Hamurabi.tcl Text Adventure Game and TCL Demo Example

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**king_strategy_game.tcl Text Adventure Game and TCL Demo Example**

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[gold] 10/08/2020. Here is some  code for king_strategy_game.tcl. There is a post on wiki asking for a TCL version of a text and strategy game, originally in basic language. See [Ideas for Projects in Tcl/Tk].  
A strategy game can be cobbled from older scraps of [Iching_Fortunes] code. Using the Iching code, this page presents a trial console version for testing the concept in a console version  The Iching has a good handle on the actions of an ancient kingdom, though in a random scattered pattern. The elements in most adventure games are random generators, castles, tiled game boards, mazes, wildcards, gamepieces, and strategy situation. The random pick algorithm was posted by Suchenworth [RS] on [Horseracing in Tcl]. Another source of randomness was [A funny cookbook].

**Pseudocode Section**  
**Session from trial console script**
    buy or sell, my lord? 
    starts with 1000 units 
    answer has form:  king buy 20 or king sell 30  
   1% king buy 20
    decision was buy 20, total was 1020.0 
   advisor:  new situation 
   need 10 liters of grain.
   need 60 hectares of land.
   predict rain.
   subjects from census 5000. 

    advisor: buy or sell, my lord? 
    2% king sell 500
    decision was sell 500, total was 520.0 
    advisor:  new situation 
    need 10 liters of grain.
    need 100 hectares of land.
    predict cold.
    subjects from census 3000. 

    advisor: buy or sell, my lord? 

**Sample commands from King**
      Commands from the king on the TCL console  
      or commands in the king entry field (canvas gui)
      vary on versions, but here are some samples.
      initial land is 1000 barleyfields
      initial barley is 1000 measures
      king buy 22
      king sell 100
      king buy 100 land
      king sell 33 land
      king buy 222 barley
      king sell 33 barley
      conditions for winner are very liberal.
**Pseudocode for Example Commands from King**
      kingdom starts with 1000 units land 
      initial barley is 1000 measures <for palace>
      king's answer has lower case form: 
      example >>   king buy 20 land 
      example >>   king sell 30 land  
      example >>   king buy 33 barley 
      example >>   king sell 11 barley 
      example >>   for new game, enter command reset 1 
**Pseudocode for Endgame **

    pseudocode: game is halted after 5 trials, count > 5,
    and estimate if (winner) conditions prevail.
    pseudocode:  if barleyfields > 500 , winner declared
    pseudocode:  if barley  > 500 winner declared
    pseudocode:  clear resets counter to zero
    pseudocode:  clear zeros king & advisor entry fields, 
    pseudocode:  & zeros canvas
** Dialog from Trial Merge of  Eliza namespace **
      Refer to [A simple version of Eliza].    
      Console:  king sell 11 barley 
     1% ::Talk::replyto { barley }
      advisor says : Shall we continue? 
     2% ::Talk::replyto { king sell barley }
       advisor says worried about total  barleyfields. ? 
     3% ::Talk::replyto { king sell 11 barley }
       advisor says : worried about total barleyfields. ? 
     4% king sell 11 barley
     decision was sell 11, total was   land 1000, barley 989.0 
***Testcases Section***  

In planning any software, it is advisable to gather a number of testcases to check the results of the program. The math for the testcases can be checked by pasting statements in the TCL console. Aside from the TCL calculator display, when one presses the report button on the calculator, one will have console show access to the   capacity  functions (subroutines). 

