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An embeddable [Scheme] implementation, intended by 
the [FSF] to be the universal scripting engine

The project has apparently abandoned [Guile Tk] (guile-tk, ...)
in favor of guile-gtk

A quote from the Guile tutorial at []: "One of the things that Scheme as a programming language is particularly good at is the emulation of other programming languages. This means that your users don't actually have to write their extension scripts in Scheme; instead, they can write the scripts in [Tcl] or [Python], and just load up the appropriate chunk of Scheme code to emulate that language. (Or at least they will be able to, when the appropriate translators have been written.)"

Hmm.. translators that appropriately implement things like [fileevent], [encoding], [interp] ...([RS])

[RMS] told his version of the story of Guile, with explicit remarks
about [Tcl], in a speech called
"My [Lisp] Experiences ..."
[].[[Also link to "What's going on ..."]]
[Category Language]