Moon Lander

Difference between version 36 and 37 - Previous - Next
** summary **

[nedbrek] - This page will document the development of a simple game, similar
to the old games "Moon Lander" and "Hey! Taxi!". [ZB]03.10.2008. It was "Space

** Description **

The code will be presented piecemeal, in the history.  (Please comment in the
history based on what type of changes added - "added $feature", "fixed bug",
"added comments")

It can also be used to demonstrate simple physics (gravity/acceleration,
velocity, and position).

It's amazing how much more fun it is when you add left and right thrust!
That's 22 (base, no comments, no blanks) to 35 lines of code (with X thrust)!

** Changes **

[HE] 2008-10-03: Added the following:
   * Bugfix second line: set ::gravY 0 => set ::gravX 0
   * grouped some initialisation inside a proc
   * New start with key n
   * detect hard crash (>=5) or soft land (<5)
   * refreshtime set in global variable ::afterTime and default to 500

[ZB] Introduced "else"... prevents event-looping after the game has been ended already

[HE] 2008-10-12: With [ZB]'s change the game cannot started again with key n.
I moved

# start the game event loop 

at the end of the code in the proc new. Now the game can started again with key

[ZB] 2008-10-19 Isn't it nicer with "real lander"? ;)

[HE] 2008-10-20 The lander lands outside the canvas ([ZB] It was because the
moon dust is very soft, so the lander partially digged in itself while landing
;). Added a groundline.

[ZB] 2009-04-05

   * major change: separated event loops. First one especially for "sprite"
   movement, the second one exclusively as "main game loop" (reading controls,
   gravity, etc.). Such way we've got smooth movement of our "lander"

   * added sprite for "wreck" (not especially fancy, but looks out like debris,

   * added "reverse thrust" (down)

   * added restart with space bar (more comfortable restart with left thumb, if
   you've got both hands on the keyboard)

   * added "quit game " with Escape

   * some additional sanitization of the code

[JAG] 2009-04-05 The code below is currently broken.  Look for "groundline" in
the code and notice that the canvas line command is incomplete.

[ZB] - thanks, fixed.
[ZB] 2009-04-11

   * added landscape
   * added fuel counter
   * added lives counter
   * safe landing requires: a) Touchdown on landing area (thick black line) ...while having: b) X-velocity < 4, c) Y-velocity < 6
   * score counting: 500 points for safe landing + 10 pts for every unit of fuel saved - 1 pt for every second of mission duration (when mission has been completed). When incomplete: -100 pts for every wreck (3 lives)
   * there can be a wind (horizontal force), not just gravity (vertical one)
   * better collision detection
   * several other changes / code sanitization
[HE] 2009-04-13: Some changes I made:

   * now the program do not start directly after loading
   * now the program do not end after losing all lives
   * key n starts a new game. key space starts a new approach for a landing 
   * state messages are set with procedure msgDisplay for easier management (for example: to display the text in the middle of the playground)
   * some values are defined outside the code for easier changes
   * inside a game the scores of all approaches for a landing are added now (before every approach are reseting the soore)
   * avoiding to change the size of the window

[PYK] 2012-12-09: removed [update]. Added start message.  Space key is only
bound when a game is in progress.
----[Jeff Smith] 2019-07-20 : Fifty years ago today! Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]

1969-07-20 : Neil Armstrong - “'''Houston''', Tranquility Base here. '''The Eagle has landed'''” 


<iframe height="325" width="420" src="" allowfullscreen></iframe>



** Code **


package require Tk

set ::taxiID 0 ;       # canvas item id for our lander/taxi rectangle
set ::afterTime 300 ;  # refreshtime
set ::lives 3              ;# Lives
set flying          no     ;# lander isn't flying yet
set config(fuel)    20     ;# fuel value to use
set config(wind)    1      ;# wind value to use
set config(gravity) 2      ;# gravity value to use
set config(gameStarted) no ;# if no then proc game isn't execute
set ::next {} 

