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ActiveState's Komodo [IDE] is built on the [Mozilla] platform. It supports dynamic languages, including [Tcl], [Perl], [PHP], [Python], and [Ruby]; [framework] stacks like Ruby on Rails and CakePHP; and client libraries such as the Yahoo! UI Library and Dojo.
See http://www.activestate.com/Products/Komodo_IDE for more information.

[ActiveState] added browser-side support in Komodo IDE 4.0, including debugging, [DOM] viewer, catalog support, [HTTP] Inspector, and code intelligence for languages such as [JavaScript], [CSS], [HTML], and [XML], enabling programmers to edit and debug [Ajax] code and multi-language files.

Komodo IDE, although not Open Source, is extensible using standard Mozilla APIs based on [XUL], [XBL], and [XPCOM], plus Python and JavaScript. Komodo users can learn how to create extensions and share them with other users on the ActiveState community website: http://support.activestate.com

Komodo IDE is available for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows platforms.

ActiveState introduced a free Komodo-based editor in January 2007 called Komodo Edit. See http://www.activestate.com/products/komodo_edit/ for more details.

[[what goes here?]] download for registered users only/FREE evaluation copy.

''[escargo] 2 Mar 2007'' - Is this now the same as the evaluation copy of Komodo IDE? I saw nothing about Komodo Edit.

''[snichols] 24 July 2007'' - I've installed Komodo Edit on both my laptop and Linux workstation. The syntax highlighting is great. It automatically detects and adds syntax highlighting for all scripting languages I've used: xml, bash, ruby, python, tcl. My only complaint would be the startup is noticeably slow for an editor. Then again, eclipse and other full blown IDE's have slow startups up too. Because of this, I try to keep Komodo Edit open on the desktop.

Information about other development environments can be found at [IDE].


Among the many interesting particular features of Komodo was
the "ActiveState GUI Builder", a "simple tool for creating
[Tk]-based GUIs for [Perl], [Python], and [Tcl]". That code has now been
removed from Komodo, and placed onto [SourceForge] as [spectcl].

See also [GUI Building Tools].

Features specifically related to [Tcl] are

    * Integration of the [prodebug] backend. This makes Komodo a [Dynamic Debugger] for [Tcl].
    * Integration of [procheck]. This allows Komodo to perform [Static Syntax Analysis] of [Tcl] code while you are editing (similar to the grammar/spell checker in modern word processing applications).
    * Command and call tips (syntax-aware popdowns that assist as you write your code).

You can see recorded webcast demos of Komodo at http://www.activestate.com/Corporate/Events/Webcasts/.

Apparently, it could also be '''AOL''''s new Web browser: [http://www.betanews.com/article/AOL_Considering_Dropping_IE/988225959]


[[[WK]]] Komodo's main advantage in debugging is that it keeps breakpoints correct when editing a file. In contrast with [TclPro] (and probably [Tcl Dev Kit]), this means that you don't have to move the breakpoints after you edit the files.

[[We could use more reviews 
and comparisons of Komodo and [TDK].]]


Some of the Tcl functionality has been removed from OpenKomodo because those bits are not yet open source. [RLH] Which is much better than what I wrote or hoped for.  

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 [Category Debugging]
 [IDE] |%