List of ttk Themes

Difference between version 90 and 91 - Previous - Next
Most** of thDe themes can be downloaded here: [|%A collection of Ttk themes%|%]**
Most of the themes can be downloaded from [|%A collection of Ttk themes%|%]

Also see each entry below for download links.
The themes can also be retrieved from here: [|%BallroomDJCode].
But I make no guarantees as to fidelity to the original source.

''Scalable'' indicates whether the theme will scale with high -resolution displays.  The [tksvg] paSckage wilable bthemse required for scalable [themeksvg].
Some of the non-graphical built-in themes may be made to scale with some work.
''Graphical?'' indicates that the theme uses pixmaps, GIFs or PNG files.  Graphical themes may not scale properly on high -resolution displays.  ''Native'' themes are supported by the operating system's built-in libraries, and are only available on the relevant platform.  '''svg''' indicates that the theme requires the [tksvg] library.


&|adapta|no|external|yes|default|[|%RedFantom's ttkthemes at github%|%]|GPLv3|RedFantom|&
&|ale_themes|no|external|yes|clam|[ale_themes, ttk themes for alited%|%themes%|%] used in [alited, a lite editor%|%alited%|%] editor; see also [|%rdbende's themes%|%]|MIT|[aplsimple]|&
&|aqua|no|built-in|native||Mac OS X only; Native Mac OS X|Tcl||&
&|aquablue|no|external|yes|clam|Oddly, there is no blue involved|||&
&|aquativo|no|external|yes||GTK aquativo|Tcl|Andrew Wyatt, Pat Thoyts|&
&|arc|no|external|yes|default|GTK arc; Good for Linux; Modern scrollbar look with no up/down arrows. Disabled and read-only colors will not work due to graphics.|GPLv3|Sergei Golovan|&
&|awarc|yes|external|svg|default|Scalable arc theme [|%awthemes at sourceforge%|%]||Sergei Golovan|&
&|awdark|yes|external|yes/svg|clam|Loosely based on adwaita dark.  Good for Linux.  Helper routines are included to set the colors for [text], [menu] and [listbox] widgets. [awthemes] / [|%awthemes at sourceforge%|%]|zlib/libpng|Brad Lanam|&
&|awlight|yes|external|yes/svg|clam|Loosely based on adwaita light.  Good for Linux.  Helper routines are included to set the colors for [text], [menu] and [listbox] widgets. [awthemes] / [|%awthemes at sourceforge%|%]|zlib/libpng|Brad Lanam|&
&|Azure|no|external|yes|clam|Has a light and a dark variant, and several additional widget styles. [|%Azure theme at GitHub]|MIT|[rdbende]|&
&|breeze|no|external|yes|default|A ttk theme similar to the KDE Breeze theme [|%Breeze at github%|%]|GPL|Maximilian Lika|&
&|breeze-dark|yes|external|yes|default|A ttk theme similar to the KDE Breeze theme [|%breeze-dark at github%|%].  Forked from breeze.|GPLv3|Bartek Jasicki|&
&|awbreeze|yes|external|svg|default|Scalable breeze theme [|%awthemes at sourceforge%|%]||Maximilian Lika|&
&|awbreezedark|yes|external|yes|default|Scalable breeze-dark theme [|%awthemes at sourceforge%|%]||Bartek Jasicki|&
&|black|no|external|no|clam|[black ttk theme]|Tcl|Mats Bengtsson|&
&|awblack|yes|external|svg|clam|Scalable black theme [|%awthemes at sourceforge%|%]||Mats Bengtsson|&
&|blue|no|external|yes||This one is blue; Button gradient creates an illusion that the buttons are not square|Tcl|Pat Thoyts|&
&|blueelegance|no|external|yes||GTK2 Blue Elegance Light; No blue; Odd button graphics. Disabled and read-only colors will not work due to graphics.|Tcl||&
