the first, otherwise the %'s get merged in which the script.

This happens because when the input is inside a Tcl script, Tcl joins the lines
(% and all) before ever passing the argument to `[template]`.  When the input
comes from a file, the Tcl parser isn't executed until ''after'' `[template]`
picks out all the lines that start with % and turns them into a script.

[steveb]: FWIW, [Jim] doesn't do this backslash-newline substitution in braces,
and it has never caused me a problem.

[AMG]: So, what is it good for?  I found another problem it causes: [errorInfo]
line numbers.  Since lines separated by backslash-newline are joined by the
parser before they're ever passed to [proc], they collectively count as a
single line for the purpose of counting line numbers, which obviously differs
from how line numbers are counted in text editors.

Surely the execution engine can be made to internally treat backslash-newline
as a word separator rather than a command separator.  This would remove any
need for the parser to ever muck with the contents of braced words.  Actually,
I'm pretty sure it already has this feature, since backslash-newline works as
expected (as a word separator or comment continuation) when the script is at
the toplevel, no braces in sight.

[AMG]: Clarification: backslash-newline-whitespace substitution is only done if there are an odd number of backslashes before the newline.

puts {a
puts {a\
puts {a\\
puts {a\\\

The above prints:


a b


a\\ b

So yes, it is indeed impossible for a brace-quoted word to have an odd number of backslashes immediately before a newline.  Even numbers of backslashes (for example zero!) are fine.

[PYK] 2016-06-03:  Double quotes work the same way, and if you look at the
contents as a message to be displayed, the backslash-newline treatment does the
unindenting that's probably desired.  Without the backslash-newline parsing
behaviour of Tcl, there would have to be a lot more `[[dedent {this message
...}]]` in scripts.  [Wibble] attempts a clever hack of using the Tcl parser to do
double-duty for parsing templates, and it "would have gotten away with it too,
if it wasn't for you meddling backslash-newlines!", but that's because Wibble
templates aren't really quite Tcl scripts.  `[cmdsplit%|%scriptsplit]` is
likely one workaround.

[AMG]: Indeed, double quotes do work the same way, but they also process every other kind of substitution so this comes as no surprise.  One of the two fundamental differences between double quotes and braces is the presence or absence of substitution.  (The other is nesting.)

Anyway, I just came here to point out that I did find a use for backslash-newline inside braces.  I'm disinclined to use it since I don't like the feature and want to be prepared should we have the guts to remove it in [novem]/Tcl 9.  In [tcltest], it's common to test error messages with something like the following:

test demo-1.1 {demonstration of error} -body {
    list [catch {lsearch -x a b} msg] $msg
} -result {1 {bad option "-x": must be -all, -ascii,\
-bisect, -decreasing, -dictionary, -exact, -glob,\
-increasing, -index, -inline, -integer, -nocase, -not,\
-real, -regexp, -sorted, -start, or -subindices}}

The backslashes make this work.  If they were not substituted, the exact comparison would fail.  Using double quotes would be a workaround, but it's a little slice of [quoting hell].

test demo-1.1 {demonstration of error} -body {
    list [catch {lsearch -x a b} msg] $msg
} -result "1 {bad option \"-x\": must be -all, -ascii,\
-bisect, -decreasing, -dictionary, -exact, -glob,\
-increasing, -index, -inline, -integer, -nocase, -not,\
-real, -regexp, -sorted, -start, or -subindices}"

[[[list]]] is a safer way to construct the expected result.

test demo-1.1 {demonstration of error} -body {
    list [catch {lsearch -x a b} msg] $msg
} -result [list 1 "bad option \"-x\": must be -all,\
-ascii, -bisect, -decreasing, -dictionary, -exact,\
-glob, -increasing, -index, -inline, -integer, -nocase,\
-not, -real, -regexp, -sorted, -start, or -subindices"]

Though this still necessitates backslash-quoting the embedded double quotes.

[PYK] 2017-08-16:  [scripted list] is useful for crafting the `-result` value for a test.  I also hope that the backslash-newline substitution in braces is removed.

[AMG]: A note about braced backslash-newline replacement.  It only happens when parsing commands, not when parsing a list.

% eval puts\ \{a\\\nb\}
a b
% lindex puts\ \{a\\\nb\} 1

[AMG]: Normally, according to rule [[9]], a backslash-newline sequence is replaced by a single space.  Here's a way to instead remove it entirely.  This is useful for breaking a long word across lines without chopping it into multiple words.

