Harald Oehlmann

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I live in Berlin, Germany.

Our company [http://www.elmicron.de] does programs for logistics and bar coding ([barcode]) and most programs are done using [TCL].
My mission is to organize world logistics flow for medical [http://www.hibc.de] and other [http://www.eurodatacouncil.org] branches complying to ISO standards.

You can send me messages in German, French, English and Spanish language to
Harald dot Oehlmann at Elmicron dot de.

TCL actions:

   * Maintaining [BWidget], [msgcat], [tclws], core windows socket driver   * [Rivet] rpm for SuSE, Red Hat and CentOS
   * [Img] Patch to get Resolution information on save [https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3062062&group_id=52039&atid=465495]
   * [create triangle image] Dynamic arrow buttons implemented by a dynamically resized arrow image.
   * [zint] TCL binding for zint barcode creation library
   * Androwish build experience logs: [Example setup of AndroWish SDK on WIndows 10], [AndroWish: create "borg broadcast ..." following Java Code].
   * [TCLWS (Web Services for Tcl) as SAP Client]   * TIP454[http://core.tcl.tk/tips/doc/trunk/tip/454.md] about [frame]
   * [Embedding TCL program in DLL] Logbook page
   * [MS Windows: assistive technology, code signing, send keystrokes to other applications and Windows login password field] Logbook page

TCL conference contributions:

   * [https://ssl.webpack.de/www.eurotcl.eu/presentations/EuroTcl2014-Oehlmann-msgcat.pdf] Euro TCL2014: msgcat
   * [https://ssl.webpack.de/www.eurotcl.eu/presentations/EuroTcl2014-Oehlmann-Socket.pdf] Euro TCL2014: Windows Sockets
   * [https://ssl.webpack.de/www.eurotcl.eu/presentations/EuroTcl2015-Oehlmann-AndroWish.pdf] EuroTCL 2015: AndroWish
   * [https://ssl.webpack.de/www.eurotcl.eu/presentations/EuroTcl2019-Oehlmann-Androwish.pdf] EuroTCL 2019: Androwish
   * [https://openacs.org/conf2022/info/download/file/slides/10-image_metadata-oehlmann.pdf%|%Slides%|%], [https://learn.wu.ac.at/eurotcl2022/lecturecasts/615842260?m=delivery%|%video%|%] TCL & OpenACS 2022: image metadata   * [https://openacs.org/conf2023/info/download/file/state_of_tcl_hao.pdf%|%Slides%|%], [https://learn.wu.ac.at/eurotcl2023/lecturecasts/690830920|%video%|%] TCL & OpenACS 2023: TCL pannel
   * [https://openacs.org/conf2023/info/download/file/state_of_tk_hao.pdf%|%Slides%|%], [https://learn.wu.ac.at/eurotcl2023/lecturecasts/690830944|%video%|%] TCL & OpenACS 2023: Tk pannel
   * [https://openacs.org/conf2023/info/download/file/box_moving_application_hao.pdf%|%Slides%|%], [https://learn.wu.ac.at/eurotcl2023/lecturecasts/690830924|%video%|%] TCL & OpenACS 2023: Box moving function editor for Barcode solution program

Pages I often need and thus have shortcuts here to find them ;-)

   * [Test Suite Log]
   * [To build and test Tcl]
   * [socket -async]
   * [Tcl_NotifyChannel]
   * [Tcl_Obj refCount HOWTO]
   * [Managing the reference count of Tcl objects]
   * [https://www.magicsplat.com/articles/oo.html%|%APN's TclOO book chapter%|%] (I hope I will learn it)
   * [https://core.tcl-lang.org/tcl/tktview?name=ed5be77734%|%Tcl Bug ed5be77734%|%] win: "comx:" not recognized as serial port
   * [iocpsock]
   * [Embedded TCL Web Server]
   * [AndroWish: create "borg broadcast ..." following Java Code]

Shortcut on this wiki: [HaO]

Sourceforge/chat user name: oehhar

***Windows SDKs***

Since TDK, I used Windows Server 2003 SP1 SDK to compile TCL with VC6.
I failed to compile the 8.6 starkit while I succeeded with 8.5.
APN told me, that there is a newer release of the SDK, which succeeds.
Now, I found:


which states that "Windows Server 2003 R2 Platform SDK" also supports VC6 and is 3 month younger than the upper.
I suppose, this was the version recommended by APN.
I will try it. Here is just the pointer for me.

Chat with APN today. He proposed to use the "Microsoft Platform SDK February 2003", which is even older what I used.
And he has SP5 for VC6, where I have SP6.
We concluded that all this is confusing and we will see later on.

***Sample Application***

Here is an application with a box mouving programming interface, where building blocks may be connected and program flows may be created from a toolbox of functional units.


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