&|clearlooks|no|external|yes|clam|GTK Clearlooks; Good for Linux|Tcl||&
&|awclearlooks|yes|external|svg|clam|Scalable clearlooks theme [|%awthemes at sourceforge%|%]|||&
&|equilux|no|external|yes||Dark theme. I changed the text color to white in the pic. [|%RedFantom's ttkthemes at github%|%]|GPLv3|RedFantom|&
&|Forest|no|external|yes|default|Has a light and a dark variant, and several additional widget styles. [|%Forest theme at GitHub]|MIT|[rdbende]|&
&|gtk2|no|external|yes|clam|X11 Only; [defColor], [xtk::theme] (1) (2)||Jürgen "Arthur" Beyersdorff|&
&|itft1|no|external|yes||[|%(original tile version)%|%]|GPL|Jelco Huijser|&
&|keramik|no|external|yes|alt||Tcl|Pat Thoyts|&
&|keramik_alt|no|external|yes|alt||Tcl|Pat Thoyts|&
&|kroc|no|external|yes|alt|Orange theme with wood-like grain|Tcl|David Zolli|&
&|plastik|no|external|yes|default|Disabled and read-only colors will not work due to graphics.|Tcl|Pat Thoyts|&
&|rivet2d|no|external|yes|clam|X11 Only; [defColor], [xtk::theme], [xtk::theme::rivet] (1) (2)||Jürgen "Arthur" Beyersdorff|&
&|rivet3d|no|external|yes|clam|X11 Only; [defColor], [xtk::theme], [xtk::theme::rivet] (1) (2)||Jürgen "Arthur" Beyersdorff|&
&|scidblue|no|external|yes||The scid* themes have nice focus colors and a modern scrollbar with no up/down arrows. [|%Scid Themes at Sourceforge%|%]|Tcl|Uwe Klimmek|&
&|scidgreen|no|external|yes||[|%Scid Themes at Sourceforge%|%]|Tcl|Uwe Klimmek|&
&|scidgrey|no|external|yes||[|%Scid Themes at Sourceforge%|%]|Tcl|Uwe Klimmek|&
&|scidmint|no|external|yes||[|%Scid Themes at Sourceforge%|%]|Tcl|Uwe Klimmek|&
&|scidpink|no|external|yes||[|%Scid Themes at Sourceforge%|%]|Tcl|Uwe Klimmek|&
&|scidpurple|no|external|yes||[|%Scid Themes at Sourceforge%|%]|Tcl|Uwe Klimmek|&
&|scidsand|no|external|yes||[|%Scid Themes at Sourceforge%|%]|Tcl|Uwe Klimmek|&
&|smog|no|external|yes||[|%(original tile version)%|%]|GPL|Jelco Huijser|&
&|sriv|no|external|yes||Glassy. Includes several different button colors.||Steve Redler IV|&
&|srivlg|no|external|||Unable to locate||Steve Redler IV|&
&|step|no|external|no|default|An experimental theme.  It may need a compiled portion also.|||&
&|Sun Valley|no|external|yes|clam|A modern and popular theme that imitates the look and feel of Windows 11. Has a light and a dark variant, and several additional widget styles. [|%Sun Valley theme at GitHub]|MIT|[rdbende]|&&|tilegtk|no|external|no||Forked at; Python/tkinter wrapper package is at  Intended to provide a native [GTK%|%GTK+] look and feel.|||&
&|tileqt|no|external|no||X11 Only; out of date, compiles, does not work|||&
&|tk|no|external|yes|clam|X11 Only; [defColor], [xtk::theme] (1) (2)||Jürgen "Arthur" Beyersdorff|&
&|vista|no|built-in|native||Windows only; Native Windows|Tcl||&
&|waldorf|no|external|yes||2016. Disabled and read-only colors will not work due to graphics. [waldorf ttk theme]||François Tonneau|&
&|winnative|no|built-in|native||Windows only; Old-Style Windows theme; Native Windows|Tcl||&
&|winxpblue|no|external|yes|clam|GTK WinXP Blue|Tcl|Pat Thoyts|&
&|awwinxpblue|yes|external|svg|clam|Scalable winxpblue theme [|%awthemes at sourceforge%|%]||Pat Thoyts|&
&|xpnative|no|built-in|native||Windows only; Native Windows|Tcl||&
&|yaru|no|external|yes|default|Many different focus/selection/active/etc. colors. [|%RedFantom's ttkthemes at github%|%]|GPLv3|RedFantom|&