Instead of:

puts this_is_a_really_long_word\


puts this_is_a_really_long_word[
The trick is to hide the newline inside a null scriptommand substitution.
Bonus!  You can also embed comments in the null scriptommand substitution.  However, you can't put the close bracket on the same line as a comment.

At the moment, this approach is not super-efficient, and it can stand to be improved.  [[[tcl::unsupported::disassemble]]] says:

ByteCode 0x000000000261A5E0, refCt 1, epoch 16, interp 0x00000000026562E0 (epoch 16)
  Source "puts this_is_a_really_[\n    ]long_word"
  Cmds 1, src 38, inst 13, litObjs 4, aux 0, stkDepth 4, code/src 0.00
  Proc 0x000000000261D870, refCt 1, args 0, compiled locals 0
  Commands 1:
      1: pc 0-11, src 0-37
  Command 1: "puts this_is_a_really_[\n    ]long_word"
    (0) push1 0         # "puts"
    (2) push1 1         # "this_is_a_really_"
    (4) push1 2         # ""
    (6) push1 3         # "long_word"
    (8) concat1 3 
    (10) invokeStk1 2 
    (12) done 

[PYK] 2017-09-30:  Another point in favor of abandoning backslash-newline
replacement in braces: It's an obstacle to writing multi-line macros in [C]
when using [Critcl].

** What is a "word"? **

[CMcC] 2005-02-03: 

It seems inconsistent (although not necessarily inconsistent with the above)
that while `{}` `[[]]` `$` and `""` seem to be treated similarly in the above,
`${x}y $x(z)y` and `[[x]]y` are accepted by the tcl parser (and are presumably
''words''), but `"x"y` and `{x}y` are not.

It would also seem that `x"y` and `x{y` are words, and this is explicitly
allowed by the requirement that `"` and `{` be the first characters of a word
to have special interpretation.  Nothing in the above seems to explicitly
require that `"` and `}` be the last characters of a word to have special
interpretation, yet this seems to be the case.

I'm interested in why this is, historically, pragmatically, operationally.

I suppose, pragmatically, `{x}y` is most likely to be a typo for `{x} y`, and
similarly for `"x"y`.  Shouldn't this be made explicit (or implicit) in the
dodecalogue?  Perhaps it is already, and I've just missed it.

[Lars H]: It is explicit. The rules for quote- and brace-delimited words
explicitly say that the ''matching'' '''`"`''' or '''`}`''' ''terminate'' the
word.  Since words have to be separated by whitespace, it is then an error if
there (in the same command) is some non-whitespace following the terminating
quote or brace.

[NJG]: Then what about this:

% set a b
(bin) 2 % set c ${a}x

(Scroll down for more on the subject from me. If you are interested, that is)

[NJG] 2005-02-03:

Or look at this from my console

% set var#3 9
(bin) 2 % set var#3
(bin) 3 % set a $var#3
can't read "var": no such variable
(bin) 4 % set a ${var#3}
(bin) 5 % set "var#3"
(bin) 6 % set a $"var#3"
(bin) 7 % 

Tcl accepts any garbage as a variable name in a set statement a lot of which it
cannot handle in `$` dereferencing!

[Peter da Silva]: I don't see the problem here. `$` dereferencing accepts any
garbage set does, by using the `${...}` form. (''[FB]: not ''any garbage'',
see below''). The `${...}` form is not distinct from the `$alphanumerics` form.

[DKF]: Yes. `$foo` is really just shorthand for `[set] foo` (except it doesn't
go through `[set]` itself) and the syntactic constraints on `$` substitution
are useful because they do what you want most of the time. (e.g.
`$frame.component` is very common in Tk code) - [RS] ... and with bracing you
can dollar-evaluate any weird name, too.

[NJG] 2005-02-04:

Gentlemen, you are missing the point I am making here. It is '''not''' about
'''how''' and '''why'''. It is in the '''affirmative''': the morphology of Tcl
and the behaviour (as of now there are no such thing as rules) of the `$`
''substitution'' must be revised.  As they are now implemented, variable and
command names you never in your right mind would think of using are accepted in
definitive places just to prevent (rather make very awkward) the use of
constructed names. When I need indexed variables, sometimes I would rather
write just '''''`$A$i$j`''''' than '''`$A($i,$j)`''' or use just '''''`$$N`'''''
instead of '''`[set] $N`'''.  Moreover, the »forbidden« forms can be
implemented more efficiently!

