LemonTree branch

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12 Dec 2009 [JM] This is a [LemonTree] variant to explore html trees created by htmlparse<<br>>
27 Jul 2019 [JM] an attempt to renovate [LemonTree branch] with [TreeQL] example<<br>>
(Imagine an interactive console to try your TreeQL commands!)

The 2 building blocks:
   1. [htmlparse]::2tree functionality that puts html contents on a [tree] structure<<br>>
   2. [LemonTree] was developed to be easy to add new item types (Thanks [RS]!)

This script could be used as a tool for your [web scraping] coding if you use [htmlparse] as the main parsing engine.

see [Web Scraping with htmlparse]

- copy & paste URL from your web browser to the entry, or...<<br>>
- browse your file system with the "Browse..." button<<br>>
Then load the html contents with the button "html > tree"
and start navigating the tree structure.


[JM] 7/27/2019 - You can try some TreeQL code as in the example below, by launching the proc "sample" from the console to color your nodes according to the TreeQL commands. This is a good way to try your queries, or to learn how TreeQL works.<<br>>This is just a proof of concept right now, but it could help to demonstrate why <blockquote>processing trees generated by htmlparse seems like the killer app for TreeQL<\blockquote>


package require struct
package require csv
package require report
package require htmlparse
package require textutil
package require http
package require tls
package require BWidget
package require treeql

namespace eval LemonTree {variable uniqueID 0}
console show


proc sample {} {
global t

treeql q1 -tree t
treeql q2 -tree t

q1 query tree withatt type ul

.t opentree _root
set ctr 0
foreach elem [q1 result] {
  .t opentree $elem
  .t itemconfigure $elem -fill red
  puts "$ctr - $elem"
  incr ctr

set ul [lindex [q1 result] 3] 
q1 query replace $ul children map x {
        .t itemconfigure $x -fill blue
                # si funciona
        q2 query replace $x children withatt type PCDATA

        foreach elem [q2 result] {
          set nodeData [t get $elem data]
          puts [t get $elem type]
                if {[string match *Bin* $nodeData]} {
                  #.t opentree $elem
                  .t itemconfigure $elem -fill green
                  #.t itemconfigure $elem -image $icon(file)
                  .t itemconfigure $elem -image $LemonTree::icon(file)


 proc LemonTree::add {w parent type name {text ""}} {
    variable uniqueID; variable icon
                if {$name != "root"} {
      set val1 [::t get $name data]
      set val2 [::t get $name type]
      set val3 [::t index $name]
      # string range $val1 0 50 
      if {$text eq ""} {set text "$val3: <$val2> $val1"}
      #if {$text eq ""} {set text "$val3,$val2,$val1"}
      set id $name
                } else {                  puts "bad nameok: $name"
                        set id "_root"

                #puts $text
                #puts [string length $text]
                if {[string length $text] > 50} {
                        set text [string range $text 0 49]

    #set id n[incr uniqueID]
                #tk_messageBox -message "$id: $type,$name"

    set data [list type $type name $name]
    set fill [expr {[string match (* $text]? "blue": "black"}]
    set drawcross [expr {[info proc ::LemonTree::kids($type)] eq ""?
         "never": "allways"}]
    $w insert end $parent $id -text "$id - $text" -data $data -drawcross $drawcross -fill $fill
    if [info exists icon($type)] {
             $w itemconfigure $id -image $icon($type)

proc LemonTree::open {w node} {
    if {[$w itemcget $node -drawcross] eq "allways"} {
        set data [$w itemcget $node -data]
        set type [dict'get $data type]
        foreach {ktype kids} [kids($type) $w $node] {
            foreach kid $kids {add $w $node $ktype $kid}
        $w itemconfigure $node -drawcross auto

 proc LemonTree::kids(html) {w node} {
    set name [dict'get [$w itemcget $node -data] name]
    list html [::t children $name]

set path $BWIDGET::LIBRARY/images

foreach {type name} {dir folder file file array copy html folder} {
   set LemonTree::icon($type) [image create photo -file $path/$name.gif]

proc LemonTree::Info {w node} {
    set type [dict'get [$w itemcget $node -data] type]
    if {[info proc ::LemonTree::info($type)] ne ""} {
        balloon $w [info($type) $w $node]
#-- type-specific info providers:

 proc LemonTree::info(html) {w node} {
    #puts $node
    set name [dict'get [$w itemcget $node -data] name]
    if {$name != "root"} {
      set val1 [::t get $name data]
      set val2 [::t get $name type]
      set val3 [::t index $name]
      puts $node
      puts "\t[t index $name]"
      foreach nodo [t ancestors $name] {
       if {$nodo != "root"} {
         puts "\t[t index $nodo]"
    } else {
     set val1 "root"
    return "$val1"
proc balloon {w text} {
    set top .balloon
    catch {destroy $top}
    toplevel $top -bd 1
    pack [message $top.txt -aspect 10000 -bg lightyellow \
        -borderwidth 0 -text $text -font {Helvetica 9}]
    wm overrideredirect $top 1
    wm geometry $top +[winfo pointerx $w]+[winfo pointery $w]
    bind  $top <1> [list destroy $top]
    raise $top

proc dict'get {dict key} {
    foreach {k value} $dict {if {$k eq $key} {return $value}}
#-- reconstruct a proc's definition as a string:
proc procinfo name {
    set args ""
    foreach arg [info args $name] {
        if [info default $name $arg def] {lappend arg $def}
        lappend args $arg
    return "proc $name {$args} {[info body $name]}"
proc main {} {
global t

  set url [.txt get]
  catch {t destroy}
  .t delete [.t nodes root]

  if {$url == ""} {
  tk_messageBox -message "specify html location"
  ::struct::tree t
  #set t [::struct::tree]
  if {[string range $url 0 3] == "http"} {
    http::register https 443 tls::socket
                set http  [::http::geturl $url]
    set html  [::http::data $http]
  } else {
    set html [read [set fh [open $url]]]
    close $fh
  #puts $url
  htmlparse::2tree $html t
  htmlparse::removeVisualFluff t
  htmlparse::removeFormDefs t
  LemonTree::add .t root html root "(html)"
# -------------------------------------------
label .lbl -text "URL or path:"
entry .txt -width 60
button .btnBrowser -text Browse... -command {.txt insert end [tk_getOpenFile]}
button .btnGet -text "html > tree" -command main
button .btnSalir -text Exit -command {
catch {t destroy}
grid .lbl .txt .btnBrowser
grid .btnGet -row 1 -column 1
grid .btnSalir -row 1 -column 2

#-- Now to demonstrate and test the whole thing: 
Tree .t -background white -opencmd {LemonTree::open .t} \
-width 90 -height 30 -yscrollcommand {.y set}
 .t bindText  <1> {LemonTree::Info .t}
 .t bindImage <1> {LemonTree::Info .t}
scrollbar .y -command {.t yview}

grid .t -row 2 -column 0 -columnspan 3 
grid .y -row 2 -column 3 -sticky ns

#.txt insert end "https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/RS"
.txt insert end "http://www.cs.grinnell.edu/~walker/fluency-book/labs/sample-table.html"

#-- Little development helpers:
bind . <Escape> {exec wish $argv0 &; exit}
bind . <F1> {console show}


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