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Operating system of IBM AS/400 mainframes (called "minicomputers", ''not''
"mainframes", by some). Transaction-oriented (that is, designed for lots of 
I/O but unchallenging computation; [RPG] is a "native language");
nothing to do with AIX.

Tcl/Tk has been ported there: [http://www.export-ventures.com/tcltk.htm]
   * Tcl 7.6, Tk 4.2
   * Requires OS/400 V4R4 or later
   * The distribution includes the XLIB portion of X Window/400, the Tcl command interpreter, and the Tk (wish) console  OS/400 V4R5 is required DB2 access.
   * [VTCL] - a GUI builder written completely in Tcl/Tk by Stewart Allen, is included free of charge.
   * [REXEC] and RSH (Remote Shell) - two remote execution command daemons for starting AS/400 applications and commands from remote workstations.
   * 15-day free trial download, after that it costs about USD 750.
For Windows & AS400 look here: [http://publib-b.boulder.ibm.com/Redbooks.nsf/RedbookAbstracts/sg245196.html]
and for linux & AS400 it's here: [http://www.digiampietro.com/as400/as400.html]

In 2000, [IBM] changed the branding (again!).  The hardware is now "eServer", and the "platform"
is "iSeries" 
So no one writes of AS/400; from here on, it's iSeries.  It's not consistent, at
least to engineers; IBM still needs to say "OS/400" occasionally, because in fact the company
makes available implementations of [Linux], [AIX], and Windows2000, along with OS/400, to run
on iSeries hosts.

----It changed again.  In 2004, "i5/OS" succeeded OS/400.  Instead of
calling them "iSeries", they're now "eServer i5"-s, to emphasize that
the identical hardware hosts [Linux] and [AIX], sometimes simultaneously.
[Category Operating System]