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[[Now, here's a challenge. Discuss what an "object" is, from a Tcl
point of view!]]

An object, from an [object orientation] point of view, might be thought of as an entity within an application which has executable code as well as related data and state. 

It is, generally (always?) a specific instantiation of one or more [class]es.

See also '''Object (Computer science)''' [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_%28computer_science%29]
at Wikipedia.

Other kinds of ''object''s related to Tcl are:

   * [Tcl_Obj] - the fundamental representation of strings, etc. in Tcl ''([DKF]: Note that it probably should have been called `Tcl_Value`, but that was taken for something else now obsolete.)''

----!!!!!!**References to Documentation on OO Systems**
%|[DKF]: These references point to places which allow you to figure out how to get building classes and running code quickly. Note that you might need to work a bit more to become an expert user of any of these...
   [TclOO]:   http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.6/TclCmd/class.htm
   [XOTcl]:   http://media.wu-wien.ac.at/doc/tutorial.html
   [incr Tcl]:   http://www.tcl.tk/man/itcl3.1/class.n.html
   [stooop]:   http://tcllib.sourceforge.net/doc/stooop_man.html
   [snit]:   http://tcllib.sourceforge.net/doc/snit.html
I don't recommend using any other object system than these if you want anything even vaguely "objects and classes" conventional.

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