***Screenshots Section***
*** Figure 1.  Text Adventure Game Screenshot 1***
*** Figure 2. Flowchart for  Text Adventure Game***
[Hamurabi Text Adventure screenshot 2]
   *  King that learns? [A Program That Learns]
   * [Random Walk Equation Slot Calculator Example] 
   * [Chinese Fortune Casting Example Demo]
   * [Chinese Iching Hexagrams on Chou Bronzes : TCL Example] 
   * [Chinese Iching Random Weather Predictions]
   * [Simple Canvas Demo]
   * [Clock and daylight saving time corrections]
   * [Ideas for Projects in Tcl/Tk]
   * [A funny cookbook]
   * [Tkpaint]
   * http://mars.netanya.ac.il/~samy/tkpaint.html
   * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamurabi
   * http://www.dunnington.u-net.com/public/basicgames/HMRABI
   * http://www.apollowebworks.com/russell/samples/hamurabi.html
   * http://www.cse.lehigh.edu/~munoz/ComputerGameDesignClass/classes/GameTheory.pptx.
   * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamurabi
   * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_games_in_game_theory
   * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_theory
   * http://www.dallasuu.org/re/adult/huumanist/TitTatSagan.pdf
   * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dictator_game
   * http://www.hammurabigame.com/hammurabi-game.php
   * http://www.codeproject.com/KB/game/Hammurabi.aspx
   * http://www.esajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1890/1540-9295(2003)001%5B0367%3AMRAPTB%5D2.0.CO%3B2
   * http://ipsnews.net/fao_magazine/indian.shtml
   * http://biology.clc.uc.edu/courses/bio104/sci_meth.htm
   * http://programmingpraxis.com/2010/07/27/hamurabi-bas/
   * http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/nature/plant-vs-predator.html
   * http://lisp.pastebin.com/r1gL4zYT
   * http://codepad.org/pc8FSfnQ
   * http://www.econ.umn.edu/~foster/Handouts%20Games.pdf
   * http://re-factor.blogspot.com/2010/08/hamurabi.html
   * http://www.moorecad.com/classicbasic/basic/creative/hamurabi.bas
   * http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~matuszek/cit590-2010/Assignments/02-hammurabi.html
   * http://playtechs.blogspot.com/2009/06/charlemagne-disraeli-and-jefferson.html
   * http://www.econ.cam.ac.uk/seminars/Marshall_Lecture/09/marshall_lecture_2_Oct_21.pdf
   * http://roseindia.net/java/java-tips/oop/q-hammurabi/q-pr-hammurabi-1.shtml
   * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hammurabi
   * eric ed014227: the production and evaluation of 
   * three computer-based economics games for the sixth grade. final report.
   * Sumer Game was written in 1968 in the FOCAL programming language
   * for the DEC PDP-8 by Doug Dyment.
   * 101_BASIC_Computer_Games_Mar75.pdf
**Appendix Code**