For rule number one we should assert that in '''`$`'''<string> the same
quoting/substitution rules apply for '''''<string>''''' as in any other places.
To avoid unmanageable situations and not to go head on against the present
conventions the character set for a variable or command name should then be
reasonably restricted.

The present practice IM'''N'''HO is just a sloppyness in the interpreter
realization that may go back as far as the first implementation but that is no
reason to remain unchanged forever.

[Lars H]: I '''strongly''' disagree. The ability to use weird names is
sometimes tremendously useful, and it's not like it is hard to avoid generating
weird names if one doesn't like them. Changing the interpretation of `$A$i$j`
would definitely wreck tons of Tcl code (and your suggested interpretation is
inconsistent -- it couldn't be like `$A($i,$j)`, but would rather be like

[NJG] 2005-02-06: OK, I give up. Not that I agree, I just have not enough time
right now to engage in a discussion of merit. However, I would really
appreciate if somebody gave me a digestible reason why on earth in ''`$`
substitution'' '''`#`''' should act as a delimiter, 

[Lars H]: Because # is not "a letter, digit, underscore, or namespace
separator" (rule 8 above). Variable substitution is designed to be abstemious
with respect to what it will grab.

(presumably) [NJG]: a pair of  '''`"`''' characters should not keep their role
(that is forcing any substitutions in the enclosed text before `$` is applied) 

[Lars H]: Because that is not their role! Read rule 4. The special role of the
quotes, which they only take on at the '''beginning''' of a word, is to make
whitespace, semicolons, and close brackets count as characters in the word
rather than as word separators. Period. Quoted and unquoted words behave
essentially the same. It is always possible to get to the exact same end with a
word without quotes by escaping these characters, so the double quotes are not
an essential part of the Tcl language, but they make lots of things sooo much
easier to code.

Otherwise, double dereferencing should be made so awkward.

As in the algorithm types I most frequently code in Tcl/Tk constructed names
and double dereferencing are frequently the way to go, let me repeat myself:
now '''''" ... variable and command names you never in your right mind would
think of using are accepted in definitive places just to prevent (rather make
very awkward) the use of constructed names."''''' That says it all.

(presumably) [NJG]: BTW, I don't think I suggested the dropping of the present
array notation above!

[Lars H]: I never claimed you did. I remarked that your suggested juxtaposition
as array indexing would not, given your suggested equivalence of $<string> and
<string>, in the case of double indexing work the way that you indicated you
wanted it to work.

[FB]: IMHO, as much as I love Tcl, if there is a point that is inconsistent,
it's the variable substitution syntax. For example, the `${name}` form does not
follow the same brace matching rules as for rule [[6]]. I.e. the following code
produces surprising results:

% set {var} foo
% puts ${{var}}
can't read "{var": no such variable

That's because the parser stops at the first close brace, whereas rule [[6]]
balances them properly. Worse, there isn't any way to work around this
limitation other than using `[set]` directly. I understand that this is the
intended behavior as per rule [[8]], but I fail to see the overall consistency.
And this is where the "`$` is a shortcut for `[set]`" mantra fails.

This is one of the issues I try to address with [Cloverfield]. See [Cloverfield
- Tridekalogue] rule [[8]] (and please try to make abstraction of the other
propositions such as rule [[6]] and their implications to variable
substitution), as well as allowing extended syntax for easier subscripting (see
also [Tcl 9.0 WishList] #72 and [Better Arrays for Tcl9]). In short, I propose
that `$` be a prefix to words (or parts of words) that would be normally parsed
and substituted, and whose resulting value would designate the variable name.
This name part could also be suffixed by an "index" part (e.g. array subscript
enclosed between parentheses, like the current syntax).  For example, the
following syntaxes would be accepted:

$name                  # Same as with Tcl
${name}                # Ditto
${{name}}              # Same as [set "{name}"]. Uses rule [6].
$"string with spaces"  # Same as with {} but using rule [4]
$[proc]                # Same as [set [proc]]

The index part allows vector and keyed access semantics using an interface
concept borrowed from [Feather]:

$name(foo bar)         # Same as [dict get $name "foo bar"]
$name{1 2 3}           # Same as [lindex $name 1 2 3]

There can be several index parts:

$name(foo)(bar)        # Same as [dict get $name foo bar]
$name{1}{2}{3}         # Same as [lindex $name 1 2 3], but redundant with $name{1 2 3}
$name{1}(foo)          # Same as [dict get [lindex $name 1] foo]
$name(foo){1}          # Same as [lindex [dict get $name foo] 1]

Unfortunately we need distinct syntaxes for vector (numerical index) and keyed
accesses (strings) because [EIAS], and dicts are also valid lists. Besides, I
don't want to fall into the same trap as [PHP].

