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2018-02-16 [HaO]: Unfortunately, Evolane disappeared, as genius Eric moved to the US.

Is this back as https://www.evotcl.com/%|%EvoTcl%|% and updated to Tcl 9? Looking quite good...

2025-02-05 [saito]:Agree, it looks impressive. None of the buttons work though. Is this similar to [CloudTk]?  I would be interested in learning more about it. 

2025-02-07 [Arjen] Actually, it does work - use the "Desktop" menu item and click on the feather logo. Then a console will appear. I tried a few commands, among others loading Tk and creating a simple canvas. It works and looks very smooth :).  
2025-02-06 [saito]: There is a download button on the screen.  It leads to 32bit and 64bit downloads but they don't work. Maybe it i just me.  The shell interface seems to work but only if you type your commands in.  It doesn't seem to work if you upload a script through its upload a file button.

2025-02-07 [Jorge] you can also click on the icon with 9 little squares for some demos

Evolane, France

 mailto:[email protected]
 mailto:[email protected]

Evolane created and maintains [eTcl], a [Batteries included] distribution of Tcl/Tk for a large set of platforms, with special focus on embedded and mobiles ones (Windows Mobile, embedded Linux, ...).



   * [Eric Hassold]

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