***appendix TCL programs and scripts ***

    # pretty print autoindent from ased editor
    # trial console operation
    # king_strategy_game.tcl
    # Natural Language if King's English? V2
    # based on Hamurabi.bas antique game
    # written on Windows 10 on TCL
    # working under TCL version 8.6
    # gold on TCL Club , 05ct2020
    # console has large black type on green
    # used as testbed for natural language
    # if the King's English is a natural language???
    # random list proc written by RS
    # gold added cosmetics and extensions
    package require Tk
    package require math::numtheory
    package require math::constants
    package require math::trig
    package require math
    namespace path {::tcl::mathop ::tcl::mathfunc math::numtheory math::trig math::constants }
    set tclprecision 17
    proc ? L {
        lindex $L [expr {int(rand()*[llength $L])}] ;# RS
    proc lpick L {lindex $L [expr int(rand()*[llength $L])];} ;# RS
    proc advisor_game_format_examples { value } {
        puts " buy or sell, my lord? "
        puts "       "
        puts " kingdom starts with 1000 units land "
        puts "    "
        puts " example statements for king's entry   "
        puts " can be cut & paste from console"
        puts "    "
        puts "king's answer has lower case form: "
        puts "example >>   king buy 20 land "
        puts "example >>   king sell 30 land  "
        puts "example >>   king buy 33 barley "
        puts "example >>   king sell 11 barley "
        puts "example >> for new game, enter command reset 1 "
        puts " new advisor prompt follows   "
        puts "       "
        puts " buy or sell, my lord? "
    proc advisorcom {lister} {
        set choutext [list ]
        foreach item $lister {
            if { $item == 1 } {lappend choutext "grain market crashed" }
            if { $item == 2 } {lappend choutext "fifth rate" }
            if { $item == 3 } {lappend choutext "performance comparable to bonzo" }
            if { $item == 4 } {lappend choutext "fourth rate" }
            if { $item == 5 } {lappend choutext "no bread left" }
            if { $item == 6 } {lappend choutext "surving inhabitants have fled" }
            if { $item == 7 } {lappend choutext "no milk in frig" }
            if { $item == 8 } {lappend choutext "lacking any sense" }
            if { $item == 9 } {lappend choutext "get lost”}
            if { $item == 10 } {lappend choutext "stock market tanked”}
            if { $item == 11 } {lappend choutext "giant cloud of locusts on fields”}
            if { $item == 12 } {lappend choutext "infestation of rats in grain stores”}
            if { $item == 13 } {lappend choutext "quit day job”}
            if { $item == 14 } {lappend choutext "quit night job”}
            if {$item > 15 } {lappend choutext "???” }
        return $choutext}
    proc winnerx {aa } {
        global sumit sumitland sumitbarley
        global sumerians liters winner5
        global loser5
        puts "   end of game  "
        if { $sumerians >= 120 } {
            puts " king is winner declared "
            puts " king is winner declared "
            puts " king is winner declared "
            set winner5 1
        if { $sumitland >= 700 } {
            puts " king is winner declared "
            puts " king is winner declared "
            puts " king is winner declared"
            set winner5 1
        if { $sumerians <= 40 } {
            puts "king is loser declared"
            set loser5 1
        if { $sumitbarley <= 300 } {
            puts "king is loser declared"
            set loser5 1
    proc tidings {} {
        set a {
            {70 measures of barleys} {20 measures of barley} {10 measures of barley}
            {10 measures of barley} {50 measures of barley}
        set b {
            {400 barleyfields of land} {60 barleyfields of land} {50 barleyfields of land}
            {100 barleyfields of land} {20 barleyfields of land}
        set c {rain dry heat cold drought  snow }
        set d {
            {census 99} {census 100} {census 120} {census 110} {census 120} {census 80}
        return "   need [? $a].
        need [? $b].
        predict [? $c].
        subjects from [? $d].
        example format >> king buy 20 land  \n                         "
    set sumerians  100
    set counter 0
    set sumit 1000
    set sumitland 1000
    set sumitbarley 1000
    proc calculation { aa } {
        global counter percentfields
        global sumit sumitland sumitbarley
        global  buyland  buybarley sumerians
        set annum    0
        set provisions    1000
        set liters 5000
        set land    1000
        set barleyfields   1000
        set landprice 26
        set litersperacre  3
        set totalmortality   10
        set mortalrateer  10
        set ratliters 1
        set citymortal 5
        set landfraction .1
        set sumeriansgain 5
        set produce 4
        set buyland 1
        set buybarley 1
        set plaguethisyear 0
        set ratinfestthisyear 0
        set famineyear 0
        set immigrantyear 0
        if { [ expr { rand() } ] <= .90 } {set immigrantyear  1 }
        if { [ expr { rand() } ] <= .15 } {set plaguethisyear 1 }
        if { [ expr { rand() } ] <= .41 } {set ratinfestthisyear 1 }
        set ratliters  [ expr { $liters*.1*rand()   } ]
        set ratliters [ expr { int($ratliters) } ]
        set sumeriansstarved [ expr { $sumerians*.02*rand()   } ]
        set landfraction  [ expr {   rand() } ]
        set sumeriansgain   [ expr {  $sumerians  * .10 * rand() } ]
        set sumeriansgain   [ expr {  int($sumeriansgain) } ]
        set sumerians [ expr { $sumerians + $sumeriansgain   } ]
        set produce [ expr {  $land * 3 } ]
        set landprice [ lpick { 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 } ]
