Echo-free password entry

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"What can I do so the characters can't be seen when a user types a
password?" is a frequent question.  [Tk] applications have a complete
and simple answer:  use [entry]'s -show option. For a usage example, see [A little login dialog].

A [pure-Tcl] solution is slightly subtler.  In a Unix context, the
formula is
        exec stty -echo / echo
[[elaborate, including [signal] hygiene ...--which [Expect]
handles by itself]]

"[stty] -echo ..." is an error-prone subject.
[Don Libes] and [marsd] describe, for example, a long-standing
problem that continues to plague Linux 2.4.12

The [Unix Terminal Extension] provides the ability to disable echoing, as well as the ability to read one character at a time from stdin.  See [terminal:password:get] for an example.

If you don't mind using the Tcl Windows API extension (which only
works on Win NT platforms, not Win 98!), the following should do the

   package require twapi
   set console_handle [twapi::GetStdHandle -10]
   set oldmode [twapi::GetConsoleMode $console_handle]
   set newmode [expr {$oldmode & ~4}] ;# Turn off the echo bit
   twapi::SetConsoleMode $console_handle $newmode
   gets stdin password ;#...or do whatever...
   twapi::SetConsoleMode $console_handle $oldmode ;# Restore echo mode

Or a slightly simpler version using the higher level console API in TWAPI 0.7:

   puts -nonewline "Enter password: "
   flush stdout
   set oldmode [twapi::modify_console_input_mode stdin -echoinput false -lineinput true]
   gets stdin password
   # Restore original input mode
   eval [list twapi::set_console_input_mode stdin] $oldmode

The TWAPI extension is available from
[drh] FWIW, here is the code I am currently using to read echo-free passwords on unix:

  # Read a single line of input from the terminal without echoing to the
  # screen.  If Control-C is pressed, exit immediately.
  proc tty_gets_no_echo {{prompt {}}} {
    if {$prompt!=""} {
      puts -nonewline $prompt
    flush stdout
    global _tty_input _tty_wait tcl_platform
    if {$tcl_platform(platform)!="unix"} {
      # FIXME:  This routine only works on unix.  On other platforms, the
      # password is still echoed to the screen as it is typed.
      return [gets stdin]
    set _tty_input {}
    set _tty_wait 0
    fileevent stdin readable _tty_read_one_character
    exec /bin/stty raw -echo <@stdin
    vwait ::_tty_wait
    fileevent stdin readable {}
    return $_tty_input
  proc _tty_read_one_character {} {
    set c [read stdin 1]
    if {$c=="\n" || $c=="\003"} {
      exec /bin/stty -raw echo <@stdin
      puts ""
      if {$c=="\003"} exit
      incr ::_tty_wait
    } else {
      append ::_tty_input $c

----[[[CSee also the slightly related app [Passworyd Gorilla]