*** Notes ***
(1) [bll] 2017-04-12: I personally, cannot get these to work.
(2) 2018-06-12: Source is already lost.

** Screenshots **


%|vista (windows 7)|vista (windows 8)|waldorf|%
%|winnative|winxpblue|xpnative (windows XP)|%
%|xpnative (windows 7)|yaru||%

[|%ttkboostrap]: A collection of modern flat themes for [tkinter] inspired by [Bootstrap]. Also includes TTK Creator which allows you to easily create and use your own themes.  An [|%export function] may allow configuration of theme settings for [Tk].



In [Pave, sort of geometry manager%|%apave%|%] package, a ''hybrid'' way of theming is implemented: [Pave, sort of geometry manager%|%apave%|%] applies its ''color schemes'' to ttk themes with possible tinting the result, which means innumerable combinations.

A [|%mp4 video%|%] (~19 Mb) of [alited, a lite editor%|%alited%|%] editor demonstrates '''default''', '''azure''' and '''awdark''' themes colored and tinted.
** Demo Code **


package require Tk

set theme [lindex $::argv 0]

## replace this block with your method of loading the theme
#set ap [file join [file dirname [info script]] .. code]
#if { $ap ni $::auto_path } {
#  lappend ::auto_path $ap
#unset ap
#package require themeloader
#themeloader::loadTheme $theme

if { [file exists $theme.tcl] } {
  source $theme.tcl

ttk::style theme use $theme
set tbg [ttk::style lookup TFrame -background]
lassign [winfo rgb . $tbg] bg_r bg_g bg_b
set tbg [format {#%02x%02x%02x} \
  [expr {$bg_r / 256}] \
  [expr {$bg_g / 256}] \
  [expr {$bg_b / 256}]]

set val 55
set valb $theme
set off 0
set on 1

. configure -background $tbg

ttk::notebook .nb
pack .nb -side left -fill both -expand true
ttk::labelframe .lf -text " $theme "
.nb add .lf -text $theme
ttk::frame .junk
.nb add .junk -text [join [lreverse [split $theme {}]] {}]
ttk::frame .bf
ttk::label .lb -text $theme
ttk::button .b -text $theme
pack .lb .b -in .bf -side left -padx 3p
ttk::combobox .combo -values [list aaa bbb ccc] -textvariable valb -width 15
ttk::frame .cbf
ttk::checkbutton .cboff -text off -variable off
ttk::checkbutton .cbon -text on -variable on
pack .cboff .cbon -in .cbf -side left -padx 3p
ttk::separator .sep
ttk::frame .rbf
ttk::radiobutton .rboff -text off -variable on -value 0
ttk::radiobutton .rbon -text on -variable on -value 1
pack .rboff .rbon -in .rbf -side left -padx 3p
ttk::scale .sc -from 0 -to 100 -variable val
ttk::progressbar .pb -mode determinate -length 100 -variable val
ttk::entry .ent -textvariable valb -width 15
ttk::spinbox .sbox -textvariable val -width 5
ttk::scrollbar .sb
ttk::sizegrip  .sg
pack .sb -side right -fill y -expand true
pack .bf .combo .cbf .sep .rbf .sc .pb .ent .sbox \
    -in .lf -side top -anchor w -padx 3p -pady 3p
pack configure .sep -fill x -expand true
pack .sg -in .lf -side right -anchor s
29-apr-2020 [ABU]

** Discussion **

[ABU] 202-04-29:

This is an interesting collection, and it's a pity many themes have no download link.<<br>>
I'm particulary interested in some cross-platform Aqua-looking themes.<<br>>
I'd like to see them grouped in categories, "most popular", "obsolete", ... don't you think could be useful to add/embed a survey poll in these wiki pages ?
[bll] 2020-08-04: [bll]

The link for downloading "most" of the themes is listed at the top of the page, first paragraph.
<<categories>> Category GUI