        set landprice [ expr { int($landprice) } ]
        set liters $sumitbarley
        set liters [ expr {  $liters + $sumitland*.8 } ]
        set liters [ expr {  $liters - $landprice* $buyland } ]
        set liters [ expr {  $liters - $sumerians* 7 } ]
        set liters [ expr {  $liters - $liters*.1*$ratinfestthisyear } ]
        set liters [ expr { int($liters) } ]
        set foodrequire [ expr {$sumerians*7 }]
        if {   $liters <= $foodrequire   } {
            set sumeriansstarved [expr {$sumerians*.2  } ]
            set famineyear 1                                              }
        set sumeriansstarved [ expr { int($sumeriansstarved)  } ]
        set sumitbarley $liters
        set sumitland  [ expr { int($sumitland)  } ]
        set sumerians  [ expr { $sumerians + $sumerians*.1 -$sumeriansstarved} ]
        set sumerians  [ expr { $sumerians - $sumerians*.5*$plaguethisyear } ]
        set sumerians [ expr { int($sumerians) } ]
        set percentfields [ expr { ($sumitland/1000.)*100.   } ]
        if {  $percentfields <= 1   } { set percentfields 1 }
        if {  $percentfields >= 100   } { set percentfields 100 }
        set percentfields [ expr { int($percentfields) } ]
        puts  "annum $counter "
        puts  "$plaguethisyear plague this year,  0 or 1. "
        puts  "$ratinfestthisyear rats infest  this year,  0 or 1."
        puts "$percentfields percent "
        puts "$sumeriansstarved sumerians starved"
        puts "$sumeriansgain immigrated to city."
        puts "census $sumerians  "
        puts "total  $sumitland barleyfields."
        puts "yielded 3 measures per barleyfield"
        puts "rats devoured $ratliters measures."
        puts  "$liters  measures in palace."
        puts "land $landprice measures per barleyfield"
        puts "how many barleyfields do you wish to buy?"
        set listx  "
        annum $counter,   $liters  measures
        census $sumerians,  $sumitland barleyfields.
        $landprice landprice measures
        $plaguethisyear plague this year,  0 or 1.
        $famineyear  famineyear ,0 or 1
        $ratinfestthisyear rats infest  this year,  0 or 1.
        $sumeriansstarved sumerians starved
        $sumeriansgain immigrated to city.
        census $sumerians
        total  $sumitland barleyfields.
        yielded 3 measures per barleyfield
        rats devoured $ratliters measures.
        $liters  measures in palace.
        land $landprice measures per barleyfield "
        incr counter
        return " $listx "
    set sumit 1000
    set sumitland 1000
    set sumitbarley 1000
    proc advisorx {aa bb} {
        global counter
        puts " "
        if { $counter < 5 } {puts "advisor:  new situation "}
        if { $counter < 5 } {puts [ tidings ]}
        if { $counter < 5 } {puts "advisor: buy or sell, my lord? "}
        if { $counter >= 6 } { puts "update: game ends" }
        if { $counter >= 6 } {  winnerx 1 }
        if { $counter >= 6 } { puts "for new game, enter reset 1 " }
    proc king { aa bb cc } {
        global sumitland sumitbarley
        global buyland buybarley
        global counter
        if { $aa == "buy" } {set token [ expr { 1.* $bb } ] }
        if { $aa == "sell" } {set token [ expr { -1.* $bb } ] }
        if { $cc == "land" } { set sumitland [ expr { $sumitland + $token } ] }
        if { $cc == "barley" } { set sumitbarley [ expr { $sumitbarley + $token } ] }
        if { $cc == "land" } { set buyland  $token  }
        if { $cc == "barley" } { set buybarley  $token  }
        set kingx "king"
        puts " decision was $aa $bb, total was   land $sumitland, barley $sumitbarley "
        puts " advisor says   [ advisorcom  [ lpick { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 }] ] "
        puts " advisor says   [ advisorcom [ lpick { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 }]]   "
        puts " advisor says   [ advisorcom [ lpick { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 }]]   "
        record 1
        advisorx 50 50
        # advisor_game_format_examples 1
        # finish line set at 5 years
        # changes in finish line possible
        # king may both win and lose depending on settings
        if {$counter < 5 } { advisor_game_format_examples 1 }
        if {$counter > 5 } { puts " ********************************************* " }
        if {$counter > 5 } { puts " king may both win and lose depending on settings  " }
        if {$counter > 5 } { puts " 5 years set as finish line, suggest reset 1 " }
        if {$counter > 5 } { puts " otherwise game will continue but lack final score "}
        if {$counter > 5 } { puts " ********************************************* " }
    proc record aa {
        set results  [ calculation 10  ]
        puts $results
        return 1 }
    proc reset aa {
        global counter
        set counter 0
        set sumitland 1000
        set sumitbarley 1000
        set sumerians  100
        advisorx 1 2
    puts [ tidings ]
    advisor_game_format_examples 1
    console show
    console eval {.console config -bg palegreen}
    console eval {.console config -font {fixed 20 bold}}
    console eval {wm geometry . 40x20}
    console eval {wm title . "  king_strategy_game.tcl V2, screen grab and paste from console 2 to texteditor"}
    console eval {. configure -background orange -highlightcolor brown -relief raised -border 30}


**Hidden Comments Section**

Please place any comments here, Thanks.----
[gold] 9/27/2021. Switched some comment signs ;# to #. This a big file. Check earlier editions, if not compatible. Maybe obvious, but this page was written on Windows10 Tcl ports including ActiveTCL.  I assume that the reader can cut and paste on screen, what the reader needs, and tootle on to his own project and own contribution pages to the TCL Wiki.
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