Replacing Tk's error dialog

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[tb] This is a study on replacing Tk's error dialog. The goal was to have something that better fits into [TclTalk]'s browser's design. The result is developed completely within TclTalk, for TclTalk. It works by wrapping the $::errorInfo variable's content and then presenting a browser for the procedures of the calling stack. When you select a procedure's name, then you get the proc's source in a text widget with a hilighted calling line.

 # Package tcltalkerrdlg
 namespace eval ::tcltalk::errdlg {}

 variable ::tcltalk::errdlg::CALLERS
 variable ::tcltalk::errdlg::ERR
 variable ::tcltalk::errdlg::INFO
 variable ::tcltalk::errdlg::button

 proc ::tcltalk::errdlg::collectCallers {args} {
    # 2008-07-31|15:30:35|tb
    # Wrap up $::errorInfo to get a list of
    # procedure names and line numbers

    set lines [split "$::tcltalk::errdlg::INFO" \n]
    set pr ""
    set nr ""
    set result {}
    foreach ln $lines {
        set l [string trim $ln]

        if {[string range $l 1 4]=="proc"} {
            regsub -all {\(} $l "" l
            regsub -all {\)} $l "" l
            regsub -all {\"} $l "" l
            set pr [lindex [split $l " "] 1]
            set nr [lindex [split $l " "] 3]
            lappend result $pr
            lappend result $nr
    return $result

 proc ::tcltalk::errdlg::initializeNamespace {args} {
    # 2008-07-31|15:10:54|tb
    # Namespaces with dynamic variable content are
    # generally better initialized somewhere, also
    # other special initialization can be scripted
    # here, as TclTalk adds a call to this script
    # at the end of a packages source file.

    set ::tcltalk::errdlg::CALLERS {}
    set ::tcltalk::errdlg::ERR ""
    set ::tcltalk::errdlg::INFO ""
    set ::tcltalk::errdlg::button 0

    if {[info proc ::bgerror*] == "::bgerror"} {
        rename ::bgerror ::_bgerror

    proc ::bgerror {err} {
        ::tcltalk::errdlg::open $err


 proc ::tcltalk::errdlg::open {args} {
    # 2008-07-31|17:41:24|tb
    # This shows the error dialog, to be used as a replacement
    # for the source version of ::bgerror

    variable button
    set ::tcltalk::errdlg::INFO $::errorInfo
    set ::tcltalk::errdlg::ERR "Error: [lindex [split $::tcltalk::errdlg::INFO \n] 0]"
    set ::tcltalk::errdlg::CALLERS [::tcltalk::errdlg::collectCallers]

    catch {destroy .errDlg}
    set w [toplevel .errDlg]
    wm title $w "Application Error"

    set lblfont {Times 12 bold italic}
    pack [frame $w.labels -relief flat -borderwidth 2] -side top -fill x
    pack [canvas $w.labels.bitmap -width 32 -height 32 -highlightthickness 0] -side left
    $w.labels.bitmap create oval 0 0 31 31 -fill red -outline black
    $w.labels.bitmap create line 9 9 23 23 -fill white -width 4
    $w.labels.bitmap create line 9 23 23 9 -fill white -width 4
    pack [label $ -wrap 600 -textvar ::tcltalk::errdlg::ERR -font $lblfont -foreground red -anchor w] -side left -fill x

    pack [frame $w.procs -relief flat -borderwidth 2] -side top -fill x
    pack [listbox $ -yscroll [list $ set] -height 4] -side left -fill both -expand true
    bind $ <<ListboxSelect>> [list ::tcltalk::errdlg::selectProcedure $]
    pack [scrollbar $ -orient vertical -command [list $ yview]] -side right -fill y

    pack [frame $w.code -relief flat -borderwidth 2] -side top -fill both -expand true
    pack [::workspace $ -width 64 -height 16 -yscroll [list $ set]] -side left -fill both -expand true
    pack [scrollbar $ -orient vertical -command [list $ yview]] -side right -fill y

    pack [frame $w.buttons -relief flat -borderwidth 2] -side bottom -fill x
    set buttons [list ok Ok dismiss "Skip Messages"]
    set i 0
    foreach {name caption} $buttons {
        pack [button $w.buttons.$name -text $caption -default normal -command [namespace code [list set button $i]]] -side left
        incr i
    $w.buttons.ok configure -default active

    foreach {p l} $::tcltalk::errdlg::CALLERS {
        $ insert end $p

    ::tk::SetFocusGrab $w $w.buttons.ok

    vwait [namespace which -variable button]
    set copy $button; # Save a copy...

    ::tk::RestoreFocusGrab $w $w.buttons.ok destroy

    if {$copy == 1} {
        return -code break

 proc ::tcltalk::errdlg::selectProcedure {w} {
    # 2008-07-31|15:53:44|tb
    # This event handler is bound to <<ListboxSelect>>
    # on the error dialogs listbox.

    if {[winfo exists $w]} {
    set ndx [lindex [$w curselection] 0]
        if {"$ndx" != ""} {
            set p [$w get $ndx]
            set t [winfo toplevel $w]
            set ws $
            $ws delete 1.0 end
            $ws insert end [::tcltalk::errdlg::see $p]
            $ws.t edit modified 0
            array set linenos $::tcltalk::errdlg::CALLERS
            $ws.t see $linenos($p).0
            $ws.t tag add errln $linenos($p).0 "$linenos($p).0 lineend"
            $ws.t tag configure errln -background [lindex [$w configure -selectbackground] end]
            $ws.t tag configure errln -foreground white

 proc ::tcltalk::errdlg::see {cmd} {
    # 2008-08-01|00:00:40|tb
    set result "proc $cmd \{[info args $cmd]\} \{"
    append result [info body $cmd]
    append result "\}"
    return [string map {\t "    "} $result]

 # Initialization

 package provide tcltalkerrdlg 0.1

As one can see, it hasn't been optimized much. It was developed using a top down approach, starting with a procedure which later became ''::tcltalk::errdlg::open'', in a 2,5h session but resulted IMO in a fairly structurized package, ready to be shared among [TclTalk images].

[tb] To make this package more portable (i.e. load it into wish), find the line... 

    pack [::workspace $ -width 64 -height 16 -yscroll [list $ set]] -side left -fill both -expand true ''::tcltalk::errdlg::open'' and replace ''"::workspace"'' with ''"text"''.

Also use this version of selectProcedure:

 proc ::tcltalk::errdlg::selectProcedure {w} {
    # 2008-07-31|15:53:44|tb
    # This event handler is bound to <<ListboxSelect>>
    # on the error dialogs listbox.

    if {[winfo exists $w]} {
        set ndx [lindex [$w curselection] 0]
        if {"$ndx" != ""} {
            set p [$w get $ndx]
            set t [winfo toplevel $w]
            set ws $
            $ws delete 1.0 end
            $ws insert end [::tcltalk::errdlg::see $p]
            $ws edit modified 0
            array set linenos $::tcltalk::errdlg::CALLERS
            $ws see $linenos($p).0
            $ws tag add errln $linenos($p).0 "$linenos($p).0 lineend"
            $ws tag configure errln -background [lindex [$w configure -selectbackground] end]
            $ws tag configure errln -foreground white

[rahulj] nice code show more info and controlable errors but how to unset ::bgerror?

[tb] How about...

 rename ::bgerror ::_bgerror_
 rename ::_bgerror ::bgerror

That should restore the original error handler.
[LES] How do I replace my Tk's error dialog? Is there some file I can edit?

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