These changes of course potentially break compatibility. However the case about
brace matching still stands IMHO and should not cause any compatibility issue
(I don't want to meet the kind of psychopathic maniac that would use braces in
variable names).

[NJG] 2005-02-09: '''Lars''', I really appreciate your effort but you too are
not reflecting on what I am saying here i.e. that the rules should be modified
to provide a consistent result with regard to the two types of dereferencing.
As it stands the only true way to get the value of a defined variable is with
`[set]`. Which is even a more awkward feature of Tcl than the `[expr]`.
Both lay Tcl open to ridicule, which as you know kills.

[MS]: would be interested in seeing a concrete proposal for the modified rules
that provide that ''consistent'' result.

[DKF]: I think you're way wrong, NJG, but just because I think that doesn't
mean that I'm right. Hence if you want to continue this discussion, I urge you
to produce a full proposal.

[RHS]: s/''consistent''/consistent and doesn't break up to millions of lines of
existing Tcl code/

[RS]: `[set]` is indeed the original true way, and accepts any string as
variable name. The `$` parser was added as a convenience, and follows typical
variable-naming rules ([[A-Za-z0-9_]]), if the name is not braced. That's part
of its convenience, it "does what I mean" :)

puts this:$this,that:$that,etc...

I see no problem there.

[Peter da Silva]: RS is correct. The behavior of `$` is deliberate, and should
not be changed. There's only one thing in the behavior of `$` that was
accidental. This is the meaning of $(...)... and in practice this is
interpreted as `[set] "(...)"`. This was something I wanted to make use of
right at at the beginning when [Karl Lehenbauer%|%Karl] and I were designing
hashes. I wanted `$(expression)` to be similar to `expr {expression}`
*except* that variables would not need to be preceded by '$'. Eg... $(a+1)
would be `[expr] {$a + 1}`... bringing variables and expressions closer

[SYStems]: Basically I want to make sure I understand `[{*}]` right! I tried
before reading its explanation about it, until I reread the first chapter from
''Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk''. Tcl does grouping first substitution
second, this means the result of a substitution cannot affect the number of
words a command receive, so is `{*}` a trick to overcome this? So far it seems,
so. `{*}` substitute that the result may or may not be several words! 

I always wonder why expand, was not implemented as a command, but this is now
more obvious, `{*}` affect the behavior of the Tcl parser, thus this new
feature cannot be implementated as a command, it's a rule Tcl must always

I wonder why no a more sensible syntax, like `[[:a b c:]]`, or `[[| a b c |]]`
or or something or that nature, two consecutive brackets of different types,
anyway ... this is not very important

Also,not very important 


cmd a{*}{b c} d {*}{e f}

result in

cmd ab c d e f 

or what?

[Lars H]: The reasons not to use e.g. [[: ... :]] are

   1. It already means something different (command substitution with a command named ''':'''). `[{*}]$x` was prior to 8.5 a syntax error.
   1. It's unTclish. None of the Tcl syntax rules requires looking at more than one character at a time for determining what to do, but this would lend a special significance to a pair of characters.
Regarding your question, that should result in

cmd a{*}{b c} d e f

since `[{*}]` is only special at the beginning of a word; the same is by the way
true for left braces and quotes too, so if you try the above you'll find that
the b and the c end up in different arguments.

** Terminology **

[escargo] 2005-04-25: There are some aspects of terminology in these rules that
I find ''bothersome.''

'''quote''' - In the history  of punctuation, ''quoting'' usually has been a
punctuation convention that uses '''opening''' and '''closing''' ''quotation
marks.'' These marks very from language to language, and even in American
English and British English.  They still have in common the notion of
''balance'' (under most circumstances).  Similarly, in many programming
languages, there is the notion of an
character]'' and an
sequence]''.  This being the case, I find the use of the backslash to be an
instance of an ''escape character'' and not of something being ''quoted.''
Rule 6 uses the phrase "quoted with a backslash." I don't believe that
backslashes quote anything. They are escape characters and they escape things.