# HE: To get the Messages more in the middle
proc msgDisplay { canvasName msg color} {
    global msgID
    catch {$canvasName delete $msgID}
    set ch [$canvasName cget -height]
    set cw [$canvasName cget -width]
    set msgID [$canvasName create text [expr {$cw / 2}] [expr {$ch / 2}] -text $msg -fill $color]
    return $msgID

proc welcome {} {
    set msg {Press @CONTINUE@"n" to @START@}
    set continue {}
    set start start
    if {$::config(gameStarted)} {
        set continue "space to continue or "
        set start restart
    set msg [string map [list @CONTINUE@ $continue @START@ $start] $msg]
    msgDisplay .c $msg yellow

proc gameover {} {
    bind . <Key-space> { game .c }
    set ::config(gameStarted) no
    msgDisplay .c {Game Over} white
    after idle {
        after 1500

proc gameCreate { canvasName } {
    global wind gravity roomID la ground
    global config
    set ch [$canvasName cget -height]
    set cw [$canvasName cget -width]
    # gravity (Y direction) and ev. wind (X direction) - constant
    set wind    $config(wind)
    set gravity $config(gravity) 
    # The landscape
    set ground [$canvasName create rectangle 0 [expr {$ch - 10}] $cw $ch -fill brown4 -outline brown4 \
        -tag "ground"]
    # The landing area
    set la [$canvasName create line 0 [expr {$ch - 12}] 100 [expr {$ch - 12}] -fill black -width 3 \
        -tag "land_here"]
    $canvasName move $la 120 0
    # We can add handful of stars then
    for {set ii 0} {$ii < 100} {incr ii} {
        set rxpos [expr {round(rand() * $cw)}]
        set rypos [expr {round(rand() * ($ch - 15))}]
        $canvasName create line $rxpos $rypos [expr {$rxpos + 1}] $rypos -fill white -width 1 \
            -tag "nothing"
    # Room name
    set roomID [$canvasName create text 20 10 -text "Earth" -fill green1]

proc game { canvasName } {
    after cancel $::next
    bind . <Key-space> { game .c }
    global lives score startTimer mlID elID roomID msgID taxiID sprite1 la ground
    global fuel flying crashed velX velY startTimer
    global config

    set fuel $config(fuel); # Fill the tank up (also belongs to "room description" - but done always)

    if {!$config(gameStarted)} {
        #new game
        set score 0
        set lives 3
    set config(gameStarted) yes

    # current lander velocity in the X/Y directions
    set velX 1
    set velY 1
    set startTimer 0
    if { [info exists mlID] } { after cancel $mlID }
    if { [info exists elID] } { after cancel $elID }

    # message delete (if exists)
    if { [info exists msgID] } {
        $canvasName delete $msgID
        unset msgID

    # Out of landers? Exit...
    if { $lives == 0 } {

    # (Still) alive? Create new lander
    if { [info exists taxiID] } {
        $canvasName delete $taxiID
    set taxiID [$canvasName create image 10 10 -image $sprite1 -anchor nw -tags taxi]
    $canvasName coords taxi 80 10

    msgDisplay .c "Get ready" yellow
    after 1000 [list run $canvasName $msgID]

proc run {canvasName msgID} {
    set flying yes ; # Make it flying
    set crashed no ; # It's new!
    $canvasName delete $msgID

    set startTimer [clock seconds]

    # start the game event loops   
    movementLoop $canvasName "taxi"

# callback for thruster
proc thrust { direction } { 
    global fuel velY velX flying 
    if { ! $flying } { return }
    if { $direction eq "up" || $direction eq "left" } {
        set velDiff -5
    } else {
        set velDiff 5
    if { $direction eq "up" || $direction eq "down" } {
        set whichVel "velY"
    } else {
        set whichVel "velX"
    if { $fuel } {
        incr fuel -1
        incr $whichVel $velDiff

proc onTheMove { canv vehicle } {
    global flying crashed velY velX la ground
    set coords [$canv coords $vehicle]
    set x1 [lindex $coords 0]
    set x2 [expr {$x1 + [image width [$canv itemcget $vehicle -image]]}]
    set y1 [lindex $coords 1]
    set y2 [expr {$y1 + [image height [$canv itemcget $vehicle -image]]}]
    set collision [$canv find overlapping $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2]
    if { $la in $collision || $ground in $collision } {
        set flying no
        if { $ground in $collision || ($velY > 5) || (abs($velX) > 3) } {
            set crashed yes
        } else {
            set crashed no
        return no
    } else {
        set flying yes
        return yes