I also propose changing the wording in certain places to change; for example in
Rule 1: "unless quoted" would become "unless quoted or escaped".

'''forward references''' - Backslash substitution is referenced before it is
defined. This might be due to a more analytic style versus a synthetic style.
I prefer an order where terms are defined before they are used.  I would move
definition of things like backlash substitution before they are used.

'''word versus token''' - Is "" a word?  Is "{}" a word?  Is "." a word?  All
of these are character strings that can be called ''words'' in the processing
of Tcl inputs.  I would be more comfortable with the term ''token'' instead of
''word'' in these rules.  (Maybe it's my compiler-writing training.)

'''end of file''' - An end of file is a command terminator.  Perhaps this was
not thought to be worth mentioning, but I was experimenting to see if a file
that ends before a newline would be recognized as complete or not; it did seem
to be.

That's probably enough for now.

[Lars H]:

Re quoting: Not all languages use distinct opening and closing quotation marks.
In Swedish, the rule has rather been to ''always'' use the same character to
open as to close! (For guillemet quoting there is a modern tradition to quote
as »citera«, i.e., the German style, but otherwise it's the \u201D both for
opening and closing.)

Re tokens: I think there's a point in ''not'' using this term, because Tcl's
syntax really isn't like that of languages where you tokenise code. Tcl ''can''
be understood on a character-by-character basis, which is only very rarely the
case with other languages -- they instead have to be explained in terms of

Re end of file: This is really a special case of "end of script". Does it need
to be pointed out that a command ends when the script it is part of ends?

[escargo]: The American English opening and closing quotation marks we are
using (" and ") are not distinct.  (Although different types of quoting could
use symmetrical marks, it is clearly not required.) The point is that there two
marks, one at each end.  So if there is only one mark, then it is not

Tcl does tokenize code, but it calls the pieces words even if they don't have
any letters.  I know it's my own preference, but I expect something called a
word to be made up of letters, and when it isn't it ''grates'' on my
metaphorical nerves.

If a line does not end with a newline, can it be a valid statement or command?
It's a ''corner case'' that I would like to see covered somewhere (even if not
in the sacred succinct description here).

[MS]: (not 100% sure I understood the question, still trying an answer). Of
course it can be valid. The rules do not mention ''lines'' at all - only that
naked ''newline characters'' are command separators and comment terminators.

[escargo]: Things can get confusing where there are ''separators'' and
''terminators''.  For example, I think [PL/I] used semicolons as statement
terminators; [Pascal] used semicolons as statement separators.  If a newline
was a statement terminator, then a file that ended without a newline at the end
might be erroneous for the last statement.

[Duoas] 2008-10-28:

just because some of the above questions on terminology are left unanswered)

A '''quote''' has nothing to do with punctuation or balance. It has to do with
how the object is treated. For example, if I were to quote Hamlet: "Alas!
[pooryorick%|%poor Yorick]! I knew him, Horatio" (act 5, sc. 1, lines 202-3),
one would expect to be able to verify that the text is ''unchanged''.  If I say
"Alas poor Yorick! I knew him well!", then I have failed to quote it, since
Hamlet never said that. (Another favorite: "Beam me up Scotty!")<<br>> So to
'quote' a word means that it is not modified. The mechanism for marking a quote
can be anything.<<br>> I think the phrasology comes from functional languages
(LISP or Scheme or some other variant?)

A '''word''' is a grammatical term to indicate a distinct unit of meaning. It
is composed of more atomic units. In English, words are combinations of
letters, which have no individual value (in modern language, at least). In
hardware, a WORD is often composed of two BYTES, but it is considered one
value, not two. In computer languages, a word (if it is so called, as it is in
Tcl) represents a separable unit of meaning. Hence, in Tcl the string

puts {Hello world!}

consists of two words: `puts` and `Hello world!`. The value (or meaning) of the
word depends on context.  In contrast, a ''token'' is not necessarily a

As for terminators, end of media is always end of content. Does that really
have to be spelled out in the Rules?

[LV]: the definition of "letter" in the section on valid characters (that can
be used in a variable name without brace quoting) should be clarified, IMO.
I've seen tutorials that say that the word means 7 bit ASCII alphanumeric
characters.  I've also seen, here on the Wiki (for instance, on [What kinds of
variable names can be used in Tcl]), developer claims that they have tried
using things like umlauts in variable names without needing the braces.

So, some clarification is in order, in my opinion.

[wdb]: The new expansion rule with [{*}] enforces us to rewrite the 11 rules.
Let us take this as an occasion to find some completely new description.

Here my proposal for replacement of 11 rules.

   * I have optimised by the rule [KISS].

   * I have tried to avoid forward references in the description, only backwards.

   * I have written it as if I wanted to write a parser for Tcl (which is not the case).

The {*}expansion is described as step in substitution before introducing the
terminus ''list''.  This way there is no needs to formulate some exception
rule.  I don't like exceptions at all in basic explanations. 

'''Note''' that the description of \ at line end is '''not''' where the
description of \ as escape sequence is but instead where in the program flow I
would suppose it.  My intention was: '''Straight ahead, Sir!'''


[aspect]: some behaviour I just picked up on that I find confusing, and would
like to make a note of:

% puts "\}"
% puts "\{"

.. as expected. But then:

% puts {\{}
% puts {\}}

.. and for completeness:

% puts {\\}

This is an interaction of rules [[6]] and [[9]], but in my eyes an inconsistency

% puts {\


In the case of backslash-newline, the backslash "escapes" or "quotes" the
newline and is removed (rule [[9]]). In the case of backslash-brace, the backslash
escapes the brace but is '''not''' removed (rule [[6]]). This inconsistency hurts as
there's no way to embed a lone `{` or `}` in a `{}`-quoted string!

It gets even more mind-melting when you try and express what's going on using

% expr {{\{}=="\\{"}

.. is not a complete command. You need instead to type:

% expr {{\{}=="\\\{"}

.. which hurts my brain.

[AMG]: I discuss the strangeness of backslash-newline earlier on this page.



A Tcl script is a string. 


If that string has a non-escaped semicolon (;) or newline, then this character
serves as separator such that another script can follow.


Before execution, the interpreter substitutes the string from left to right as

   1. If a line is terminated by the backslash character ('''`\`'''), then the following line is taken as continuation of current line where the backslash and following spaces are replaced by a single space.
   1. If the line starts with zero or more spaces and the character ('''`#`'''), then the line is taken as comment. It is not executed.
   1. If there is an opening brace ('''`{`''') in the string, then finding the matching counterpart ('''`}`''') has precedence above the separator, i. e. the group can contain newlines and semicolons. This section is protected against further substitution.
   1. If a section is a double quote ('''`"`'''), then finding the closing double quote has precedence above the separator, i. e. the group can contain newlines and semicolons.
   1. If a section of the string is enclosed in brackets ('''`[[...]]`'''), then the inner area is recursively executed as an embedded script, and the bracketed section is replaced by the result of the inner script.
   1. If there is a dollar sign followed by some alphanumerical characters such as `$abc`, then it is substituted as if there were `[set] abc]` instead. If a dollar sign is followed by a properly-braced sequence such as `${abc}`, then it is substituted as if there were `[set] {abc}`. '''Note''' that the `[set]` returns the value of a variable such as `abc`.
   1. If there is a backslash ('''`\`'''), then it escapes the following character as follows: a -- bell; b -- backspace; f -- form feed; n -- newline; r -- carriage return; t -- tab; v -- vertical tab; ooo -- octal number; xhh -- hex number; uhhhh -- unicode character; all other chars escape to themselves, especially braces and brackets described above.
   1. If there is a character sequence '''`{*}`''' immediately followed by a non-space character, then the sequence '''`{*}`''' and the following group is replaced by the elements of that that group taken as list (without grouping characters).

After these steps, the string is transformed to a properly-formatted list, the
first word of which is taken as procedure name, and the remaining arguments are
taken as arguments (Polish notation). Then, the procedure belonging to that
name is executed.


A string is a proper list if it contains words where:

   1. A word consists either non-space characters or a group delimited by double quotes ('''`"`''') or properly-balanced braces `{...}`.
   1. A word is separated from its neighbours by space characters. 

'''Note''' that if a word enclosed by double quotes (`"..."`) or braces
(`{...}`) is followed by a non-space character, then the string is not a properly-formatted list. If there is a neighbour, then the delimiting space character is mandatory.

[CMcC] can never remember whether he means endekalog or dodekalog, so uses
[*dekalog] to mean both of them, and more (please refer to context for actual

** Proposal: More Consistent Variable Substitution **

[PYK] 2014-12-24:

The following is a proposal to modify the variable substitution rules, resulting in three new behaviours:

   1. Braced variable names are interpreted in accordance with the rules for braced words.
   2. True multidimensional array indexing is supported.
   3. Namespace paths are represented by standard lists rather than components delimited by two or more colons (`::`).