# Separate event loop especially for smooth "lander" movement
proc movementLoop { canv vehicle } {
    global afterTime flying crashed velX velY mlID
    if { $velX == 0 } { set velX 1 }
    if { $velY == 0 } { set velY 1 }
    # No speed = 0! Would be to easy (there's no speed=0 while flying; you're
    # always on the move), and protection against "div by 0 error"

    # Speed=1 -> 1px/100ms, 2 -> 2px/100ms (=1px/50ms) etc.
    set baseInterval 100
    # $interval not shorter than 10ms!
    if { abs($velY) >= abs($velX) } { 
        set interval [expr {abs($baseInterval / $velY)}]
        set xStep [expr {$velX * 1.0 / abs($velY)}]
        set yStep [expr {($velY >= 0) ? 1 : -1}]   
    } else {
        set interval [expr {abs($baseInterval / $velX)}]
        set yStep [expr {$velY * 1.0 / abs($velX)}]
        set xStep [expr {($velX >= 0) ? 1 : -1}]   

    if { $interval < 10 } {
        set coeff [expr {10 / $interval}]
        set yStep [expr {round($yStep * $coeff)}]
        set xStep [expr {round($xStep * $coeff)}]
        set interval 10

    if { [onTheMove $canv $vehicle] } {
        $canv move $vehicle $xStep $yStep
        set mlID [after $interval movementLoop $canv $vehicle]
# Main Game Loop
proc mgl {} {   
    # check for the taxi being destroyed
    if {$::taxiID == 0} { return }

    set coords [.c coords taxi] ; # find the x1 y1 x2 y2 coords for the taxi

    if { $::flying } {
        incr ::velX $::wind
        incr ::velY $::gravity
        set ::elID [after $::afterTime [list after idle mgl]]
    } else {
        if { $::crashed } {
            .c delete $::taxiID
            set ::taxiID [.c create image [lindex $coords 0] [lindex $coords 1] -image $::sprite2 \
                -anchor nw -tags taxi]
            after idle {
                msgDisplay .c "Crashed" red
                incr ::lives -1
                incr ::score -100
                set ::next [after 1500 {
                    if {$::lives > 0} {
                    } else {
        } else {
            incr ::score [expr {500 + $::fuel*10 - ([clock seconds] - $::startTimer)}]
            msgDisplay .c "Landed" green

### GUI
# main frame
pack [frame .fVel] -side top

# current Y velocity 
pack [label .fVel.lLX -text "X-Vel: " -justify left] -side left
pack [label .fVel.lVX -textvariable velX -width 3 -justify right] -side left
pack [label .fVel.lLY -text "Y-Vel: " -justify left] -side left
pack [label .fVel.lVY -textvariable velY -width 3 -justify right] -side left
pack [label .fVel.f1 -text "Fuel: " -justify left] -side left
pack [label .fVel.f2 -textvariable fuel -width 2 -justify right] -side left
pack [label .fVel.l1 -text "Lives: " -justify left] -side left
pack [label .fVel.l2 -textvariable lives -justify right] -side left
pack [label .fVel.s1 -text "Score: " -justify left] -side left
pack [label .fVel.s2 -textvariable score -width 5 -justify right] -side left

# Main playing area.
pack [canvas .c -background blue4] -side top

# HE: Don't resize
wm resizable . 0 0

# sprite1 - "lander", sprite2 - "wrecked lander"
set ::sprite1 [image create photo -data {

set ::sprite2 [image create photo -data {

# allow the player to thrust
bind . <Up>        { thrust up }
bind . <Down>      { thrust down }
bind . <Left>      { thrust left }
bind . <Right>     { thrust right }
bind . <Key-n>     { set ::config(gameStarted) no ;game .c }
bind . <Escape>    exit

# HE: Auskommentiert damit Spiel nicht sofort startet
#game ".c"
gameCreate .c
[Moon Lander screen.png]

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