The further implication of this proposal is that commands in namespaces would
also be represented by lists rather than by words delmited by two or more
colonts (`::`).  This proposal, of course, is not backwards-compatible, not by
a long shot.

'''Variable Substitution'''

   '''`$`'''''name'':   When `$` occurs in a word, and is followed by a sequence of standard ASCII characters in the ranges '''0-9''', '''A-Z''', and '''a-z''', or underscore ('''_'''), that sequence is the name of a variable, the value of which replaces the `$` and the variable name in the word.

   '''`$`'''''name'''''`(`'''''path'''''`)`''':   When ''name'' is immediately followed by `(`, it names a variable.  Subsequent characters up to the matching `)` constitute ''path'', which is subject to command substitution, variable substitution, and backslash substitution,  and the value of which must be a properly-formatted list.  The last item in the list is the name of an item in the array or value, and the previous items of which specify a path into the array or value.  The value of the item specified by ''path'' is substituted into the word in place of the `$`, variable name, parenthesis, and list.

   '''`${`'''''names'''''`}`''':   If `$` is immediately followed by an `{`, the characters up to the matching `}` are interpreted according to the rule for braced words, and must be a properly-formatted list, the last item of which specifies the name of a variable, and the previous items of which specify the namespace path of that variable.  The matching `}` may be immediately followed by non-whitespace.  No substitutions are performed on any characters between the parentheses that enclose an array path in the last item in the variable name. 
** Historical **

The following information is obsolete, but retained for historical purposes

*** Documentation for [Argument expansion] ***

[MS] 2003-10-26:  The acceptance of ''[Argument expansion] with leading [{*}]''
requires a new rule, and slight editions of the older ones.

This page holds a proposed wording for the new Tcl(n) manual page. I'd
appreciate comments and suggestions.

[escargo] 2005-04-22:  What about corrections for spelling and grammar?  Should
those be made in line?

[escargo] 2005-04-25:  Hearing no objection, I'm going to start fixing spelling
and grammar.  I have some more editorial and conceptual issues, but I will
start some discussion of those issues at the bottom.

[LV]: how many of the following changes have submitted for inclusion into Tcl

'''Required Changes'''

   * add new rule [[5]], shift old rules [[5]]-[[11]] up by one
   * modify rule [[6]] '''Braces''' to acknowledge the {*} exception
   * modify rule [[12]] '''Substitution and word boundaries''' to acknowledge the {*} exception

*** Clarifying Rule 2 ***

See [|%revision 148] of this page
for the previous contents of this section, which describe a proposed
modification of Rule 2 that has been merged into the official documentation.


'''[kaelbling] - 2015-12-22 10:02:02'''

Perhaps "word expansion" would be a better term than "argument expansion".

From page 4 of ''Tcl and the Tk Toolkit'', 2nd ed.: "Each command consists of one or more ''words''....  The first word of each command is the name....  The other words are ''arguments''....

Since` {*} `can be used to supply the command name as well as the arguments it is not strictly for arguments.

{*}{puts happy}

Furthermore "words" are an entry in the introductory glossary, but "arguments" are not.

(This comment was inspired by the "script substitution" vs. "command substitution" paragraph.)
[pyk] 2019-11-24:  "command expansion" might even be better than "word
expansion". It is more consistent with "command subsitution" since in both cases
it is the command being transformed.


'''[kaelbling] - 2015-12-22 10:20:18'''

Unhappiness with variable substitution syntax

... or with the set command -- one of them is inconsistent.

% set arr(f)) true
% puts $arr(f))
can't read "arr(f)": no such element in array

% set arr(g()) true
% puts $arr(g())
can't read "arr(g()": no such element in array

% set arr(a;b) true
can't read "arr(a": no such variable
% puts $arr(a;b)
can't read "arr(a;b)": no such element in array

% array names arr
g() f)

[RLE] (2015-12-22): Not inconsistent, just a misunderstanding.  Variable names can consist of nearly any string in Tcl.  However, the confusion you have above is due to interactions between the names you have chosen and one or both of the Tcl parser and/or the parser for "$" expansion.  If you escape the characters that both use as 'special', all of your names above work perfectly:

  % set arr(f)) true
  % puts ${arr(f))}
  % set arr(g()) true
  % put ${arr(g())}
  % puts ${arr(g())}
  % set {arr(a;b)} true
  % puts ${arr(a;b)}
  % array names arr
  g() {a;b} f)

The name "arr(f))" interacted badly with the "$" parser - because the "$" parser uses parenthesis to denote 'array' and the parser saw a matched pair after "arr(f)" and stopped parsing.  But as you had not set that array entry, there was no array entry with a name of "f".  Your second one failed for similar reasons (although it looks from #2 like the "$" parser does not look for nested parenthesis).  But the simple explanation is "(" and ")" are 'special' to "$", be careful with them when using them in ways "$" does not expect.

Your third "set arr(a;b) true" failed because the tcl parser sees ';' as special.  It means "command ends here".  So what the parser found was these two commands smashed onto one line:

  set arr(a

The first attempts to retrieve the value in the variable "arr(a", there is no value there, so you get a no such variable error.  At which point the Tcl shell stops and waits for more input from you.

Alternately, if you do want to use 'special' characters in variable names, you can also use [set] to both create and retrieve their values:

  % set arr(f)) true
  % set arr(f))
  % set arr(g()) true
  % set arr(g())
  % set arr(a\;b) true
  % set arr(a\;b) 
  % parray arr
  arr(a;b) = true
  arr(f))  = true
  arr(g()) = true

[PYK] 2015-12-22:  Although [kaelbling%|%kaelbling's] examples can all be fixed
using variable brace notation, there is an asymmetry between variable
substitution syntax and `[set]`.  The variable substitution rule doesn't
guarantee that all variables can be accessed using its syntax, and indeed, they
can't. In the following example, there's no way to get at the value of `var}`
using variable substitution: 

set var\} hello

The proposal earlier on this page, '''More Consistent Variable Substitution''',
would remedy that.

'''[jcd] - 2017-07-20 18:41:06'''

The description of comment above is incorrect.

The claim:

      If # is the first character in the name of a command, 
      and is not otherwise quoted, the characters up to the
      next newline are a comment. No command execution is
      attempted, and no characters in the line are
      interpreted, except that a newline escaped with \ 
      is ignored.

To see that this is not true, consider:

   proc foo {} {
     # bar }
     puts baz

Evaluating this prints ''baz'' and then reports ''invalid command name "}"''.

Hence, the ''}'' character is '''not''' in fact ignored, even though it comes before the newline.

[PYK] 2017-07-20:  Your interpretation is incorrect.  The error message is
complaining about the brace after `puts baz`.  That `#` character is simply a
literal character enclosed in a braced word. One of the subtle ways to get into
the wrong frame of mind about Tcl syntax is to start thinking of things in
terms of code blocks, which do not exist in Tcl syntax.  There are only

[RKzn] 2017-07-20: So it wouldn't hurt if someone clarified why both

proc foo1 {} {
    # bar 
    puts baz


proc foo2 {} {
    # bar \}
    puts baz

do not raise the same error. I _think_ it is because the initial example is actually, the same as:

proc foo {} {
    # bar
puts baz

that is, a "empty" proc plus a puts command outside that proc plus a } which cause the error (as PYK said). All that because the rule about braces "captures" that } to pair up with the initial {, so the comment is "bar", not "bar }". And then, to further confuse things, we get fooled by the (erroneous) indentation.

[EMJ] 2017-07-20: Think like the Tcl interpreter.

''proc'' is expected to be a command, and what follows will be its arguments.
First, ''foo'' which will be the name of the procedure being defined. Then ''{}'' will be the list of formal 
arguments to the procedure being defined.
The next ''{'' starts the third argument to ''proc'' (the procedure body) which will, by rule 6,
be ended by the next matching unescaped ''}''. The characters between the 
''{'' and ''}'' are just a string, and are not evaluated in any way at this point (that's what braces do - rule 6).

The matching ''}'' is therefore the one after ''bar''. In the next line, ''puts'' is expected to be a command. Since it is, it is evaluated and 
the string ''baz'' is output. The next line after that is '}' which is expected to be a command, but there is no such command, hence the error.

The procedure ''foo'' '''has''' been defined, and if you call it, it will do nothing because

    % info body foo

     # bar 

i.e. at this time, the ''#'' is expected to be a command but by rule 10 starts a comment so that line 
'''of the procedure body''' will be ignored. 

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